
2. Chapter II: JoJo and Zeppeli

A Grimm wearing a black leather cloak entered a bar. The people inside woge into different kinds of creatures such as Pigmen, Lycans, Lambmen, Myriads, Minotaurs, Nekomatas, and Manticores.

The Cryptids saw the Grimm and backed away in fear.

"It's the day of taxes, you filthy animals..." he squinted his eyes as the Cryptids shuddered.

They all paid one gold coin, except for one Pigman woman, who didn't have any money for that week.

The Grimm grabs a young Pigman, who is a boy. He struggled to break free in fear of the Grimm. "Please!" the boy sobbed. "Please stay away from me! Don't cut off my head!"

"NO!!!" sobbed the woman. "NO!!!"

The Grimm prepares his ax over the Pigman's head.

"NO!!!" sobbed the woman. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"



The Grimm cruelly drags the decapitated body outside.

"The Emperor sends his regards. Invicta," said the Grimm, who walked out of the bar.

"You Decapitares are freaks... You people are no better than the Emperors who enslave you."

The Grimm stayed silent.

"I'm just a man following orders, Ma'am. The orders were to decapitate their children if they have no pay."

"Someday!" yelled the woman Pigman. "Someday we'll rise against you! We'll rise against the human race. Decapitares are meant to serve the Cryptid and Human kinds! Not slaughter us in the name of the human race!"

"You people!?" The Grimm walked toward her. "You people are animals. Animals, I tell you. You are savage creatures that when left unchecked, you will return to your wild ways and feed on mankind. You are animals."

"We're more than that!" sobbed the Pigman woman.

"Yet I see your horrifying monstrous forms... Freaks of fucking nature," he squinted his eyes. "Animals."

13 years... later...

It is August 29, 1896. The Filipinos' rage had been growing to a point where small rebellions have come around that toppled over some towns, but it didn't matter. Though the Spanish Empire was dying, the Empire was still very dangerous, enough for the Filipinos to live in terror among the streets. Filipinos are killed every day because of the Empire's strict rule. The fight never mattered. The Spanish believe that it will never matter... until... now...

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" laughed a voice nearby. "And then he said, 'Slide my balls in the floor, I need another round!' BA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

The other man stayed silent. The other man wore black sunglasses and a black tophat. He had a beard, a black suit, and long black hair.

"Elias," said the other man. "We really shouldn't be talking about that right now,"

"Come on, Simoun!" shouted Elias. "It's a pretty fuckin' hilarious joke! I could probably be a comedian one day! Back in Naples, I was the talk of the town!"

"That was inappropriate and terrible," sighed Simoun.

"Come on, Simoun! Have a laugh!" smiled Elias. "All you do is brood over your past and murder Aswangs!"

"And all you do is make terrible jokes, Elias," he whispered.

A roar could be heard nearby.

Suddenly, a magical spirit of some sort began emerging from Simoun. This also happened with Elias. Both people have spirits emerge from their bodies.

For Elias, the spirit looks like a green spirit with no face. It looks like a green mannequin with red dots all over it. It has large dish-like mouse ears on its head facing downward. It has metallic plates on its underarms and its under legs.

For Simoun, it has a large giant chest with strangely small proportioned arms. It has its head slouched and placed on the upper center of its own chest. It is pink in color with stars for its eyes. It also lacks an abdomen and a crotch and its legs are right below its chest. It has metallic shells made like a dress covering its legs.

The giant pink spirit then attacks the roaring creature.

"ORA!!!" it shouted.

But, it is revealed that the creature was just a small boar.

The spirit then immediately retracted.

"Huh..." whispered Simoun. "Just a black boar."

"Where is San Diego, exactly?" asked Gyro.

"It's up north. I heard that San Diego is planning to expand its territory up to the mountains," said Simoun. "We need to send the books I've written over there to start the rebellion, Elias... If not... Salvi will-..."

"Huh... Interesting. Oi! Simoun! Look, it's a bug!" shouted Elias. "Dysdercus Cyngulatus. A brilliant specimen commonly found in the Philippines."

"That's a crop pest. Brings fucking diseases to our plants," whispered Simoun. "We need to get to San Diego before night comes."

"Fine!" shouted Elias. "You're such a brooding downer! Honestly! Here's another one! What did the chicken tell to his wife?"

Simoun squints his eyes. 

"Make me a sand-!"



Elias grabs his bleeding nose. "FUCK!!! GAH!!! THE GODDAMNED PAIN!!!"

"Ever since you stabbed me with that arrow, I gained my Stand, Tusk... And I should be very well grateful to you for that... But I don't agree with humor about the opposite sex... I may be what I am, but I am a gentleman, Elias Zeppeli."

Note: What... is a Stand? A Stand is the manifestation of one's spirit and mental prowess. Each Stand has an ability unique to its user, depending on the User's personality.

Simoun and Elias then walked a long path. Under the hot sun, the two walked towards a Barangay under the control of San Diego.

*flap... flap... flap...*

Elias fans himself due to the heat. But the stench of his sweat his blown to Simoun's nose.

"I swear to God, Elias," said Simoun.

"What!? I'm hot!"

"Can't you fan the other way!?"

"But I don't wanna. I'm right-handed and stuff."


Suddenly, they stay quiet as they pass by a Church. People there all fan themselves because of the intense heat. A child ends up falling to the ground as the mother sobbed and tried to pick him up.

Simoun sighs.

*clack... clack... clack...*

Simoun gets off his horse and gives the child water.

"I heard it's a dry season... Hardly any water in the wells, huh?" asked Simoun.

"Thank you," the woman said in a weepy voice.

Simoun walked into Church to see a crowd of Filipinos not understanding what the Priest is saying, who speaks in Spanish.

"Amen," said the Priest.

"Hey, fucktard," said Simoun.

The Filipinos gasp out of fear.

"What... did you just say to me? You there, with the black coat!" yelled the Priest. "I am a holy man! How dare you insult me this way! I'll have the guards cut off your tongue and crucify you!"

"If you're going to give them a sermon, give them one where they would understand you. They speak Tagalog and Ilocano. Not Spanish."


Simoun clenches his jaw as he bows. "Paumanhin, father..."

Simoun then walks away.

"Sheesh!" laughed Elias. "Is it hot in here or is it just me? Because there's a fire in your eyes just now!"

"Silence, Elias," said Simoun, as he gets up on his horse. "I don't need you to patronize me."


The two paid the innkeeper Reales and slept for the night.

*tik tik tik tik tik tik tik tik*

Simoun woke up, hearing the ticking noise.

"Elias," whispered Simoun. "There's an enemy nearby." 

Elias slept and whispered several Italian phrases while asleep.

Simoun began shaking Elias violently.

The ticking stopped.

Simoun prepared to take out his spirit.

"Tusk!" he whispered, as his spirit emerged.

Simoun put his hand on the window and peeked outside the cotton curtains. There, he saw two blue eyes staring back at him. Simoun's eyes squinted.

Simoun immediately leaped out of the window and landed on his feet on the ground.

The creature crept towards him.

"Aswang..." he whispered. "Show yourself, cowardly creature."

The Aswang crept out of its hiding spot as its wings ticked. Its eyes dart at Simoun's as its claws twitched.

"Shall we start, you damned animal, or will you keep fawning over my Stand?" asked Simoun.

"You've murdered my family, Simoun JoJo," said the Aswang.

"Your family caused an entire village to be eaten horrendously. Everyone in that village suffered your kind's blood-drinking. I saw their bodies... all their livers torn out... women and children's carcasses laid everywhere... Thus, I have the complete right to kill you, right now," said Simoun JoJo, pointing his finger at the creature.

Flames began to radiate from Simoun's body as Simoun began to pattern his breathing.

"It absolutely pisses me off that your kind had turned even the Spaniards. I will hunt down and kill your current Ruler, whoever he may be..." said Simoun JoJo, as his body radiated with flames. He put his hand on his hip and stretched his left leg. He then looked at the Aswang from behind. "...I will slaughter him. He is a Spaniard who is in reality, an Aswang, I heard, who currently controls the Governor-General like a puppet. Once I slaughter him and begin the rebellion, the Philippines will be free. And all that's left to do is to kill the rest of you.TUSK!!!"

Tusk, his spirit, attacks the Aswang, who leaped backward.

It hissed and growled, sounding like a wailing woman.

Simoun and Tusk charged with the energy from his body. This energy... is called...

"Hamon is the energy of the sun," said Simoun. "You damned creatures are allergic to this substance just as you are to the sun... at least... in your current form."

The Aswang tries to claw at Simoun, but he easily kicks him away using his spirit.

The Aswang gnawed its claws and stood still.

It then spat a splash of acid as Simoun dodged. Simoun then shot blasts of flames at the Aswang. The Aswang spread its wings and flew up in the air, shooting acid spits at Simoun. Tusk then shoots flames at The Aswang.

"Carmen, I believe?" asked Simoun. "Your kind had taken away so much from me... and your excuse for trying to kill me is that I've killed your brother? Your kind had done so much against me... your kind killed my Father and my Mother. Your kind made my life so tragic. Thus. I will end your kind and save this world from your world."

The Aswang bit into Simoun's shoulder, as Simoun grunted softly. With his own bare hands, he pummeled the creature and grabbed both the creature's upper and lower jaws. With the help of Tusk, Simoun slowly pulled the creature's mouth open.

"That is why, what I'm about to do to your kind, I'm going to enjoy very well," said Simoun, whispering into the creature's ear. Tears fell from the creature's eyes as it gasped in pain. It cooed softly, as Simoun then tears out the creature's lower jaw. Tusk then opens its mouth and spits flames into the creature's mouth. The creature then trembled violently and slowly turned into ashes.  Simoun then bashed its face over and over again. "I'll murder all of you..." said Simoun, as the creature fell to the ground, dead. Its body then slowly disintegrated into ash.

"This nation has no place for your kind. I'll use your children and turn them into slaves, forcing them to build my nation's Paradise Empire. Through your stupid, pathetic, horseshit-eating children, I'll save my world, by simply destroying yours." Simoun then sadistically stared into the eyes of the creature. "Call me psychotic..." Simoun laughed hysterically. "It is my psychotic tendencies that define who I am... that define what I am... that define my animalistic hatred for you. I'll break your spines and turn them into bridges for my kind to walk in."

It is revealed... that the creature Simoun killed, is actually just a man. But in Simoun's eyes, it is a filthy Aswang.

"Only I can see what you really are... You fucking Aswangs..." whispered Simoun.

Aswangs. Creatures that are Vampiric in nature. They have a chimera-like form, having a wolf's head, a humanoid body, dark blue fur, blue shining pupils, black eyes, a monkey's tail, large batwings, and a muscular body. It has black claws on the tip of each toe and finger. It has needle-like fangs and a curling smile.

Now, Aswangs can transform. However, Aswangs has two forms. One form is found only when they are emotional, and can only be seen by Grimms. The second is when the Aswang purposefully shows its true form to other people, seen by just about everyone.

Meanwhile, there are Grimms. Grimms are Mediums who can see the true form of other people. They can see people's true forms and see supernatural things that no others can. Grimms can also see those spirits that emerged from the two current main characters. Thus, Grimms are known to be the only ones capable of hunting the supernatural.

The spirits are called Stands. Stands are the representation of the User's personality. Stands will move and/or act by their User's demand. Stands can only be gained if the User is in contact with Christ's blood. All Stands are named after songs, musical artists, or band names from our world. Only Stands can injure other Stands, and injuring the Stand will reflect the User and vice versa. However, Divine Beings and Ghosts can injure Stands. When the user dies, the Stand disappears with them. But in some cases, if the User has multiple personalities, the other Stands can leave the body from the User. The Stand's strength is also inversely proportional to the distance between it and its User. Stands are also inherited and naturally awaken from the User's body in times of need. When Stands are objects or are made up of matter instead of spiritual energy (i.e. water or fire), they can be seen by other people. But when Stands are humanoid, robotic, in the form of an organism, or microscopic, the Stand can only be seen by Seers, Old Gods, Ghosts, and other Stand-Users.

And finally, there is Hamon. Hamon is an ability shared by Grimms of this world. All Grimms have Hamon, and Hamon is used to primarily kill Vampires, or Aswangs, called by the Filipinos. Hamon is the energy of the sun and is activated through controlled breathing. It is the basic life energy. Hamon, however, can be mutated via Stands. Simoun, for example, has mutated Hamon, hereby called Flame Hamon.

Suddenly, electricity began radiating from his fingers while he controls his breathing.

"Who else is out there?" sadistically smiled Simoun.


Simoun's legs shook, feeling pain in his abdomen. The creature immediately appeared before him.

"Motherfucker..." he whispered, as Tusk immediately punched the creature away. 

"ORA!!!" shouted Tusk.

Simoun, bleeding, trembled and backed away.

Several Aswangs rose from the forest, and several ticks could be heard. They snarled and growled at him.

"I'll murder all of your kind... viciously... and destroy your world," whispered Simoun.

"BUENA!!!" shouted another voice, punching the Aswangs away. Suddenly, shots of ice were shot at the Aswangs, as some of them disintegrated from the ice.

"BALL BREAKER!!! ICE HAMON!!!" shouted the voice, as the green Stand appeared. The Stand immediately froze the others.

Ball Breaker immediately froze the Aswang's feet.

"DIE, JOJO!!!" shouted one Aswang who spin kicked Simoun from behind. Tusk immediately grabbed its face and melted it.

"I'll burn you all..." whispered Simoun, as he shot blasts of flames and lightning at the Aswangs.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" shouted Tusk, punching the Aswangs away.

"BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA BUENA!!!" shouted Ball Breaker, also punching the Aswangs away.

The two made sure to keep close together.

"Elias... What the fuck were you even dream about?!" asked Simoun.

"Pesto and Macaroni. What the fuck do you think a half-Italian like me would be dreaming about, dumbass?!" asked Elias, shooting more ice at the creatures.

Elias then created a forcefield made of ice around them and turned it into a ball, giving it spikes around it. Then, he rolled around the Aswangs. The Aswangs ran away out of fear as the ice ball crushed all of them. Bones crushing, blood everywhere, and the smell of dead bodies entering the slumbering people's noses, Elias kept on rolling his spike ice roller. The ice ball then broke into pieces as Simoun finished everything by burning all of their bodies.

The two pant out of exhaustion.

"We've done it," he said, as the Aswangs have all been killed and each dusted into thin air.

"Let's get the fuck outta here," said Simoun.

"Sure thing," said Matanglawin.

The two then eye a pair of horses in the barn beside the Inn. They then climb on the horse and ride it, galloping away.

"Hya!" shouted Elias, as the two left the village to find the Capital: San Diego.

"The problem of the world truly is the stupidity of its people," said Damaso.

"Padre..." said an Aswang with ticking wings, entering his Chapel. "The Filibuster and Matanglawin had struck once again. This time, in the Barangay of San Antonio. They're approaching here in San Diego."

"You've returned here, meaning you've run away from that fight out of fear?" asked Damaso.

"Padre... forgive m-..."

Suddenly, Damaso teleported behind him and decapitated the man. He then puts his hand within the man's back as some sort of extradimensional energy resonated from the man. He then pulls out a newspaper from the man's back and reads it.

"So, it seems that The Filibuster wishes to take vengeance against me. However, as I've had Rafael and Crisostomo Ibarra murdered, I will have him murdered as well," he said, as he walked away. "I will do this for Spain's God, Spain's Glory, and Spain's Gold. To save this colony, I will rid this colony from dirty deeds done dirt cheap."

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