
506. The Curse ~Insecurity is Poison~

Luz meditates silently in the living room.

"Hahaha! It's the reptile girl!"


"Human scum!"

"No one will ever like you!"

Luz's eyes open and she pants. She grabs her head, having a headache.

Luz walks to the kitchen and takes out a carton of almond milk which she proceeds to chug down.

"Had a nightmare...?" asked Miguel, leaning on the wall while rocking Rafaela in his arms.

"No... I-I had a... bad thought..."


"I was always an outsider... until... I had my magic... And now, I'm afraid that it could be taken away from me again...Do you think we'll always be outsiders...?"

"I don't know... I've been one for over 3,000 years..." said Miguel. "Even my friends find me annoying at times... I actually studied at Hogwarts in my first three years as a wizard. I was considered a nuisance because I was so old... and people found my humor to be annoying. Plus, I was in my late 20's... and I wasn't really British..."

Rafaela coos and begins weeping, but Miguel hushes and lulls the child.

"(But I still went through with it... I even got my N.E.W.T. test just at the third year. Lots of A's, a few E's, and little O's.)"

"(What was your coven track...?)"

"(We didn't have those... We had four houses... Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. I was Hufflepuff... But I always wanted to go in all four...)"

"(Why didn't you...?)"

"(Because of that stupid hat...)"


The baby coos.

"Shh..." said Miguel.

"*gasp...* (Did the hat try to eat your face...!?)"

"(No... But it told everyone about my deepest darkest secrets to a bunch of British children... Old bastard hat... By doing so, the Sorting Hat caused a war between him and me.)"

"(What'd you do to him...?)"

"(Taped his mouth shut for a week...)"

The pair of them snickers quietly.

"(Thanks for the Almond Milk...)" said Luz.

"(You're welcome, sis,)" smiled Miguel, gently.

"(Oh... Here...)" said Luz, offering Miguel an Anting with a rope through its hole. "(I know that you don't need this thing...)"

It's a medal with an owl on it. 

"(I love it...)" Miguel smiles and nods gently. He places the device around his neck.

Luz smiles and nods in respect.

*step... step... step...*

A shadowy bird-like figure wanders around the Pines-Northwest Mansion.

Sprig gasps and wakes up. "(Psst! Polly! Polly!)"

Polly slowly opens her eyes. "Wha-? Huh...?"

"(Someone's downstairs!)" whispered Sprig.

"Sprig... Polly... Pipe down over there... Sylvia's giving me Assmurr in my dream... or whatever Humans call it..." grinned Hopediah.

"(Sorry...)" whispered the pair.

"((C'mon, Polly! This is for our own safety! Or...))" The screen closes up to Sprig's face. "((We'll die...))"

"Ugh...! Fine..." sighed Polly.

"QUIET!!!" yelled Hopediah.

The pair sneaks around the mansion to find whoever walks around the darkness. 

"Sprig, you're just imagining things..." said Polly.

"Shush!" yelled Sprig.

Sprig points to the globe at the corner. The pair hop and hide behind the globe,

The pair sees a massive feathery creature quietly wander inside.

It's upright. It has wings on its back. It has two long arms and it slouches as it sniffs the air. It hoots silently.

"Oh, Frog!" yelled Sprig.

The creature turns in their direction.

Sprig covers his mouth out of fear.

The creature walks toward the globe. Sprig and Polly walk around the globe to avoid being seen by the creature.


Sprig just ribbitted.

Polly facepalms.


The creature throws the globe away to attack Sprig and Polly.

It screeches as it approaches Sprig and Polly.



Anne punches the creature away with a single swipe within her Charged State. "Hey, guys!"

"KILL IT!!!" yelled Sprig.

"Wait...!" cried Anne. She looks closely at the creature. "Luz...?"

Polly is jaw-dropped.

"Huh... makes sense..." said Sprig.

"What the heck happened to you...?" asked Anne.

Luz roars at Anne and she swipes her arm, slamming her into the wall.

"POLLY!!!" yelled the pair.

Sprig takes out his slingshot and shoots at Luz over and over again. "LUZ!!! CALM DOWN!!!"

Luz tries to eat Sprig, but Polly points her tazer at Luz.


Luz is unaffected and she rams her head into Polly as she slams her into the wall.

"Ugh..." said a dizzy Polly.

Anne grabs Luz's head and tries to bring her into a choke-hold. "LUZ!!! LISTEN!!!"

"WHERE'S AMITY!?!?" asked Sprig.

"AT HER MOTHER'S PLACE!!!" yelled Anne.

"SHE WENT...!?!?" asked Sprig.


"I dunno!" shrugged Sprig.

"Anyone have any... candies nearby...?" asked Polly, dizzily. "Also I have a splinter."

"What splint-...?" asked Anne, as Polly shows a giant stick stabbing through her entire forearm. "-... er-OH MY GOD!!!"

The ruby-colored blood gushes out of her arm.

Anne takes out a syringe from her inner pocket and throws it into Sprig's hand. "Sprig!"


"Take that syringe of Diphenhydramine and Regen Nanites and inject it into Polly's arm!"

"Okay!" Sprig does so as Polly shivers in pain. "Do you always carry these with you...?"


Luz then breaks free and begins punching Anne over and over again.


Anne blocks the sucker punch.

*POW, POW!!!*

Anne barely blocks the next two punches.

*POW, POW, POW!!!*

Anne is punched by the third attack. The punch was so powerful that it created a mini-shockwave. Her sweat and saliva splattered all over the floor with a few drops of blood. Luz punches Anne in the stomach. Anne kneels down in pain, shaking.

Luz grabs her head with both of her hands and begins headbutting her over and over again. Anne, at first, frowns and tries to break free. But after a few massive hits and shockwaves, Anne begins to get dizzy. Her nose begins to bleed and she gives a dizzy look. Luz, crazed like an animal, begins scratching Anne over and over again. She is wounded thrice by several claw marks.


Luz turns around to see Drew.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" Drew, in his Primal State, punches Luz in the face.

Drew goes into a panther stance and begins boxing Luz in the face, but Luz, with her fingers in the form of claws, catches each of his strikes.

Drew then grabs Luz by the neck and crashes her into the wall. He grabs her face and scrapes it into the wall, tearing it open.

Drew then punches her and she crashes into Dipper's car.

Drew stomps toward Luz, but he goes into alert mode as Luz picks up Dipper's car and throws it at Drew at 50 km/hr. However, Drew holds up his hand as the car blows up upon impact. Drew tears the pieces of the car away, only for Luz to grab his head and throw him into several trees.

Drew skips like a rock but manages to regain his footing.

Drew then runs head-on toward Luz.

Luz, however, activates her wings and flies up into the sky. She then grabs Drew's head with her clawed feet and begins flying up several hundred meters into the sky.

Then... she drops him...

"DREW!!!" yelled Sprig.


Drew slowly stands up, limping.

Drew woges into a Blutbad and howls. "AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Annoyed, the crazed Luz swoops in and tackles Drew.

Drew goes on to beat her face over and over again, which leads to Luz crashing and flopping into the ground.

Luz slowly stands up, but Sasha and Marcy tackle and punch Luz over and over again in their Charged States.

"HA!!!" yelled Sasha.


"I DON'T KNOW!!! I THINK LUZ IS THE OWL... Or... some-...?"

Luz grabs Sasha's and Marcy's heads and slams them to the ground. Knocked out, they deactivate their Charged States.

Luz turns to her right to see her monstrous face reflect in Dipper and Mabel's eyes.

"HAMON!!!" Dipper and Mabel punch Luz in the face and slightly burn her face. But, she heals.

Luz growls while the twins tag team her.

Dipper punches her and Mabel holds Luz down.

"CALM DOWN!!!" yelled Dipper.

"It's okay, Dipper! I speak Owl!Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!" yelled Mabel. This translates to... "(I kicked your Grandma in front of a moving truck...)" "There, there!" yelled Mabel.

Luz screeches in pain.

"You're welcome, bir-!!!"

Luz angrily bites into Mabel's shoulder and begins trying to tear out her flesh. 

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!" howled Mabel. Mabel angrily punches her away. "NO BITING, BIRDIE!!! BAD BIRDIE!!!"

"She can't understand you, Mabel!" yelled Dipper, taking out a crossbow.

"What the...!? YOU CAN'T KILL HER!!!" yelled Sasha.

"WELL, WHAT DO I DO, THEN!?!?" asked Dipper.

"Maybe try calming her down!" smiled Marcy. She slowly stands up. "Hey! Sun's going real-..."

She grabs Sasha and Marcu's heads and crashes them into the ground again.

This time, they're knocked out for good.

"Any other plans!? Mabel!?" asked Dipper.

Mabel is unconscious on the ground. It looks like a branch attached to her grappling hook fell on her head.

5 seconds earlier...





A branch, grappled by the grappling hook, falls on Mabel's head, as she falls face-first and gets knocked out.


Dipper sighs and activates his Hamon. "OVERDRIVE!!!"

Luz simply punches Dipper into a tree, knocking him out.

Suddenly, a massive tree crashes into the back of Luz's head, knocking her to the ground.

"AAAAAAUGH!!!" yelled Drew, who is in his Primal Form. "Looks like I'd have to plant another tree later... For... Environmental reasons..."

Luz grabs Drew's neck, so Drew woges into a Blutbad and bites her wrist. She screeches and lets go OF HIS FACE as Drew grabs Luz and throws her into the tree.

Drew barks and growls at Luz.

Drew tosses a rush of punches at Luz.

Drew begins to equal Luz's speed, but Drew is far weaker than Luz, and Luz grabs Drew's head and slams his head into the log she threw at him. She punches him so hard that he crashes into several trees, snapping them in half.

Drew woged into his Primal form, however, just in time upon the crash.

Drew stands up, but Luz crashes a boulder down on top of him.

The boulder breaks in half, but Drew lays on the ground, unconscious.

Luz screeches and howls aggressively. "SKREEEEEEE!!! SKREEEEEEE!!! SKR-!!!"


Luz slowly turns around.

Miguel waves his stick and blasts a spell, saying, "Alarte Ascendare..."

But Luz slaps the spell away and charges toward Miguel.

Miguel keeps on shooting the spell at Luz over and over again, but she keeps on slapping it away. 

"Arresto Momentum..." said Miguel, as he curved the trajectory of the next blast into Luz's head, slowing her down. "Carpe retractum!" Miguel gains an Eldritch rope and grapples Luz toward him, proceeding to pull her toward him and whack her in the face with his stick. "Ebublio!" Miguel then encases Luz in a bubble, which she pops. "Glacius!" Miguel freezes Luz, but she melts it with flames. "HELLFIRE!!!" Miguel blasts Luz with Hell Fire as if his hands were flamethrowers, stomping toward her. "LEVICORPUS!!!" Miguel hoists Luz up by the knee, but she creates a magical blade that cuts the "rope."

Luz then teleports in front of Miguel and begins choking the man. Suddenly, dark spiritual energy begins to enter his mouth.

Miguel's eyes glow white.

"Expecto Patronus..." he whispered.

Suddenly, a dove appears from Miguel's spirit that pecks the Owl Beast back into Luz's body. It begins flapping its wings and viciously scratching the creature back into Luz's body.

Miguel then takes out a syringe with orange liquid into Luz.

Luz drops to the ground, knocked out, woging back into her Human form.

"I thought..." sighed Dipper. "I thought that the Owl Beast doesn't have magic."

"The Owl Beast has a different effect on Humans... It makes Humans magic... That's how Luz was able to use magic in the first place despite being a Muggle."

"A what...!?" asked Dipper.

"Y'know... Non-Magic-Users."

"That sounds insanely racist... Wait... Was Jesus a Wizard...?"

"No... He was Human... He was just the true Messiah, so he had Divine Magic. You should've warned the others about Luz."

"I didn't want any trouble for her."

Miguel facepalms. He grabs a flask of red wine and drinks from it. Miguel, having defeated Luz, sighs and shakes his head. "You all could've called..."


Luz wakes up on the sofa to see Drew, the Calamity Trio, Sprig, Dipper, Mabel, and Polly all injured and being tended to by Annalisa Zeppeli and Gabby Ibarra. Gabby is using spells to heal them.

"Oh... Oh, God...! What did I do!?" asked Luz.

"Easy..." said Miguel.

"What happened...!?"

"You went Owl Mode..." said Miguel, grabbing Luz's hand. "Vulnere Relinquunt."

She heals up.

"Alright..." said Miguel. "You're alright..."

"I... hurt everyone..." Tears flow down Luz's eyes.

"No... It was the Owl Beast. Not you."

"I'm such a screw-up..." she sobbed. "I'm evil! I belong in the trash...! I'm a horrible person...!"

"No... No, you're not," said Miguel.

Luz creates a Glyph and teleports away.

Luz sobs in her bed in a fetal position under her blanket.

"What's wrong, Luz...?" asked Miguel.

Luz kept on crying. "Go away!"

"If I do, we won't be able to solve this problem you have going on here. You might hurt people again..."

Luz keeps quiet.

Miguel sighs and opens a portal.

"Odalia hates me!" she sobbed.

"Ah... Evil Mothers-in-Law... The bane of Philippine Telenovelas..."

"This is serious!"

"So am I..."

"I couldn't control it..." said Luz. "I got mad... I got really mad... And it felt good-..."

"What do you mean, 'it felt good...?' Luz. You could've killed us."

"You don't understand..."

"What don't I understand...!? Believe me. I get it. My mother-in-law is from Hell. Literally. And my own mother didn't respect me."

"Well... You hurt people, too!"

"Luz... The moment you lose control of your emotions and end up hurting good and innocent people is the moment you'll be seen as a monster. Feared. Like you always wanted. Because that's what you want, right, Luz...? You wanted to be feared. Unless you actually wanted to be accepted."

"No... No, I don't..."

"I've fought with Demons before... But there is one Demon I can never defeat. And those Demons are my own. So, what did I do...? What did I do when I found out that I was hurting people I cared about? I beat that Demon to submission and had a truce with it."

"'Had a truce...?' It's a part of you that poisons you! That makes you... not you! It makes you something that hurt people!"

"Oh, no! We're not talking about the Owl Beast, Luz..." 

"What are you-...!?"

"We're talking about how you refused to drink your Elixir so that you could become the Owl Beast."

Luz bows her head.

"Isn't that what happened...!? Because don't bullshit me. I know when people lie."



"Because... Odalia said that I wasn't a real... Witch..."

"So, you endangered everyone because of insecurity. Typical."

"Why are you so mad!?"

"I'm not angry. Just raising my voice to remind you that you're beneath God. By God, I mean the One Above All. What you did was stupid and dangerous! You could've gotten others OR YOURSELF hurt!Because that's exactly the stupid shit that I would do.And I'm disappointed that you learned that from me.You're sounding like an irresponsible teenager right now! Excusing yourself and acting like you're the hero because YOU SAVED THE BOILING ISLES!!! And you were an outsider so you deserve ALL THE RECOGNITION!!!Practically what I was when I was starting out thinking I WAS THE BIGGEST SHOT IN THE WORLD!!! God! Ruler! The new FUCKING Logan Paul! Look! 'He's doing silly magic tricks on Live TV and on YouTube! He's so funny! He must be God!'No! No, no, no! I was an arrogant piece of shit, Luz! And, if my teaching of the Divine Arts is making you think you can control everything? Forget it! Because no one in the world can control their lives! Not with magic! Not with science! Not by being the smartest or strongest or richest! Nothing! Humble yourself, Luz!So, I suggest that you don't do anything stupid like that again and reflect on yourself!"

"You won't... teach me anymore...?" asked Luz, teary-eyed.

"I will... But that doesn't make you right for what you did. I can't ground you, but as your teacher, I will punish you. Community Service of the Earth-777 Temple tomorrow! One day!"

"Doesn't sound so bad..."

"It's the size of a fucking Mall..."


"So, I want the whole Temple FLOOR!!! To be spotless! NO MAGIC!!! You got it...!?"

Luz smiles.

"What are you smiling about!?"

"You're a good teacher!" laughed Luz.

"Flattering... But that won't change anything. But flattering!" Miguel opens a portal and enters back in the living room of the Mansion.

Miguel sits down at the table with Gabby sitting on the armchair with Annalisa.

"You okay...?" asked Annalisa.

Miguel facepalms. "I don't care anymore..."

Gabby walks downstairs to the basement. She's wearing very short shorts and a revealing blouse. "*YAWN!!!* Welp! I'll go help Anne get healed with my powers..."

"You healed her already and if you're going to flirt with her, please wear something appropriate," said Miguel, still facepalming.

"Ugh!" Gabby opens a portal and enters their house again.

Rafaella slaps Miguel's face with a spoon.

"Daddy is tired... Daddy wishes to slam his head into this table. Pfft! It isn't like you can understand me..."

"Okay, Daddy!" smiled Rafaella, who mind you, is a week old.



Note: Fun Fact! Miguel and Gabby are the only known characters open portals without the use of an instrument like a Sling Ring or a Portal Gun! But, their fingers have tattoos that resemble sling rings! Ghost Rider, for example, despite being a Cosmic Being, uses a cursed chain to open a portal. Rick needs a portal gun. Strange needs a sling ring.


Pwease vote...? -><-;(

What is that...?

It's an emoji of a sad face with two pointing-... Pweasee..???

They're not gonna vote, Author!


*No, they won't!*

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