
Telling Father

After watching James at the ball, Harry figured that he should talk to him. He could tell from the way that his son looked at Ara that he really liked her, and he wanted to make sure that he was careful with everything and respectful. His son was still young, and he didn't want him to get hurt. 

"James," Harry sat down on his son's bed. He really wasn't sure what he was going to say. 

"Dad, I think I need to tell you something." Harry was surprised at this statement but nodded for him to go on, "Well, it's about Ara."

"Is everything alright?" 

"Everything is more than alright. I think that is the problem."

"I am not sure what you are getting out." Harry wished Ginny was in here with him. 

"Well, I think I love her." James waited for his father to yell at him that he was too young or something of that nature, but it never came. "I just don't know what to do, you know?"

"What are you unsure about, James?"

"Well, I feel like I am too young. I don't want her to freak out if I tell her and ruin what we have. I am not sure what to do."

"Well, if you love someone, James, it is never a bad thing to tell them."

"You didn't tell mom that you loved her when you guys were in school together. Even though you told me that you did,"

"That was different, James."


"Your mother was dating other people, and she was happy, and I wasn't sure what I was feeling. Plus, she knew."

"That's true," Ginny came into the room with a smile on her face and kissed Harry on the top of the head."

"Mom, do you think that she knows?"

"I am sure she knows that you care about her deeply, and that is alright for now, James. You don't have to rush anything; you are still young." Ginny sat down next to her son and pulled him into a hug. She wanted to transport him back in time and have him little enough for her to fit him back into her arms and rock him to sleep. To take this worry away.

"Your mother is right. Right now, you both are young and need to figure out yourselves before you really figure out how to be with one another. It is alright to go on dates and hang out and like being with her, but love is serious, and I wouldn't want you to take that for granted."

"Thank you," James hugged his mother and then his father. They were such amazing parents, and he wondered how they had gotten through so much and still believe that everything would turn out alright. 

"Is there anything else?"

"No, that was it."

"I am always here, James," Harry ruffled his son's hair before going out the door.

He was still so young, and being in love was hard work. "Do you think he is going to listen to us?" Ginny put her head on Harry's shoulder. 

"I hope so. I would never want him to lie to her, but I am afraid they are too young for this still. Plus, I had no idea what to say."

Ginny laughed and kissed her husband that she didn't doubt. 

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