Their history class was still going on, and Miss Elizabeth went into further details.
“The area around the red door became the base of were the first demon hunters trained warriors to fight against demons.” She said.
“A small structure was built around the red gate, and they named the structure the hunter’s academy. Many years later, they gradually increased the structure, and changed the name to the demon hunter’s academy.”
“So, to put it in simple terms, our beloved demon hunter’s academy was built around this divine red door.”
“Can we see the red door?” A female student asked, raising her hand.
“I’m sorry; you don’t get to see the door until your second years when you get assigned your divine powers.” Miss Elizabeth answered.
The history teacher talked more about the history of the academy. She also went on to talk about the achievements of the greatest demon hunters that the school had been able to produce.
“Okay, that wraps up today’s lesson. I will see you guys next time.” Miss Elizabeth said, as she left the class room.
The teacher for the next subject, which was the survival class, came in. The survival class wasn’t quite as interesting as the history class. The teacher just thought them basic survival techniques, like tips on how to survive a lethal blow from a demon, tips on how to survive harsh conditions, like pain, and many other survival lessons.
After the survival class was over, they had the next class which was the anti-demon class. Just like the name says, they were taught the fastest techniques on how to kill demons. The teacher also taught them how to properly use some demon killing gadgets and devices.
By the time their study class sessions ended, it was already 2pm in the afternoon. They still had the physical combat training; but before that, they had a quick lunch break in the school cafeteria.
“Ugh, today’s classes were super boring.” Carl said as they sat down to eat their lunch.
“I know right; for a demon hunting school, their study curriculum is pretty boring.” Ray added.
“I found the history class to be interesting.” Kelvin said.
“I thought it was interesting too.” Nathan said, agreeing to Kelvin’s statement.
“It was, until they said we couldn’t use divine powers until we reach our second years.” Carl said, with a depressed expression on his face.
The four of them were in the middle of their lunch, when Nao came over with her food tray, and sat with them on the table. This came as a surprise to them, because they least expected that from Nao.
“Even though we are not friend, I would still like to thank you guys personally for your support this morning. I would make sure to repay you all, as I wouldn’t want to be in debt.” Nao said.
“We didn’t do that for any personal gain or favors; we did that because we are your friends and we would like to support you.” Carl said.
“I don’t understand; we just meet in the entrance exams, and you all are acting as if we have been friends for years. We haven’t even stayed a week in the academy.”
“Shouldn’t friendship be something that is built over time?” Nao asked.
“Don’t stress yourself too much about it.” Ray said.
“Yeah, for us to be friends, we have to start from somewhere. What do you think Nathan?” Kelvin asked.
Nathan however, was busy stuffing his face with his lunch. He finished his lunch in one massive gulp, looked at the food of the others, and asked:
“Umm, are you guys going to finish that?”
They all looked at him in shock.
“Dude, how can you be eating like that and still have muscles instead of fat.” Ray asked.
“Don’t judge me. I didn’t eat anything this morning.” Nathan retorted.
“Here, you can have mine; I’m not that hungry anyway.” Nao said, pushing her food tray to Nathan.
Nathan accepted the food, and resumed with his eating.
They wanted to continue with their conversations, but they were rudely interrupted by Jason’s presence, along with his friends, or rather minions.
“Hello, my assistant; it seems you’ve got yourself a pack of boy toys. And to think they were also cheering for you in class.” Jason said, with an annoying smile on his face.
“Hey, watch your tone buddy; we are not some push over. We are in Class 1A for a reason.” Carl said.
Carl was right. They were all in the same class, because of their impressive display of skill in the exams.
“Oh, I know; forgive me if I sounded rude. I just wanted to personally introduce myself to our assistant class rep.” Jason said sarcastically, as he turned and left with his minions following closely behind him.
“I officially hate that guy.” Ray said after he had left.
They quickly forgot about the rude encounter with Jason, and continue with their lunch.
<All first year students should report to the training section for combat and weapons practice.> A voice said from the speakers installed in the cafeteria.
The first years finished up their lunch. They all changed into their training outfits in the school’s changing room, and headed to the training compound.
When they got to the training compound, they were welcomed by a hefty muscular mountain of a man, with bushy bears.
“Welcome first years, to your first combat and weapon training. I’ll be your instructor and you all should address me as Captain Oliver!!” The muscular man said in a loud voice filled with authority.
When the man had finished with his introduction, a boy from a different class let out a slight chuckle. This action didn’t go unnoticed by Captain Oliver.
He walked up to the boy and leaved in; he faced the boy directly, and was in a very close proximity with the boy’s face.
“What’s so funny?!” Do you think I’m joking here!! Now drop down and give me 50!!!” Captain Oliver said in authority, showering the boy with saliva.
Without a single minute of hesitation, the boy went down and started doing some pushups.
Captain Oliver looked at the rest of the first years with a hardened expression on his face, and continued.
“For today, you all will receive weapon trainings in your various weapon sections. Demon hunters with expert level of mastery in the said weapons will be there to teach you all.”
“I’ll be moving around to inspect your performance, and I wouldn’t want to see any of you slacking off. Do you understand!!?” He asked.
“Yes sir!!!”
They all responded quickly.
“Good; now head to your specific training areas.”
With that, they all dispersed.