
The Lie

Hermione woke up in Ginny's room and wondered where she were at first. Then she remembered that it was the September the 1 st! She was overjoyed but she felt low when she remembered that Ron was goin with them....with her. It was their last year and she didn't want it to start like this. Just because she wanted to wait with....that.

It was still early and she couldn't fall back to sleep so she went up. As quietly as she could, while not waking Ginny. She tripped down to the kitchen and saw Harry sit there. " Morning" She whispered. Harry jumped off from his chair and looked surprised at her. " Morning" He replied.

" You're up early" She said walking closer to him. " Yeah. It just feels so exciting. We're goin back home, you know?" " I know. It's amazing" Then Harry just changed the subjekt. " By the way, Mione, did something happen between you and Ron yesterday?" Hermione's face stiffened. " No. What makes you say so?" " I just...heard you and Ron arguing"

" It was nothing" She lied. Harry could see right through her. " You're a great person Mione, but your lying skills sucks" " Really Harry it was nothing" Hermione argued. " Oh come on, I don't hear you guys shouting for nothing in there"

" She said it was nothing! " They both turned around and saw Ron standing watching them. " Ron....!" Hermione gasped. " Harry, I think Ginny needs som help with her luggage. Maybe you can help her?'' Harry hesitated for a while. But after a look from Hermione he walked away.

Hermione tried to avoid Ron's eyes but he walked towards her and lifted her chin with his finger. He leaned in and whispered silently in her ear. " Good girl"

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