
Okay With It

Draco's face fell a little, taking deep breaths as his expression turned to understanding. "You want to make a difference in the world." He took a breath. "So how are you planning on doing it?"

Hermione couldn't contain the shock and surprise that painted her face. "You're okay with it?"

Draco ran his fingers through his hair, the light reflecting off of it. "Honestly, not really. You revolutionized the company, basically. Efficiency has never been higher. You're intelligent, and your opinions and suggestions reflect that. You're the woman I love, and working with you is- there's no word to describe it.

And you got rid of Peters for me."

Hermione grinned at him. "You're welcome."

"But I understand it. You want to prove to people you shouldn't be defined by one or two things. You want to expand that revolution beyond one company and change the world, or at least, leave a very large mark." A smile tugged at his lips. "So I'm not really okay with it, but I understand it. And I think that's enough."

Hermione gazed at him. "So- you'd get it if I went and did my own thing. I would still work at the company, because it's- it's really great, working with you-" Despite the darkening lighting, Draco could see the blush on her cheekbones," but probably one or two days a week. With the other three or four days, I want to start an organization to eradicate sexism and inequality in the wizarding world. Working with the Ministry to revise rules and make sure that the new gender-equal rules are enforced, not just said. I'll start with sexism, then move on to house-elves, and other creatures that need a voice but don't have one."

"Sounds ambitious. Remind me why you weren't put in Slytherin again?"

A smirk ghosted at the corners of Hermione's lips. "The hat was originally debating between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, and it almost chose Slytherin before changing to Gryffindor. I think," Hermione had the grace to look down," it was because I had read all this stuff in the school books about the witches and wizards who had been sorted into Slytherin that scared me. I was biased." She looked up at him, a regretful air about her.

"Ah. The famous Slytherin bias."


"Why didn't it choose Ravenclaw, then?"

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know, honestly. That surprised me too. But I can't say I wasn't happy with Gryffindor. I would've been okay with Ravenclaw, too, but I was happy with Gryffindor. Besides," a quirk of her lips," Ravenclaw is also the house of Seers. And creativity. And neither of those traits do I carry great quantities of."

Draco grinned. "So it's true, then, that you walked out on Trelawny in third year?"

Hermione ducked her head in embarrassment. "You heard about it?"

"I mean, we were the last to learn that you'd done it, but we still heard it, yeah."

Hermione sighed. "I did. It felt like guesswork and.. Unclear, I guess. Undefined. And I think it was Trelawny herself that got on my nerves a lot."

"I can see that. Mum- she knew Trelawny, in the loosest sense, and erm.. she didn't feel comfortable in her presence either, you could say."

Hermione let out a little gasp. "Your mum! Do you think she minds we've been out for this long-"

"Hermione, it hasn't been that long."

"Yes it has, a full eight minutes!"


Hermione rushed back to the dining room, Draco grumbling as she pulled him along. "I hope your mum doesn't mind-"

"Hermione, you're her future daughter-in-law. For fuck's sakes, it will be fine."

They reached the room, Magdalene's portrait apologizing profusely to Hermione, with little to no effect- the brunette simply waved it off with a tense expression before accepting a glass of wine from Narcissa.

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy."

Narcissa tutted. "Now, what have I said about calling me Mrs. Malfoy... Call me Narcissa, please."

It was amazing, Hermione reflected as she took a sip of wine, how much Molly and Narcissa resembled each other, once you peeled away the layers of elitism that sat heavy in the wizarding community.

"So, Draco, you finally proposed. What would you like at your wedding?"

Draco, who had been taking a sip of wine, promptly choked and spat it out, coughing violently. Hermione drew her wand.

Draco's coughing fit stopped, and he drew a napkin across his mouth. "Thank you. Now, mother, what on prompted you to say that?"

Narcissa folded her hands politely in her lap. "Well, it's true. And the sooner the planning gets done, the less stress there is! Of course, if you don't want to discuss it now, that's alright, but it's something that has to be touched on eventually."

Hermione sighed. "Well, I- I don't know what I want. I had always imagined something with.." She trailed off slowly, not wanting to put the words on the table. "..another person, and I'm realizing I would cater a lot to what they would've wanted. I've never.. never planned anything this big, not with such a small group. I helped with the Yule Ball-" Draco's jaw dropped open-"But never anything so personal or eventful."

"You helped with the Yule Ball? What did you plan?"

Hermione looked thoughtful as she tried to remember. "The committee I was on helped to plan the decorations, food, and dress code."

"So, a good chunk of things. Well, it's good that you already have a knack for planning; this young man-" Narcissa gestured to Draco, narrowly missing the wine bottle with the sweep of her arm, "Can't plan to save his life. How he ran that company without you I have no idea."

Hermione grinned. "Can't plan to save your life, eh?"

Draco grumbled, red-cheeked. "Shut up."

"Anyways," Narcissa continued, "this is going to be a very important day for the two of you. So, the easiest thing ought to be where. And I need a colour scheme to work with." She conjured a piece of parchment, looking expectantly at the two of them. Hermione started.

"You're okay with planning the wedding? I mean, from what you described, it sounds like a lot of work."

Narcissa waved her off. "This was one of the biggest parts of any woman's pureblooded education. Planning large events can take several women to coordinate details; a wedding is not a 'big event' in terms of relative proportions, although it is obviously much more important. So. Colours."

Hermione and Draco looked at each other. "Gold and green" was chorused in unison. Narcissa laughed. "Sounds good. Location."

Draco threw his hands up. "I have no idea."

Hermione, on the other hand, was more thoughtful. "If you wouldn't mind, Narcissa... In the gardens would be lovely."

The blonde woman clapped her hands in delight. "Perfect. I'll set up an appointment for dress shopping, and of course there's a matter of bridesmaids.." Narcissa listed a long, long list off the top of her head, making Hermione sink down into the chair just calculating the numbers. Draco rubbed the back of her hand soothingly with one finger.

"Mother, don't overwhelm her. One detail at a time."

Narcissa nodded with understanding. "How about I send you two boxes every week, with a list of maybe three to five things that need to be sorted, and you can get back to me by the end of the week."

Hermione nodded with relief. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Narcissa."

Draco glanced down at his watch. "It's been wonderful seeing you, mother, but Hermione and I ought to leave; it's getting late..." Narcissa shot a look at the grandfather clock ticking away in the corner. "My goodness; I didn't realize it was so late. You two get a good night's sleep, alright?" Instantly, her motherly side came out as she ushered them to the front door.

Hermione nodded. "Of course. Thanks for having us."

Narcissa smiled. "Not a problem." She hugged the brunette, before Draco tugged on Hermione's wrist. "C'mon."

Narcissa let her go, and they Disapparated.


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