
225. Dark vs. The Reaper


The Star-Spangled Captain, a Superhero with some sort of magical gun, blasts bullets all over a man's face.

"All hail America," he sneered.



The President of America, blonde and blue-eyed Doughnut Trumpet, stared at the Television. He turned it off as someone walked in. Behind him is the American Flag.

With his black hooded armor, black cape, and skull proudly showing its glowing red eyes, he walked toward the President.

It's The Reaper, from my other book, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Grimm.

"Miguel JoJo... Descendant of Simoun JoJo... Son of Arthur JoJo. Defeater of Salvi ten years ago... my old employer. President of the Interdimensional Parliament Empire of Maharlica."

"Fuck off, Mr. President," Miguel squinted his eyes. "You violated protocol again."

"Why... I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You sent one of your men, the Star-Spangled Catfish or whatever to murder an innocent cop in Libya. My territory."

"You have no proof, Mr. JoJo."

He laughs softly.

"I know what this is about... You want America to unite with your interdimensional nation again. I've told you, again and again, JoJo. You cannot have America."

"I'm trying to unite the world from several injustices-..."

"You're no different than the colonizers who sought your third-world country, JoJo."

"You're creating a world of more issues, JoJo. For God's sake, you used English as your main language. How do you think the rest of the 128 nations think?You've completely overruled the idea of nationalism-..."

"The ends overrule the means. We lessened corruption. We lessened poverty, world hunger, pollution, racial injustice-..."

"I AM THE PRESIDENT OF AMERICA!!!" the President roared. "And America is an identity of freedom and liberty. One wrong move in your do-called monstrosity of a nation, and you can make martial law or even genocide possible. You can become an interdimensional fascist or communist dictator, JoJo. So many things could go wrong with your ideals."

"I have faith-..."

"Faith? An instrument used by colonizers? What a cruel twist that a Filipino uses a lie that fucked him over in the past to rule literal worlds. Sooner or later, something bad will happen, JoJo... That's why I'll break your little peaceful world apart, brick by brick... I mean... Who do you think is stupid enough to aid you in this crusade of yours?"


Dark prepares to throw a knife at an apple placed on Hercules' head.

"Are you sure that this is such a good idea?" Hercules asked, feeling concerned.

"You should be more concerned about the electric bill."

"Uh... I'm sorry. I thought that the richest Filipino-American in the United States would be able to pay the bill!"

"I own half of the world and one whole Hercules. Bitch, I do what I fucking want, and I want you to do it."

"But, I said no."

"But you live here rent-free so dilly-dally and PAY THE FUCKING BILL!!!"

Dark and Hercules are revealed to be in a large mansion filled with several trinkets and antiques forged from different places in the Philippines. A bamboo piano, large wooden statues of farm gods, paintings of Ferdinand Marcos, and a large lego castle.

Time stops.

Time resumed.

The Reaper is in front of John.


Dark throws the knife at him, but Miguel catches it.

"John Stefanio. Dark. 33-years-old. Former marine who fought in Afghanistan. Son of Bernardo Salvi. Former agent of the FBI. Former rogue Soldado of the New World Order. Rank of Major Arcana. User of the Stand, Dark Moon."

"Oh, God... You're the new President guy, right? Rules 97% of the world? Politically, at least? You're no Marcos, but you sure are a psychopath yourself."

"I was also a Major Arcana myself."

"Uh-huh...Yeah. And I'm Bon Jovi's son. Sure!"

Dark warps a katana out of his hand and twirls around, slashing vertically toward Miguel's torso.


Miguel's Stand, a purple long-haired robotic humanoid that represents his spiritual energy, emerged from his body and caught it.

Dark's eyes widen.

"You're like me. You're a Stand-User."

Dark transforms into an Aswang, a phenomenon we call in this world as, "woging."

Dark resembles a blue humanoid wolfman with wings ticking on his back.

Miguel is the only one who sees Dark's true form.

"Grimm," Dark called Miguel.

Miguel woges into an Aswang as well.

"Oh, shit..." he whispered.

"First of all," said Miguel, kicking him away with his feet. "I mean you no harm. Second... You don't want to challenge me."

"You can teleport, right? Bitch, please. I can gut you like a fucking mongoose-..."

Time stops.

Miguel punches Dark in the face.

Time resumes.


Dark falls to the floor, coughing.

"You're just like my dad... You're the guy everyone was talking about... the Time-Stopper."

Dark slashes horizontally.

Miguel teleports behind him.

"You don't want to do this."

"UWATATATATA-!!!" Dark yelled, blasting his sword at The Reaper like there's no tomorrow.

Time stops.

Time resumes.


Dark falls to the ground, completely knocked out.

Miguel turns to Hercules.

"Keep it down. I'm playing Candy Crush."

"May God help us..." sighed Miguel.

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