
Thanks for Everything

Two days passed in a flash and finally the day for the entrance exam arrived. Inside the antique shop, Kelvin and Carl where getting ready to leave for the academy. George would first of all drive them to the Chester Field Holy Cathedral, where they would be screened and leave for the academy.

"I have something for the both of you." George said to both Kelvin and Carl.

Opening a special case, George brought out a new pair of chained daggers for Carl. The daggers had a unique black hilt design and a deep blue inscription on each of the blade.

"This is for you Carl; I had one of my friends make this. It is called the Kusarigama. The blue inscription on the blade causes a weakening and poisonous effect to demons. It will aid you well in battle."

"This is so cool; thanks a lot George." Carl said with a sparkle on his eye.

"And Kelvin this is for you." George said while bringing out a well forged sword with a similar blue inscription on the blade.

"I was so focused on teaching you how to control your powers that I didn't have the time to teach you how to use any kind of weapon. Hopefully you will be able to learn that in the academy."

"Thanks George." Kelvin said admiring the sword.

"You should be careful. The blue inscription on the sword has the same effect as Carl's daggers; I would advise you not to cut yourself with it." George said.

After that they got their things ready and left the antique shop. It had been a while since Kelvin left the antique shop. Due to the case with the demon hunters, he had to stay indoors most of the time. But now that he had complete control over his aura and the special bracelet that is used in keeping the blood demon in check, he was finally ready to face the outside world.

They all got into the car and headed straight for the Holy Cathedral.

"I've been meaning to ask; what kind of task do they give during the examination." Kelvin asked Carl who was seated with him at the back of the seat.

"I don't really know. They change the examination type every year. But I'm sure of one thing; the exam is going to be tough." Carl answered.

The drive to the cathedral was a silent one, as they all had different thoughts going through their heads. Not long the Holy Cathedral came into view.

The number of visitors in the cathedral was few due to it being a Saturday. George drove round and parked his car behind the cathedral, where the secret entrance to the Chester Field demon hunting base was located. They came down and George led them to a rusty metal door, with a special keycard slot.

George brought out a black plastic card with a magnetic coded strip and slipped it through the slot, thereby opening the door. The door opened up to an elevator that went downwards.

"Come on, this would lead us down to the base." George said.

They entered the elevator and almost instantly the elevator came on and started moving down. The elevator ride lasted for a short while, before stopping with a loud thud and after that the elevator doors opened. Kelvin, Carl and George stepped out of the elevator; and surrounding them was nothing short of a futuristic base. The base comprises of a huge control room which was positioned in the center of the base. The control room had a lot of terminals, with a large screen that had different coordinates displayed on it. On the ground of the base, a huge Red cross was displayed boldly; the base was also surrounded with multiple sections filled with workers of different fields. On one section was a weapon testing facility, which created weapons and conducted test on various types of weapons. On another section was a training course, which was currently been used. To cut it short, the entire base was impressive.

"Wow!!! It's like I crossed over into a sci-fi universe; I mean the tech and design of this place are all next gen. How did the demon hunters get their hands on all this?" Kelvin said as he looked at the entire base with awe.

"There are bases like this across the entire world. The futuristic look and technology is all thanks to divine construct users like me. We can create anything we can imagine using our divine powers." George explained.

Standing In front of them were three separate lines, were examinees were verified and checked in.

"Okay, standing in front of the line to verify the examinees, is a demon hunter; and due to security purposes, each examinees must show up with his or her mentor in other to get verified. So I'm going to act as a mentor to the both of you. So play it cool." George said.

They walked and stood at the back of the third line. Looking at the number of the examinees, Kelvin was surprised to see a large amount of people. Many of them were around his age while some of them were a whole lot older than him. Every single one of the examinees had some kind of weapon on them; they also wore a look of seriousness like they were prepared to meet their deaths.

"Just how hard is this exam?" Kelvin thought.

The line was moving at a steady pace and not long, they reached the front of the line.

"Please can I have your name and identification sir?"

A female demon hunter asked. She held a tablet and was one of the demon hunters who conducted the examinee verification.

"I'm George Harrison, a former demon hunter; and these two are Carl Barrett, and Ken Wilson." George said calling Kelvin by his fake name. The female demon hunter typed down their names on the tablet and asked,

"Okay. I would like to see your former hunter ID."

George brought out the same black card he used in opening the rusty metal door earlier. Looking at the card closely, Kelvin noticed that the card had the Red Cross crest of the demon hunters and a barcode imprinted on the side in gold.

George gave her the card; she scanned the barcode by slipping the card into a card slot on the tablet. George's info and identification displayed on the screen after that.

"You have been verified so we will take it from here sir. The examinees should proceed to the main hall for a quick briefing."

The demon hunter said while pointing at a door behind her, which led to the main hall.

"Thank you; but can I have a word with them before they go in?" George asked.

"Make it quick." The demon hunter replied back.

George took Kelvin and Carl to a secluded location and spoke to them in a low tone.

"Okay this is my stop; from now on the both of you will be on your own. Remember what I taught you; Kelvin do not to use your blood powers in the academy in order to avoid being caught. Try and hone yourself both physically and in combat, so as to increase your fighting chance. And Carl there is room for improvement so learn that in the academy."

"I'll do just that and don't worry about Kelvin; I'll make sure the blood demon doesn't possess him." Carl said.

"Hey, George thanks for everything. I honestly don't know how I'm going to repay you." Kelvin said.

"You're paying me back by being my being my lab rat. So try not to die during the exam." George replied back.

After the talk with George, they said their goodbyes and entered the main hall.

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