
250. Crusade to Stefan's Palace

Two Weeks Later...

Bruce flies the invisible jet toward the palace.

Dark presses the button for the window over and over again. 

"Stop pressing that," said Bruce.

"Oh, please! He isn't causing any trouble!" yelled Vegeta. "What can a human do anyway!?Except you, of course, Overlord."

Dark squints his eyes as he goes to the jet's engine and pulls down a lever that says, "Engine." to off.

"Did he just-?" asked Prince Josuke.

The jet then begins to drop from the sky.

Everyone yells as Dark turns the engine back on. Bruce pulls the plane upward and the jet flies back upward.

"I'm pretty fucking thankful that the Old Man isn't in the steering wheel of this thing," said Jotaro. "Just shuddering because John is..."

"Dark!" yelled everyone else.

Dark shrugs.

Bruce sighs. "Turn on autopilot."

"Autopilot: On."

Bruce stands up and approaches Dark.

"What?" asked Dark, crossing his arms. "You wanna challenge a guy who was trained by samurai warriors?"



Bruce blasts a punch into Dark's face. 

"Fuck off, dork," said Bruce, as he turns around and walks back to his driver's seat.

Dark's blood splattered all over -...

Bruce turns to the right.

"A bit of a sharp turn, there," said Peter.

"Sorry I scared you," said Bruce.

The group sees Stefan's palace. It is a dark red castle made of stone bricks, looming 500 feet tall. 

"Hey," said Prince Josuke, looking at the sky. "I didn't know that there were stars here."

"There aren't," said Miguel.

Giorno stayed still.

Bruce squinted his eyes.

Dark crackled his neck.

Prince Josuke folded his fingers together in fear.

"We're here," said Miguel.

"And how do you suggest we enter there undetected?" asked Vegeta.

Miguel offers them necklaces. "These are Stand-Destabilizers."

"I'm sorry... But you want us to disable our Stands?" asked Vegeta.

"Yep," said Miguel.

"Why!?" asked Vegeta.

"Because Stefan wouldn't be able to detect us if we aren't Stand-Users. Stand-Users have the innate sense to sense fellow Stand-Users. We have two hours to find the Prime Arks..."


"Not a competition..." sighed Miguel. "But I can say that the ship's sensors indicate that the Prime Arks are in the center."

"How do we get there without alerting the guards?" asked Bruce.

Miguel offers them buttons of some sort. "Put these on your chests and then press them."

The group does so and they transform into Golems.

"AH!!!" yelled Vegeta, as he prepares to blast at everyone around him. "BACK AWAY YOU SAVAGE GOLEMS!!!"

"It's us, you idiot!" yelled Bruce.

"Prove it!" yelled Vegeta.

Bruce takes out an Nth Metal Batarang. He prepares to toss it at Vegeta.

"Okay! Point taken! Point taken!" Vegeta held up his hands in fear.

"You know you can catch that, right?" asked Hercules.

"You know you can shut the fuck up, right?" asked Vegeta in sarcasm.

"Okay," said Miguel. "We can do this."

The group, with their invisible jet landing on the ground, walk from behind the palace and toward the entrance.

"Hail Stefan," said the mindless A.I. guard Golem.

"Hail Stefan," said Miguel, as he enters the castle as the group follows.

"I'm surprised that you give no shits who you're hailing, do you?" asked Bruce.

"I'm a Filipino. Call it a political flaw," said Miguel.

"Hahaha!" laughed Vegeta. "That's... That's funny because it's true!"

"Oh, please! Your race was subjugated to slavery and genocide," said Dark.

"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!" cackled Vegeta.

"But... your race is dead..." said Hercules.

"Saiyans will always live in the heart of pride!" yelled Vegeta.

"So... does that mean monkey see monkey conquer?" asked Peter.

Everyone stayed silent.

"Ah, shit... Was that racist?" asked Peter.

"Kinda," said Prince Josuke. "Don't worry... America doesn't exist anymore, so no one cares."

"Shush! Everyone shut the fuck up!" whispered Miguel.

"I'm kinda hungry," said Goku. "Can I eat your turtle now?"

"Polnareff's back home," said Jotaro.

"What is your relationship with Jean Pierre?" asked Giorno. "It isn't sexual, right?"

"Ha!?" asked Jotaro.

"Seriously! All of you! Shut the fuck up!" whispered Miguel, looking around.

"I mean... Miguel here says that in every universe: Jotaro and Jean Pierre were originally practically soulmates, but they end up with someone else who acts as their new soul mates after their deaths," said Giorno. "Do you have sexual attraction toward Jean Pierre?"

"No, Giorno," said Jotaro.

"Oh... I just thought-..."

"Actually," said Duwang Josuke. "You did spend a lot of time together back in Morioh around a year ago...Do all Jotaros have this weird crush on Jean Pierres?"

Everyone except Miguel turns to Gappy. 

"I don't wanna be a part of this," said Gappy.

"Guys!" whispered Miguel.

"Hey... I sense some powerful energy nearby," said Goku.

"Whoa... You can do that?" asked Saitama.

"Yeah! All you do is just focus your Ki in your forehead!" smiled Goku.

"Whoa!" smiled Saitama. "Someone's above us!"

"Yes. That is Stefan," said Mob. "And I suggest we should get moving."

"Thank you, Mob!" whispered Miguel.

"Yo. Mr. Wayne? Can we use Kryptonite against Stefan?" asked Peter.

"Yes. And I suggest you stop talking as JoJo said," replied Bruce.

"You all suck," said Dark. "Your humor sucks. Your character arcs suck-..."

"Uh... guys?" asked Hercules. "Those guys are staring at us."

"SHUSH!!!" whispered Miguel.

"What's this button do?" asked Goku, as he presses the button on Miguel's shirt.

"WAIT, NO!!!"


Miguel returns to his human form.

"Oh my God! It is Miguel JoJo!" said a Golem in a monotonous voice. "Guards! Arrest him!"

The group looks around.

"Us?" Peter pointed to himself.

"Yes! Bring him to the throne room!" yelled the Golem.

"Is that, perhaps, where the Prime Arks are?" asked Miguel.

"Silence!" yelled the other Golem.

"Is that, perhaps, where the Prime Arks are?" asked Bruce.

"Yes!" yelled the Golem.

"Okay," said everyone.

"Yeah!" yelled the two Golem Guards.

"YEAH!!!" cheered the group (except Bruce who facepalmed at everyone's stupidity).


"Hey, Waddup," said Dark, as he brings a chained Miguel JoJo to Stefan. "Here's the focal point of everything you hate in the entire Omniverse." Dark tosses Miguel into the ground.

"Dude!" whispered Miguel.

Dark shrugs.

"Do you know... fairness?" asked Stefan, who looked at the star through the bay window. Stefan sits on his throne, which faces the other way.

Miguel, Bruce, Giorno, Prince Josuke, and Dark squint their eyes, staring at Stefan.

"I know that your stone clothes that hide your weak, pathetic bodies tricked my guards... Again... I ask you...Do you know..." Stefan turns to the group. "Fairness?"

"I have an old friend believing in what's fair," said Bruce. "Believe me... it did not end great for him."

"But do you know it?" asked Stefan. "Have you ever tasted fairness?"

Bruce pauses. "No."

"Me neither," said Stefan. "No one knows it... For twenty thousand years, I floated in space, bleeding eternally. Then I was found by the mighty DIO.In those years, I've learned one thing...The world will never be fair.This world... will never be fair... Do you know why?"

Everyone stayed silent, angrily staring at Stefan.

"Because this world is meant to be destroyed," said Stefan. "Its fate is to die... in my hands... This world... This Omniverse... is always meant to die...You, Miguel JoJo... Jotaro Kujo... Your ally defeated me once... in this very empty shell of a planet... It did... But now I'm back...For years... you've been trying to avoid your fate, Miguel.And where did that lead you?"Stefan sneered. "Back to me.Often those who avoid the path to their destiny lead themselves to that very destiny.There is no escape...Nothing can control your fate!"

"You ripped that off from Thanos," said Miguel.

"Fuck off. I broke you before, JoJo... I'll break you again."

"I can change fate," said Giorno.

"So can I," said Bruce.

"Still a learner here, guys!" smiled Dark.

"I can," said Prince Josuke.

"I can and I will," said Miguel.

"Oh, Miguel... Your actions will cause a worse villain to come after me..." said Stefan. "One that doesn't rely on strength... One with a far worse motivation than I have."

"Why... Why are you doing this, Stephen!?" asked Miguel. "What else do you hope to gain by killing everyone."

Stefan sighs and turns his chair to them. He drinks from his juice box. "You just don't get it... I'm not doing this out of spite... I am doing this BECAUSE I CARE!!! I care about everything... Every little ugly duckling who gets crushed in the cruel fingers of a bully...If I destroy this world... I can build a better one! One where everyone can be happy! Where everything is a paradise!"

"And you'll rule it?" scoffed Miguel.

"No..." said Stefan. "Not at all... No one will rule each other in that world... It's a world with no government... A world with no cruelty... as no one shall be above another...What you Joestars and Ibarras have failed to do! A world where everyone wins!"

"That world would exist because this world lost... It's a world born out of Goddamned blood," said Miguel.

"But it's a world you're tempted to be a part of..." laughed Stefan. "I know you, Miguel... ALL OF YOU!!! Bruce Wayne... Man who lost his parents... Saitama... The man who wants to lose... Shigeo Kageyama... The boy who wants friends. Peter Parker... The young man who lost his Uncle... Giorno Giovanna... Man who has no father... Jotaro Kujo... Man who has Daddy issues... Josuke Higashikata of the Prince Dimension... The boy who feared... Josuke Higashikata of the SBR Dimension... The man who could never cure his mother... Josuke Higashikata of the Star Dimension... The man who lost his grandfather... John Stefanio... Man who desperately needs to be a hero... Hercules... Man who has lost too much... Prince Vegeta IV... A man who lost his kingdom to rule... Son Goku... A man who lost his parents and his Grandpa Gohan... and Miguel JoJo... Oh... Miguel JoJo... How unfair your life was... The unfairest one of all. How oppressed you must have been... You all have been! That is why I offer you a peace treaty! I offer you to join my Noah's Ark to the free world!You, however... Reigen... You're actually okay. Why are you here, oh powerful one?"

Reigen shrugs.

Everyone stayed silent. 

"No," said Miguel. "We won't be a part of that."

Everyone else nods. "Yeah!"

Stefan's eye twitches as his eyeball rolls around the socket. "Then... You will die..."

"No," said Bruce. "Tell me... Do you bleed?"

Stefan's eye twitches more... feeling insulted by that.

"Oh... right... You already did..." sneered Bruce. "You will again..."


Miguel and Jotaro stop time. As time resumed, they are all gone, and so are the Prime Arks.

"Hahahahaha..." scoffed Stefan. "This is going to be fun..."

Stefan leaped out of his seat and puts his fists forward as he flew out of the castle.

The group runs as their Stands carry the three Arks.

"GO!!!" yelled Miguel.

"RON-KAKA!!!" Rock Bottom blasted its fists toward Miguel as Miguel's Star Platinum grabs Rock Bottom's fists and encases itself around Miguel.



Jotaro uses his Star Platinum and attacks Stefan as well.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" yelled Jotaro's Star Platinum.

Miguel's armor Star Platinum blasts a punch into Stefan's face as well as Gold Experience Requiem II blasts a punch into Stefan's chest.

Stefan spits out blood.


His heat vision blasts toward them, zigzagging and chasing after the pair.


Saitama blasts a punch into Stefan's face.

The Prime Arks are then grabbed by Vegeta.


Vegeta cackled and flies away.

Saitama blasts his fist toward Stefan's chest as Stefan spits blood.

Stefan then angrily headbutts Saitama, causing his nose to bleed.

Stefan then prepares to blast heat vision at Saitama's face.

Peter then thwips a web into Stefan's eyes.

"RAUGH!!!" yelled Stefan, yelling in pain as the heat vision blows up in his eyes.

Saitama manages to escape.

Stefan rips out the web as he blasts his heat vision toward Reigen.

"WHOA!!!" yelled Reigen.

 Mob wraps a psycho forcefield around Stefan who desperately tries to escape.

87%, 88%, 89%, 95%...

"Stay away from him," said Mob, with bright glowing eyes.

Stefan howls as he desperately tries to claw himself out.


Goku blasts a Kamehameha toward Stefan.



Stefan appears behind Goku and tries to grab him.

Goku backs away and begins to scream to transform.

"NO, THANK YOU!!!" sneered Stefan, grabbing Goku's head before he transforms as he swoops to the ground and scraped Goku's face into the planet's crust. 

Goku howled in pain as Stefan tosses and slams him around like a ragdoll as Goku's bones break by the sheer impact and whiplash of Stefan's movement.

Stefan then tosses Goku into space.

"GALLICK GUN-...!!!" yelled Vegeta, as he prepared a Gallick Gun toward Stefan.


"Oh, SHIT!!!" Vegeta flies around trying to dodge Stefan's heat vision. "OH, SHIT!!! OH, SHIT!!! OH, SHIT!!! OH, GODDAMNED SHIT!!!"

Time stopped.

Time resumed.

Vegeta is now behind Stefan.



Stefan tanks it and cackles. "Using your Stand to reduce my infinite durability?"

Vegeta realizes his own stupidity. "In my head, that didn't sound as stupid as it does right now."

Vegeta yells and transforms into Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, but Stefan sighs and flicks Vegeta away with a finger.

"I am fairly unimpressed," said Stefan.



Stefan spits blood, but sneers, turning at Saitama.

"Trying to break me down, are you?" laughed Stefan.

Stefan grabs Saitama's cape and slams him into the ground as he stomps on his head. His blood splatters all over the ground.

"MUDA!!!" Giorno's Gold Experience Requiem blasts a punch toward Stefan.

Stefan sighs. "I am indestructible, you fool!"


Stefan begins to feel pain in his soul.


Stefan grabs Giorno's head, but the action is reset to zero and Giorno keeps on attacking Stefan.



Stefan manages to dodge Giorno's attacks.

"What!?" asked Giorno.

Stefan passes by Giorno for a nanosecond. "Useless..."

Giorno vomits blood as a hole is formed in his chest.

"SHIT!!!" Duwang Josuke runs to Giorno and heals him immediately.

Gappy shoots a Go Beyond Bubble toward Stefan. 

Stefan manages to avoid it and pop it as a large and invisible explosion occurs.

Stefan cackles as he moves at infinite speed.

Hercules blasts Golden Sun's fists toward Stefan but Stefan flicks him away.

Dark tosses his katana but it is snapped in half, as Dark's body is cut in half.


Duwang Josuke immediately runs to Dark.

Stefan cackles in the distance.


The Prime Arks begin to shine as the wind blows in Miguel's hair... He stares in a worried expression, seeing that they've lost all hope...

Prince Josuke whispers. "Come on... Luck won't fail me now..." he whispered... "PRINCE!!!"



Green dust begins to mist around them.

Stefan begins to cough and slow down as he drops to the ground. 

"What the shit!?" he coughed.

Bruce sighs, as he sits in the chair of his Unbreakable-Buster armor. It is much larger and is about ten feet tall. It resembles a large humanoid bat.

"Sorry, Stefan," said Bruce. "I'll have to break my one rule on you. Just this once..."

Peter climbs up on the Mech Suit's shoulder.

Bruce bashes his face over and over again. Miguel and Jotaro join in, beating the shit out of Stefan, as the Prime Arks resonate.

"Fuck!" yelled Stefan. "FUCK!!!"

Before... about twenty years ago...

A few kids... normies... beat Stephen to the ground, laughing.

"Please... Stop..." sobbed Stephen. "This isn't fair..." he whispered. "Please..."

"I heard he goes to the woods naked to masturbate!" laughed a kid.

"I don't masturbate! I swim naked!" sobbed Stefan.

The kids laugh.

"I tried to drown myself..." whispered Stefan.


"This is why..." whispered Stefan, as Miguel, Bruce, and Jotaro. "...I deserve to win..."

"Whoever's willpower bests the other... shall rule the Omniverse as supreme..."


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