
208. The Anti-Life Equation


Doom charges his repulsor cannon, pointing it at Tony. "Hello, Stark."

"Uh... who are you? You sound German. He sounds German, right?" asked Tony.

"I am Latverian," said Doom.

"Oh! Mad about the weapons I sent in your country?"

"Your weapons killed my family, Tony Stark... My mother slaughtered by your mine..." Doom squinted his eyes.

"Shit... Look..." said Tony. "I was an idiot back then, okay? You don't have to try and kill me. We could work together and put a stop to Darkseid. We're just doing what we think is right."

"I've been at the mercy of people who think what they're doing is right. Like you..."

He prepares green magical and tangible constructs of energy in the form of a sword and a shield.

Bruce and Tony back away from Doctor Doom.

"Uh... You've got any experience on magic, Wayne?" asked Tony.

"I'm a little rusty," replied Bruce. "You?"

"Didn't believe in it until about five years ago. Never practiced it because I thought it was stupid and pointless," said Tony.

"Brother, you know it," said Bruce.

"OH, JUST MAKE OUT, ALREADY!!!" yelled Frank as he blasted shots toward Doctor Doom. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!"

Doctor Doom multiplied and surrounded Bruce, Tony, and Frank. The three went back to back. Frank cocked and reloaded his machine guns. Tony and Bruce prepare their armors and repulsor cannons.


Doom is blasted several kilometers away.

From the sky, two figures slowly descend from the sky...

One has blue armor with a red cape. He has a red letter "S" on his chest inside a yellow diamond. He also has red boots. He is handsome, has a cleft chin, has black hair, and blue eyes. He is very muscular. The other one has blue and red armor. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is very beautiful. She is also very muscular.

"What the hell!?" asked both Bruce and Tony.


Peter opens the tent and sees Tony's mathematical equations next to a piece of cloth.

The cloth is rolled over so no one would see it.

The equations are written all over a piece of paper.

Peter realizes something...


Clark blasts the army with heat vision. He lands next to Bruce. "Hey, Bruce. It's been five years. Where are my sixteen dollars?"

"Seriously?" asked Bruce. "Where are the others."

"They're back in base," said Clark. "We figured that we'd give you a hand."

Captain Marvel stayed silent as she nods to Clark, smiling.

"C'mon, Carol," said Clark. "At least say something."

Carol rolls her eyes and flies away, blasting away the Starro Zombies.

Clark points to Carol and speaks to the trio. "Can you believe that fine lady?"

"I think when you call someone, 'Fine Lady,' when trying to talk behind their back, we can," said Tony. Tony holds up a brofist to Bruce. Bruce then awkwardly grabbed the fist and shook it.

"Sorry," said Bruce. "I'm not used to -..."

"Seriously, man. Come on!" yelled Tony. "Can you believe this loser?See? That's how you do it, Superman. You question them and berate them."

"Oh. Thanks," smiled Clark, as he blasts toward the army and melts them away with his heat vision.

"Weird guy," said Frank.

The trio stares at the army being slaughtered by the Superheroes.

"Wait! That wizard might still be -!" yelled Tony, as Doom appears behind the pair.

"Might still be alive?" asked Doom.

Bruce spins and blasts a Shattered Star toward Doom, who teleports and blasts energy beams at Tony. Tony blasts his repulsion beams at Doom, flying upward and dodging his attacks.


Frank shot at Doom as Bruce flew up and shot shattered stars and missiles at Doom.

Doom grabs Tony's shoulder.

"You killed my mother, Stark..." said Doom.

"I killed a lot of people's mothers... and by helping Darkseid, so did you -..." said Tony, as Bruce stabbed Doom in the leg with a grappling hook. Doom growls and screeches. "- But the difference between you and me is that... I've changed...."

Bruce pulled Doom as he slammed him into the ground.

Bruce and Tony then manifest giant laser guns from their backs and blast powerful beams at Doctor Doom.


(theme begins)

Superman blasts his heat vision into the several Starro Zombies. Suddenly, he is slapped away by the powered-up Starro as Superman lands on the ground and slides on his feet. He stomps on the ground and blasts a punch into Starro.

Starro roared.

The army spoke in harmony. "I want my revenge on the one called Harley Quinn."

"Vengeance?" asked Clark, as he blasted another punch to Starro. "I think this is just plain old revenge. So this is your way?My way?"


Starro's arm is melted off by Clark.

"Truth... and Justice!" Clark blasts himself into Starro over and over as he punctures Starro's eye, going through his brains.

(theme ends at 1:14)

Starro drops to the ground, dead...

"Jesus Christ, Clark!" yelled Carol, flying next to Clark.

"What?" asked Clark.

"You blasted his brains open! Christ!"

"Yeah? So? He was trying to kill our friends."

"I'm sorry!? What the hell, Clark!? I've never seen you do this before!"

"That's because most of the time, we lose in fights because we're always fighting Darkseid."

Captain Marvel's annoyed face changes to horror.

"What?" asked Clark.

Clark turns around and sees someone behind him.

"Former holder of the Anti-Life Equation..." he sneered. "How pathetic..."

Clark turns around and sees Darkseid.


(theme begins)

"Your friends... have all been slaughtered by my hand..."

"You're lying," said Captain Marvel.

"Oh... How they begged for mercy... Pitiful Carol Danvers... no lover... no friends... no family...."

Darkseid approached Carol as Clark prepares his fist.

"Why are you here?"

"I am here for my Anti-Life Equation. With it, all of "existence" shall be mine. I must save the world... from him."

"There's a better way to beat The Everlasting One without taking away the Multiverse's free will!" yelled Clark.

Darkseid flicks Clark away as Clark has his ribs instantly crushed.

Carol then blasts dimensional energy beams at Darkseid, who easily tanks it.

"Carol Danvers... Captain Marvel..." Darkseid squinted his eyes. "This... This isn't about conquering the world... This is to argue against The Everlasting One... that the world could be saved. Grant it to me and I shall show the Multiverses mercy."

"Born out of blood!" yelled Carol, as she blasted massive amounts of energy at Darkseid.

Parademons began crowding the group.

Diana sighed. "Oh, no..."

"Welp..." said Barry, as he sees Clark knocked out on the ground and Bruce, Tony, and Frank battling against Doom. "This is the end..."

"I've been in the Suicide Squad... Time to live up to my name, I guess," said Harley, smiling sweetly.

"I can't die... So..." Wade prepares his katanas.

"Sweet Jesus Christ," said Matthew, as he did the Sign of the Cross and prepared his batons.

"Hey, Quill," said Thor.

"What?" asked Quill.

"You're my best friend..." said Thor, nodding to Quill.

Quill bows his head. "Thanks... You too, man."

Darkseid sighs as he prepares his heat vision.


The heat vision blasts and zigzags around the place as it prepared to strike Captain Marvel's face.


(theme ends)

The heat blast stops a few centimeters from Carol's face.

Peter, Billy, Damian, and Cassandra all stood next to each other. Peter raises the piece of cloth and showed it to Darkseid.

"Peter! What are you-!?" Bruce asked as Tony grabbed his shoulder.

"Wait..." said Tony.

"What is that?" asked Darkseid.

"The Anti-Life Equation!!!" yelled Peter. "The argument that all life does not matter and therefore should be mind-controlled by someone who is worthy!"

Darkseid takes it and reads it. He sneers.

"Loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding ⋅ guilt ⋅ shame ⋅ failure ⋅ judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side..." Darkseid cackles. "Foolish human..." Darkseid gains the ability of the Anti-Life, as immediately, every Superhero on the battlefield is mind-controlled by Darkseid. "You have given up... How dishonorable... Why would you give me this equation?"

Darkseid gains dark cosmic energies around his body as he warps and overwrites all reality. He changes Battleworld into a giant eyeball and bites into it. Darkseid then warps everything and emerged strange and monstrous creatures and gods from the unknown beyond. Cthulu, Golb, Azathoth, Praed Shivus, Shiva, Savitar, the 4th World Testicle Cops, Bugs Bunny, Big Chungus, and several other entities.

"Why?" sneered Darkseid.

"Because!" yelled Peter. "I have a better one!"

Darkseid's eyes widen.

"Companionship + understanding + assurance + joy + altruism ÷ respect ÷ commendation ÷ sympathy ⋅ innocence ⋅ dignity ⋅ success ⋅ acceptance y=n where y=despair and n=caution, love=truth, death=rebirth, and self=LIGHT SIDE!!!"

Cosmic energies began resonating around Peter's body...


Cosmic Spider-Man...

Darkseid grabs Peter and blasts him into the Quantum Dimension, as the pair enter the Edge of Everything. Spider-Man blasts his webs into Darkseid as he injects the webs with Quantum Energy as Darkseid is blasted away and warped into billions of different anime and sci-fi characters.

Spock appears and gives Darkseid a Vulcan Nerve Pinch.

Goku blasts Darkseid with Kamehameha.

Naruto attacks Darkseid with a Rasengan charged with the nine tails.

DIO and The World give Darkseid a MUDA Rush.

Yugi Mutou duels Darkseid and attacks him with Blue-Eyes White Dragon's Burst Stream of Destruction.

Pikachu then appears.

Peter yells, "PIKACHU!!! THUNDERBOLT!!!"

Darkseid is shocked by Pikachu's electric attacks.

Peter then summons Darth Vader, who force chokes Darkseid.

Peter then summons the Earthworm from Dune who swallows Darkseid.


Darkseid leaps toward Peter and strangles him as he beats his face over and over.

Darkseid then blasted Peter into a blackhole as Peter is sucked in.

Darkseid then summons the Infinity Stones from every known Universe in the X-Axis and Y-Axis Multiverses and began disintegrating Peter.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!!!" Peter screamed in agony.

Darkseid then rearranges his molecules as his body parts are forced to mix. His eyes are in his stomach. He grows multiple ears all over. His nose turns upside-down. His head becomes similar to a Lopsider's head. His feet become mangled.

Peter then struggles and puts the Life Equation into Darkseid's head.

Darkseid screams in agony...


The two are back on their spots before, right before the battle occurred. Peter reset the timeline, but their injuries remained, as they transcend time, and therefore, the battle still "happened" for them.

Peter still has the Life Equation in Darkseid's head.

"Purpose... What is 'purpose'?" asked Darkseid, softly. "Life is terrifying and chaotic... Without a proper ruler... life is chaos... That is what I was trying to do... And The Everlasting One came to existence... Threatening everyone's very existence... I thought I was the savior... and I thought controlling all would be mercy..."

A tear falls from Darkseid's eye. "It is beautiful... This other equation... The Life Equation... I could see every molecule... every particle in existence... and that it has a purpose... There is... a God... There is someone who controls all... rules overall... There is a purpose... I have to show this to the remaining survivors... I must-!!!"

Peter grabs the two cloths as he tears them to pieces...

The two immediately forgot the massive power they held, and therefore lost it.

"No!" wept Darkseid. "I COULD'VE SAVED EVERYONE!!!"

"I know," said Peter.

"Then... Why?" asked Darkseid. "We could've used it to kill The Everlasting One!"

"Because the Life Equation may prove that life does exist... it also proves that life is chaos...I know a couple of guys who would be thrilled to discover it... Particularly in Mr. Wayne's rogue's gallery," said Peter. "This power... It made me want to be God... Which just isn't me... I don't want anyone to ever feel such power... Because not only did it help me... but it tempted me... Whispers of 'Universal Recreation' and 'Godliness' went in my head... This was the same argument 'The Everlasting One' kept on arguing at us... The whole reason why we fought in the first place. It is best for both equations to be kept secret from our world... Forever..."

Darkseid knelt on the ground in shame.

"Too bad..." sneered someone behind Darkseid. "I could've used such power to destroy all life and create a newer and grateful world... filled with peace... prosperity... and justice..."

"A world born out of blood," Darkseid turned to him.

"A world born out of blood," Darkseid turned to himThe Everlasting One...

Stefan Rivers the Unbreakable.

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