
420. Smile 42 Times ~And 420~

"Smile, baby!

Smile all you want with the new and improved RED HUFFERS!!!Try it! I know you want it...Best tried at 4:20 PM."

The Jazz Fusion discover a new drink being sold to them that you drink. It turns into smoke after you burp it that you could huff.

Meanwhile, The Smiling Friends helps Miguel, who tries to make a commercial to raise awareness about the war while working with an old DBZA character. (Nappa.)

*glug glug glug glug!*

Gumball drinks some sort of new red drink and puffs out red smoke. "AH!!!"

"What the heck are you drinking?" asked Josuke.

"It's called Red Huffer! It's made by La Odac!" laughed Gumball, acting woozy. "Here." He offered a can.

"N-No thanks," smiled Josuke. "Also, I've never heard of that before... Where'd you-?"

"It's non-alcoholic! C'mon!" smiled Gumball.

"Yeah, but I'm on a diet," said Josuke.

*glug glug glug glug!*


Mark coughs in annoyance. "Why the hell does he keep drinking that stuff?"

"It's called a healthy addiction. It's not like I'm letting it take over my life or whatever!" replied Gumball, who is on the sofa with several empty cans of the Red Huffers.

"Well..." said Mark. "I heard that there's gonna be a mission one-... AH!!!"

Mark opens the cupboard only to see that it's filled with stacked Red Huffer Cans. "What the hell!? Did you use our money to buy all this crap!?"

"Calm down. I'm sure we can get that money back..."

Josuke and Mark look at each other, worried.


"NO!!! NO!!! DON'T GIVE IT ALL AWAY!!!" sobbed Gumball, as Mark holds him down with ease. "DON'T DO THIS!!! I'LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING!!! MY MONEY!!! MY SOUL!!! DARWIN!!!"

"What the fuck!?" asked Darwin.

The cans are transported to a different universe by Rick Sanchez.

"We'll have them tested," said Rick.

"Whoa! Thank you very much, sir," smiled Mark.

"I don't care."

Mark frowns.

"Uh..." said Josuke. "When will it be -?"

"It's done," said Rick. 


"It contains a high level of Cannabis Sativa."

"What now?" asked the Jazz Fusion, except Gumball, still crying.

"Marijuana," said Rick.

"Oh..." said they said.

"What?" asked Patrick.

"Yeah... Gumball, you've been taking in drugs," said Darwin.


"Gumball, where the hell did you get this shit?" asked Darwin.


Everyone (except Mark) looks at each other and gasp.


"Who?" asked Mark.

"Boy, you should get smarter," said Patrick.

"Fuck you, Patrick."


"Um. *sniff...*" said Charlie the Oney. "I can see that you're uh..."

Miguel depressedly stares at a Bleach advertisement on television. 

"Mr. Ibarra. We won't leave you until you end up smiling again!" smiled Pim the Oney. "Also, we'll keep checking up on you every week!"

"Uh-huh..." said Miguel.

"So, you two are a couple of Oneys who are meant to help my partner get through this by making him grin?" asked Anne.

"That's a racist term, but yeah. Pretty much," said Pim.

"Look, guys... I think you should get Miguel to smile again for this week by making him feel... Um... accomplished," smiled Anne.

"Sorry, Ma'am. But he can't just accomplish something that big in just one day," said Charlie.

Pim punches Charlie's shoulder.

"I mean. Uh... *sniff...* Can do, Ma'am," said Charlie.

"We'll save your husband from suicide! You can count on us!" smiled Pim.

"He's the Messiah. He can't really kill himself," said Anne.

"Wait, what?" asked Charlie. "Then what's the point?"

"Well, we're trying to keep him from killing other people, y'know?" smiled Anne.


"Apocalyptic mayhem."

"What the shit!?" asked Charlie. "Is this for all uni-?"

"For all... universes... Yeah."

"What the shit!? Pim, we have to help this guy, NOW!!! We'd like to take full responsibility as your husband's Smiling Friends."

"Sounds gay as hell, but I'll allow it," said Anne, nodding with reassurance.

"So, uh... Mr. Ibarra... What would you like to accomplish for this w-?"

"I WANNA MAKE A MOVIE!!!" yelled Miguel, standing up.

Charlie whispered to Pim. "Is this guy really depressed?"

"No... I saw his speech last Thursday. He is not okay," said Pim.

Last Thursday...

A depressed Miguel walks up to the podium. "Everyone who ever bullied me was right. I deserve to fucking die and get cucked by Tyrone... and possibly even my Uncle... Then again, his soul is eradicated. Eh... I deserve it. And... I deserve to be alone forever." Miguel drops to the ground. Miguel is lying down with feet together and arms spread wide. "I call this one... The crucifixion."


"See, Charlie? It has to be a GENUINE smile!" smiled Pim. "Don't worry, Mr. Ibarra! We'll help you!" smiled Pim.

"Thank you, Pim," Miguel stayed standing. "Call my agent. We're making an Anti-War Commercial."

"Who's your agent?" smiled Pim.


A large bald Saiyan sat in a chair while looking outside the window. 

*ring! ring!*

"Hello?" smiled the Saiyan, in the voice of Takahata101. "Yeah? Uh-huh? Yeah... An Anti-War Film? Starring YOU!? Pay me HOW MUCH!? Hoho! FOR THERAPY!? I MAJORED IN CHILD PSYCHOLOGY!!! I understand... Sure thing, Ibarra! Sure thing...But one thing...Do you pinky-swear...About what, you say?Do you pink-swear that this pitch of yours will be... successful?AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Because... If it isn't... I'll... I'LL!!!I'll sue you for racism.Because you ASSUMED I was a Saiyan, once!I'm a SAIYAN!? Never mind then. Thank you for telling me the truth. I owe you my gratitude. I will do your commercial for free.What do you mean that whole bit made no sense?Eh, whatever! Let's do the anti-war commercial of yours AND LET'S DO THIS!!!What do you mean you still want to pay? I owe you my gratitude, Mr. Ibarra! What do you mean you mean it was just a misunderstanding? What do you mean I should stop repeating what you say?"


Gumball trembles on the bed while tied to it. "GIMME SOME OF THOSE REDS!!!GIMME!!!GIMME!!!GIMME!!!"

Darwin kicks his face. "What do you suggest we do about this?"

"I suggest we just give Gumball a stress ball?" asked Finn.


"That's a terrible idea," said Josuke.

Jake slaps the shit out of Gumball. "Quiet down, catty boy."


"Darwin. Get him to sleep," said Josuke.

"On it," said Darwin. Darwin punches Gumball in the face, knocking him out.

"Patrick. What are you doing?" asked Spongebob.

Patrick is rubbing his arm up and down. "What do you think, Spongebob?" he grinned.

"Patrick. You're an unhinged barnacle head."

"It's not indecent if you can't prove it's true!"

"Patrick. Stop touching yourself," said Josuke. "It's making Gumball want to give you head."

Gumball shrieks, trembles, foams his saliva, and shakes his head left and right. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!" He then licks the air, flipping his tongue up and down. "EYUGH UY WEE WOO WEE WOO HYUGH!!!"

"Dang," said Patrick, stopping.

"So, what do we do?" asked Finn.

"I guess we have to keep Gumball tied up while we find out who made the Red Huffers."


"Ho, wow! What a great day it is today!" smiled Mickey, walking into the studio. "Nappa! Oh, Nappa! Haha!"

"Ah!" smiled Nappa. "That's who we're working for!"

"Wait, I'm sorry?" asked Miguel. "I never agreed to work for that guy. I agreed to work for Big Belly Burger!"

"Uh..." Pim offers a contract and points to a very thin line. He places a magnifying glass over it, revealing that Miguel in fact signed a contract where 40% of the profit is given to Disney since Big Belly Burger is owned by Mickey.

Miguel frowns more.

"It's okay, Mr. Ibarra! We'll knock this Ad down to the ground!" smiled Pim.

"Christ, you're annoying. But... Thanks, I guess," said Miguel.

"Hahaha! I know, right? My bald head is a symbol of justice... and nickel mines! Because mines are practically bald mountains... LIKE MY HEAD!!!" yelled Nappa.

"Uh-huh... That sure is great. Anyway, what's the ad even going to be about?"

"I was just thinking of a quick Ad starring me where I talk against war," said Miguel. "It'd be around 30 seconds I believe."

"Okay. How does it go again?"

"So, there's a soldier right?"


"And it's about to shoot a little girl in the face."

"Uh... huh..."

"Then... He turns around."


"And then another soldier shoots the little girl in the face."


"The first soldier turns around and sees this. Then the first soldier cries and mourns for her."

"And-... That's it?"

"Ooh! There's a chicken bucket in the end..."

"Genius!" yelled Mickey.

"I think the Chicken Bucket is genius!" yelled Nappa.

"Haha!" laughed Miguel. "I am a genius!" he growled. "I can't believe Anne called my idea stupid and insensitive!"

Miguel smiles.


Pim and Charlie then high-five.

Later... a few days after filming...

Miguel depressedly stares at the television as several people rally against the insensitive advertisement.

"BOO!!! BOO, IBARRA!!! BOO!!!"




"So do I," sobbed Miguel. "So do I."

"So, why am I here?" asked Nappa.

"Because you said you majored in Child Psychology," said Charlie. "*sniff.*"

"Charlie. Mr. Ibarra is clearly not a child," said Pim.

"Based on his past actions, I think he is. Ms. Zeppeli. I believe that he's into NTR, right?"

"What the fuck kind of question is that?" asked Charlie.

"Yeah, he is," said Anne.

"Whoa," said Pim. "How'd you know?"

"What I see over there is a man who had been rejected his entire life and started to unironically enjoy being in constant pain. I learned that at a young age when a child is constantly rejected, they become sexually attracted to a cuckold relationship. The belief and disability of being able to properly please the people he loves lead to Miguel's love for cuckolding."

"That's horrible," said Pim.

"So, what do you suggest we do?" asked Pim.

"Miguel Ibarra is a very submissive person. I suggest he should start practicing his aggression," said Nappa.

"But isn't that the thing he's been trying to keep down?" asked Pim.

"Yeah. If he kills someone, the world ends," said Charlie.

"Yeah, but if he's too depressed, he could have an explosive aggressive moment where he just starts killing people."

"How do we bring back his aggression?" asked Pim.

"Uh... Pim. This could be a bad idea..." said Charlie.

"I got it!" smiled Pim.


Miguel wakes up to see that he's in front of his Uncle, who is somehow alive.

"Hello, there!" smiled Pim, outside the interrogation room. "I had Ms. JoJo bring the memory version  of your Uncle in there since we've read in your file that he disciplined you very well when you were a kid and taught you your aggression."

"Pim, I think this is a bad idea," said Charlie.

Miguel horrifically stares at Uncle Romeo. "Oh... God... Oh, shit... Oh, God... Stay away from me!"

His Uncle rolls his eyes. "You're a fucking cowardly piece of shit, Ibarra."  He takes out his belt.

"Charlie... What's happening...?"

"Oh, God..."

I'm gonna teach you some manners you disgusting human..." He beats Miguel, who sobs out loud.

"Smiling Friends... His Uncle did not discipline him. Based on our findings in his memories, his Uncle beat him," said Gabrielle. "Get him out of there, NOW!!!"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" yelled Miguel.

Pim tries opening the interrogation room using a button on the keyboard.

*click! click click click!*

"What the hell is happening!?" asked Gabrielle.

"Pim. Open the Goddamned door," said Charlie.

"I-I can't!"


"You're nothing more than scum I see from the fucking sidewalk."

*SLAP!!! SLAP!!!*

A horrified Pim and a shocked Charlie stare at Miguel as he sobs while he is brutally beaten by a memory.


"You!? You made the Red Huffers!? You two!?" asked Josuke.

A tiny hooded and cloaked figure sat down in front of the angry Jazz Fusion. "Hello, Jazz Fusion." He spoke in a low-pitched male voice.

He takes off his hood and cloak and gives it to his assistant, Pluto, and has it ironed. "I want that ready to intimidate the next person."

"I can't believe I enjoyed your movies, you sick fuck," said Mark.

"Sit down, Jazz Fusion," said Mickey. "Haha!"

"You turned my brother into a junkie!" yelled Darwin.

"Haha! Oh, Darwin! Can't you see that the world is filled with people! All the worlds! Maharlica is overpopulated, little fish boy! Now... Haha! How do we reduce the next generation?" smiled Mickey.

"By making them high?" asked Patrick.

"Hotdog! You get a gold star!" smiled Mickey.

"Hihi!" smiled Patrick, as Mickey slaps a star into his face.

"Now, lemme show you the House of Mouse Way, bitches! Haha! I'm gonna have my people eviscerate your innards if ya don't listen!Now... First. We drug the younger generation.Next... We get them pregnant.Lastly, the children go to my enterprise and buy every little thing I sell, and make all of 'em SMILE!"

"But that just multiplies children," said Darwin.

"Yeah... But the other half..." smiled Mickey, pointing to the shadows.

From the shadows, Afton walks out of them.

"Isn't that guy a serial killer?" asked Mark.

"William Afton," said Darwin. "I should've known it was you."

"I've drugged your older brother as revenge for nearly destroying my other body."

Afton is shown to have a newer-looking and more terrifying golden bonnie suit, looking like the original version, but cleaner. He is now currently a Zombie-Cyborg. His body still stays inside the suit.

"Yeah... So... You get to kill kids, and you get to keep half to sell your merch to?" asked Josuke.

"Genius, right?" asked Mickey.

"I'm gonna kick the living Shrimp outta ya," said Spongebob.

"Haha! I'd like to see you try, Bob!" Mickey takes out a red lightsaber and slashes it toward Spongebob.

Spongebob takes out his blue Laser Spatula and blocks his Lightsaber.

The pair slash their laser swords at each other as Mickey Force-Chokes Spongebob. Spongebob stops the Force Choke via a bubble ring around his neck.

Spongebob then slices the skin of Mickey's arms and goes on to stomp his other hand.

Meanwhile, the Jazz Fusion faces Afton.

Afton tries to shoot at them, but Mark, in a split second, flew right in front of Afton with his arms crossed.

"Going anywhere?" smiled Mark.

"Do it now!" yelled Mickey.

A sharp noise that appears and disappears repeatedly in a strange pattern occurs, as Mark's ears begin to bleed.

"Haha!" smiled Mickey. "Hotdog!"

Mark backs away as he trembled in pain.


Afton grabs Josuke's face and throws him out of the wall as Josuke falls off the building.

Josuke then woges and flies upward as he punches Afton, who is flying in midair. "KILLER QUEEN!!!"


Afton takes out his repulsor cannon and blows up a laser into Josuke's face, who crashes into the next building.

Patrick leaps out with GGR and punches Afton in the face.

Finn leaps out as well and punches Afton in the face, but falls to the side of another building.

Darwin transforms into a Harpy and claws Afton's face, who grunts in pain and punches Darwin in the face, knocking him into yet another building.

Mark lunges at Afton, only for Afton to activate the sound again.

Mark screams in pain as he hears this sound again.

Josuke sees that the device is in Afton's right wrist, so Josuke takes out a coin and tosses it at his right wrist. Josuke then flexes his thumb.



Afton growls as his watch is blown off. "Ugh..."

Afton opens his other palm and points it at Josuke.


Josuke, unable to react in time, is shot in the right chest, hitting his lung as he drops down the building, making Patrick jump down to catch him.

Meanwhile, Spongebob spins, blocking Mickey's lightsaber, and proceeds to spin around over and over to try and strike him down.

"You think that you can take down a Sith Lord?" asked Mickey.

Spongebob tries blowing Mickey up with his bubble, which Mick deflects with his Force Lightning.

"No... NO!!!" he shrieked, shooting out Force Lightning while cackling. "POWER!!! HAHA!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!!"

Spongebob deflects the Force Lightning harshly with his Lightspatula.

Spongebob then grabs the Force-Lightning and pushes it back into Mickey's face.

"HAAAAA!!!" shrieked Mickey, as he is slapped away like a doormat.

A shockwave occurs on the top floor which causes the building to crash down.

"Holy yoga mats," said Finn. Finn leaps into the building along with Josuke. Jake, hearing the commotion, pulls all the people out of the building while Finn and Josuke hold the building up with their Stands.

Meanwhile, Mark beats up Springtrap over and over.

"Interesting," said Springtrap. "You're not a Stand-User..."

Springtrap blasts Mark in the face over and over again.

"The flames in the cells in your body never seem to go out... What an interesting creature... When this is over, I'd like to personally dissect you... And maybe turn you into one of my animatronics..."

"GAH!!!" Mark slams his fist into Springtrap's face.

"Do you know what it's like to be like me? To be unable to feel guilt or remorse for any of your actions? It's numbing... Years of being... dead... But being unable to truly die. I will bring forth an army..."

He grabs Mark's face, whose eyes widen.

He sees a vision of several soldiers in Vanny suits.

"An army of fellow artisans who will build more of my weapons and use more of the children of the world and turn them into more of my... toys...I'm not a murderer, Invincible. I am a toymaker. I make toys. I make the world happy with these toys."

The "army" is shown stuffing children into suits, breaking their bones, and eviscerating their innards.

"And together, we will begin a new world order... A world where everyone gets to... play... with my... playthings..."

"YOU'RE FUCKING INSANE!!!" roared Mark.

"I am William Afton."

"You'll never win."

"Yes... But I always come back. And I'll keep coming back. And keep killing little children... And put them back together again."

Mark punches him, but Springtrap discombobulated his ears with his fists.


Mark's eyes widen. Springtrap then prepares a repulsor blast as he grabs Mark's face.


Mark's nose bleeds heavily as he crashes into two buildings.

Finn and Josuke charge and punch Springtrap in the face over and over again.



Springtrap's suit slightly breaks as he is beaten by the two Stand-Users.

Suddenly, Jake's finger turns into a hand, and those fingers turn into more hands, finally entering as tiny roots into Springtrap's suit and dismantling it from the inside. The spring locks then shatter his insides as he goes limp and falls to the ground.

Spongebob then stands from the rubble, and Mickey is nowhere to be found. "Fish paste..."


"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!" yelled Gabrielle, as Stone Free desperately tries to break through the glass. "Fuck! I think we had the thing in a deadlock!"

"Uh! Charlie! What the F do we do!?" asked Pim.

"*sniff...* I dunno, man. We failed."

Suddenly, Miguel's eyes get angrier.

He then stands up.

The belt is swung at him again.

He grabs the belt and punches his Uncle in the face.

"You disgusting human," said his Uncle.

Miguel punches him in the face again. 

"You disgusting-..."


Miguel starts beating Memory Romeo over and over again.

He warps out his sticks and beats him over and over again.

At this moment, he is completely silent. He just silently admires beating the Memory of his Uncle to a pulp.

Miguel then grabs his eyes and gouges them out as his "Uncle" shrieks in horror.

Miguel then bites his throat and tears it out.

Miguel continues beating his face even though the body went limp.

Miguel then tears out his spine and stabs the false being's chest with it over and over again.

Miguel pants as he stands up, slowly.

He goes on to genuinely smile.


"There! He smiled, Charlie!" smiled Pim. "And it's genuine! I could tell! Sure, I'm genuinely mortified and scarred for life, but at least he's genuinely smiling!"

"Pim, you idiot! He killed someone! All is lost! Sooner or later, the apocalypse is about to happen! We're all doomed."

The pair stare at the Television in the Reapercave waiting for a breaking news event.

Nothing happens.

"Guys! It's fine! That was just a memory! It wasn't sentient neither was it alive!" giggled Gabrielle. "Think of it as a dummy he just killed!"

"Oh," said the pair.

"We did it!" smiled Pim.

"I guess... I guess we did, huh?" smiled Charlie.

"Yes, you did," said Miguel walking outside. "Next Saturday again?"

"Uh..." said Charlie. "We uh... We uh-..."

"We... Yeah... Uh..." said Pim.

"Great! See you again next Saturday!" smiled Miguel. "My good ol' Smiling Friends!"

The pair is mortified as they slowly hug back.

"Oh, Jesus Christ," said Charlie.

The Fortisites:


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