

My name is Diana Featherington. My father was the younger brother of the Baron Featherington. He died when I was five a year after my mother died in childbirth. I was taken in by the Baron Featherington and his wife Lady Featherington. I moved from my family home in the country to London. Though with my father having no sons our country home and everything inside was left to me as well as a substantial amount of money. I hope that one day when I am married my husband will like to live in the country.

This is the year that I make my societal debut along with my cousins Prudence, Philipa, and Penelope. Even though Penelope is the youngest I seem to get along with her the best. She is kind and thoughtful and has actually read a book in her lifetime. In another place and another time I would pursue an education. I am fortunate that I was able to convenience my Uncle to let me finish my education. Poor Penelope is not so fortunate. Her mother insisted that she debut this year when all Penelope wants to do is learn.

Today is a most important day, and for some a terrifying one, for today is the day London's marriage-minded misses are presented to Her Majesty the Queen. Aunt Featherington will be the one presenting us. She can be very particular about our appearances. Prudence is being forced into an impossibly tight corset by her lady's maid.

"Tighter," Aunt Featherington demands. "Tighter!"

"Is she to breathe, Mama?" Penelope questions.

"I was able to squeeze my waist into the size of an orange and a half when I was Prudence's age. Your sister shall do the same," Aunt Featherington insists.

Once all ready we make haste from the house. As we are leaving so are the Bridgerton family who lives across the street from us. After the passing of their father the oldest son, Anthony, acquired his title of Viscount. After him is Benedict, the second son and someone I have pined over for years. Next is Colin who only recently came back home after finishing his studies. Daphne is the oldest daughter and my closest friend. She is also making her debut today and I know she is very excited and nervous much like I. Eloise is the next daughter and Penelope's closest friend. They both value education more than any other girls I have ever met. Viscountess Bridgerton has agreed to let Eloise sit this season out and make her debut next year. Francesca is next followed by the youngest son Gregory, who is only a year older than Hyacinth the youngest Bridgerton.

I wave to Daphne and she waves back with a smile. I catch Benedict's eye and he offers a reassuring smile and nod.

I feel as though I should have more nerves than I do. Making a good impression is a requirement if I hope to find a decent husband. my problem thought is that I do not know if I believe in love. My Aunt and Uncle do not seem to have love for each other at all. I have been told from a young age that I will learn to love my husband, but what if I do not? What if I wind up in a loveless marriage? I would have no escape. No way of finding happiness. But I want children and the only respectable way for me to have any is with a husband.

Penelope, Prudence, and Philipa are standing in front of me. I stand with Aunt Featherington waiting for us to be announced.

"Miss Prudence Featherington, Miss Philipa Featherington, Miss Penelope Featherington, and Miss Diana Featherington... all presented by their mother/aunt, the Right Honorable Lady Featherington."

Prudence, Philipa, and Penelope all try to get through the small door at the same time. After they force their way through with much difficulty I follow after them with Aunt Featherington. We walk down the hall stopping in front of Her Majesty the Queen. Aunt Featherington hits Penelope as she looks at the ceiling instead of at Her Majesty. We all curtsy with each of us varying in posture. I know I am the only one to do it correctly. My cousins, though taught properly, are diamonds in the rough. Her Majesty makes a face before standing up. It is only the Queen's eye that matters today. A glimmer of displeasure and a young lady's value plummets to unthinkable depths.

Her Majesty walks over towards me showing no expression. She cracks a small smile. "Beautiful, my dear."

I cannot help but smile. Then with a great thud Prudence falls on her face. After picking my cousin up off the floor the debuts continue. I am grateful that I snuck away before we left and had my Lady's maid loosen my corset.

"Miss Daphne Bridgerton, presented by her mother, the Right Honorable, the Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton."

I watch as Daphne confidently walks down the aisle towards Her Majesty. She curtsies and Her Majesty stands up once more. She places her hand under Daphne's chin and lifts it up to meet her gaze.

"Flawless, my dear."

I sit in the parlor with Aunt Featherington, my cousins, and Lady Cowper. This morning copies of Lady Whistledown's Society Papers were left on the steps. It is gossip, but a good read nonetheless. Lady Whistledown has gone a step farther than a scandal sheet ever has, she lists subjects by name, in full. She wrote all about Mary Edgecombe who last season had three offers of marriage after one day, once from an Earl. She accepted and is now the Countess of Fulton but lives a rather unhappy life living in a cottage hundreds of miles away from her husband.

Lady Whistledown seems fond of Daphne. She named Daphne as the season's Incomparable. She called her a "diamond of the first water."

My family was not so lucky. It talked in length about Prudence fainting in front of Her Majesty. But it did have a small comment on me. How Her Majesty had called me beautiful.

Aunt Featherington grabs the papers from all of us in a haste. "I should not be surprised if this Whistledown is revealed to be Violet Bridgerton herself. These pages certainly report on the Viscountess's family with much indulgence, indeed."

"The pages report nothing but the truth, Lady Featherington. Daphne has bloomed exquisitely, and the sooner she is taken from the market, the better for the other young ladies... even ones prone to hysterics in front of the queen," Lady Cowper remarks.

I look at Penelope trying to hold in a laugh.

Aunt Featherington turns to us. "Ladies, hurry with your miniatures before our guest arrives. And, Penelope, put down that book at once. You shall confuse your thoughts."

"So... tell me about this cousin. Joining you for the entire season?" Lady Cowper says.

"She is a distant cousin of my husband, and with no close female relative to sponsor her debut, Lord Featherington has directed me to take her in for charity," Aunt Featherington explains.

"Hmm. You are known to be quite charitable," Lady Cowper remarks.

"Precisely what this new rumormonger should have published, instead of erroneously specifying that I shall only have four young ladies under my care this year. She knows nothing," Aunt Featherington states.

Penelope stands up. "Unless you shall like to have only four young ladies under your care. I should gladly sit this season out."

"Penelope is quite nervous. This shall be her very first season," Aunt Featherington tells Lady Cowper.

"I am not nervous, Mama," Penelope insists.

"What she is is two stone heavier than she ought to be," Prudence remarks.

"At least Penelope can remain conscious at the most crucial times," I remark.

Prudence glares at me and I smile.

"Mm, those blemishes on her face are quite difficult to conceal. Perhaps some arsenic and lead might help," Philipa offers.

"Should you allow me to delay only a year, just as Lady Bridgerton has done for Eloise, I may remain dedicated to my studies, perhaps," Penelope reasons.

"The answer is no, Penelope," Aunt Featherington states.

Penelope walks back over to sit next to me. I offer her a reassuring smile.

"You may wish to listen to her, my lady. Shepherding five young ladies through these endless rounds of affairs at the same time... Can you imagine the competition?" Lady Cowper offers.

"Well, how much competition can this cousin provoke?" Aunt Featherington questions. "She came of age on a farm, she has a mere four-figure dowry, and as for her appearance... Well, let us hope Miss Thompson is more presentable than the legions of unkempt animals she has spent her entire life tending to back home."

One of the servants walks into the room. "Lord Featherington's cousin has arrived, madam."

Aunt Featherington gasps as she gestures for us to stand up. "Now, remember to be kind, ladies... and charitable. The poor are our burden."

A girl with very curly black hair and medium tawny colored skin walks into the room. She looks to be eighteen or nineteen. She is a very beautiful young girl. Surely competitor for every girl this social season.

"Oh! She's beautiful," Penelope states.

"Good afternoon, Lady Featherington," Marina greets.


A/N so I'm just editing for little things nothing major but I realised I never did a face claim for Diana so I'll ask y'all who you think should play her let me know with a comment

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