
72. Chapter 72

With languid swipes of her tongue, Nicole soothed the fresh bite on Waverly’s neck and lapped up the taste of sweat and their scent. It clung to her tongue and mouth, coating her throat with its honeyed sweetness as Waverly’s nimble tongue worked upon her flesh.

Her body trembled, wracked with aftershocks of pleasure that had her gasping. Nicole felt like she was almost locked in the grip of her rut again. Sated but less than a breath or heated moan from her Omega away from wanting more of the young woman beneath her. Always wanting more.

Mouth sliding along Waverly’s jaw, she found kiss-swollen lips and shared the taste of their passion coating their mouths. The copper tang of blood, the vanilla and lavender of their scent and the sweetness of their come. Their tongues danced and probed, teeth nipping as their bodies started moving and dancing together again.

Gentling their kisses, Nicole searched Waverly’s eyes, taking in the desire roiling within their hazel beauty. Her pupils were blown wide, the whites still gone over to solid wolf. Nicole chuckled as her teeth snapped playfully at her lips in protest of being denied her kisses. “Someone still frisky, huh?”

In reply, a tanned leg shifted between hers, a muscled thigh pressed into tender flesh, leaving Nicole weak and whimpering against her, a shaky, wry, laugh burbling from a throat made scratchy from screaming and begging. When Nicole found the strength to lift her head, Waverly’s eyes were bright, her bottom lip caught between her teeth in anticipation.

Nicole laughed as the mood was broken somewhat by a thunderous growl from Waverly’s stomach. “How about we go take care of that first, Baby? Then we can spend just as long as we need taking care of the rest of our hunger.”

The lilting, husky purr in Nicole’s voice and the way her brown eyes darkened and dropped to her lips had Waverly wanting to tackle Nicole back onto the bed to beg her to forget all about food but both their stomachs let out growls and Waverly chuckled and accepted Nicole’s hand to help her off the bed. And it was a hand that was very much needed as her legs trembled as she tried to take a step. Even though Nicole didn’t seem to be faring much better herself, she scooped her off the ground bridal style and carried her downstairs only to dump her on the couch in an aroused and undignified heap.

Kneeling, Waverly peeked over the back of the couch to watch with hungry eyes as Nicole moved around the kitchen, slicing fresh fruit for their breakfast. The morning light flicking through the blinds, caressing the beautiful lines of her body, highlighting the dips and curves. Just the sight of her had Waverly’s thighs growing damper with desire as her pussy fluttered and clenched in need. Hand sliding down, she set her teeth into the couch cushions, muffling her moan, as her fingers slid through the slick dampness coating her thighs, tracing it up to the source.

Waverly saw Nicole’s nostrils flare and knew her love had caught her scent as she circled her aching clit with her fingers. Knowing, lust filled, brown eyes locked upon her and she could see the dominant Alpha gazing from them and Waverly shivered under the weight of them.

“Those are my fingers on you right now, Waves. Mine. Pinch your clit… feels so good Baby, so swollen and tender. Now, slide two of them in you… slowly now… nice and deep and pump them in and out. But don’t you dare come until we get back to bed.”

Waverly whined and clutched at the couch, fighting against the desire to come and the need to be good for her Alpha as she did what Nicole had said and worked her fingers in and out of her aching pussy. “Nic?”

“No coming,” she husked gently but firmly. Keeping an eye on her, Nicole propped a hip against the kitchen counter and popped a slice of freshly cut apple into her mouth and chewed on it slowly. “That’s enough, Baby. No more now,” she ordered. “Time for some food then we can go back to bed.” Much more and she could tell there was a chance Waverly would be overcome by her desire and Nicole’s Alpha side was very much in control right then… had been since they had bitten each other again.

Waverly whimpered and removed her fingers. Laying her head on the back of the couch she struggled for composure. She was so close it felt like every breath she took was connected to her womb and clit. She wanted to come, was desperate for it, but even more than that she wanted to be good and experience everything Nicole was plotting for her. And there was plotting going on, she could see it in the soft twinkle of her eyes as she slowly ate another piece of apple as she strolled towards her like she had all day… to tease and torment and drive her out of her mind!

Smirking at the soft growl rising from Waverly, Nicole offered her a slice of apple drizzled with syrup. She made sure to keep her fingers out of reach as Waverly bit through the offering with a snap of white teeth and chewed on it like she was wishing it was her fingers. “Easy, Baby. Eat first… you’ll need your strength.”

“You are such a fucking tease, Nicole Haught,” Waverly grouched as she tried to resist the urge to tackle her Alpha and wipe the ridiculously adorable, dimpled, smirk off her face.

Nicole moaned loudly in pleasure as she bit through a perfectly ripe strawberry and tilted her head on one side as she pretended to ponder Waverly’s frustrated outburst. “But, love… it’s a statement of fact, not a tease.” Holding out the remainder of the strawberry, she popped it into Waverly’s mouth as her jaw dropped a little. “You did so good… so damn good with that strap-on,” she shivered as she thought about it. “Now it’s my turn if you think you’re ready to try it?” she grinned wolfishly as Waverly swallowed her bite of strawberry with more than a hint of nervous anticipation writ across her face and rapidly nodded her head.

Dipping her fingers into the fruit, Waverly picked up a piece, not even looking as to what it was as she held it up to Nicole’s mouth. Her mouth curved into a smile that dazzled her with teeth and dimples as she opened her mouth for her offering.

They fed each other, teasing with swipes of tongues and gentle nibbles across fingertips that lingered longer and longer until it was all gone. Lips and bodies entwining, they made their way back up the stairs, Nicole’s hands upon Waverly’s hips guiding her every step as she made her way backwards up them.

Waverly moaned, her lips clinging to Nicole’s as long as possible as Nicole’s gently but firmly pulled away. Her breathing was as ragged as her own and her Alpha’s soft chuckle told Waverly just how hard it was to have any distance between them. Her hands guided her though, turning her firmly around, Nicole barred an arm around her waist to stop her turning and pulled her flush against her front as she walked them over to the bed.

Through the mirror on the other side of the bed, Waverly looked at the flushed and needy creature in Nicole’s grasp. Waverly moaned at the flare of hunger on both their faces as Nicole’s placed a pillow on the edge of the bed and guided her down until her upper body was flat to the mattress. The pillow supported and lifted her hips further, bringing their hips into perfect alignment.

“Touch yourself for me, Waves. Those are still my fingers. No coming though, Baby. Save that for when I’m in you.”

Waverly moaned, her body instinctively searching for Nicole’s as she stepped away. The loss of Nicole’s body against hers was almost unbearable even though she knew what was about to happen.

Closing her eyes, Waverly breathed in the scent of them permeating the room and the bed beneath her and felt her hips twitch in need as she filled her lungs and soul with it. Running her hand between her thighs, she avoided her too sensitive clit for fear it would set her off and caressed her dripping folds, teasing her entrance with the tip of her finger as she tracked Nicole’s movements in the bathroom as she cleaned the toy. Her ears caught the edge of a gasp that made her grind into the mattress and whine in the sure knowledge that it had been wrung from her as she’d slipped that wonderfully probing smaller end into place.

She wanted her Alpha on her. Ached to feel her strong body covering hers, pressing her into the mattress.

Clutching the covers desperately, Waverly opened her eyes and turned her head to watch as Nicole stepped from the bathroom with a shy, almost hesitant look on her face that Waverly had seen on her own when she had first put the harness on and felt the weight of the strap-on bouncing around. Nicole looked magnificently beautiful as always though and as her brown eyes raked over her body, Waverly saw the nervousness vanish from her eyes, wiped out by a blazing need that had her eyes going wolf before she’d taken a step.

Waverly writhed against the bed as Nicole’s body slipped into a dominant predatory glide that had her twitching and pushing her hips back in blatant invitation for her Alpha. Fingertips dragged down her spine and sides, curving over her hips and chasing the shivers up along the backs of her thighs and ass to be replaced by the delicious weight of Nicole’s body as she curled forwards and lay against her.

Purring at the sensation, Waverly turned her eyes to the mirror and caught the brown of Nicole’s watching her from behind the curtain of red that was teasing across her shoulders. Long fingers caressed her right side, teasing the edge of her breast and hip, nails dragging across her thighs, fingers pressing into her waist as Nicole’s mouth worked across the back of her neck and shoulders with kisses, bites and licks. And all the while, Nicole's hips thrust gently, sliding the length of her cock between Waverly’s lips, the weight of her body just enough to prevent Waverly from thrusting back how she wanted to.

“Have- ahhh- have I mentioned that you’re a tease?” Waverly moaned.

“Mmmm,” Nicole stilled her motion and rubbed her chin in thought, knowing full well that Waverly was watching her through the mirror. “I seem to remember you mentioning it, yes. Though I’m pretty sure you used the word… fucking too,” pushing her hips forwards, Nicole stretched her with just the very tip of her cock.

She held herself still, watching Waverly’s face in the mirror. Letting her adjust to the stretch… savour it and then want more. Nicole started moving, slowly, gently, giving her as much time as she needed to adjust to each sensation just as her Omega had done for her. “You are so beautiful, Waverly. Taking me so good.”

Captive under Nicole’s gentle control, Waverly whimpered and begged as her loving Alpha worked her into a frenzy of need. Sweat slicked their bodies, come trickled down their thighs as Nicole moved on her and in her and Waverly watched it all… felt it all… and heard it all… every delicious stretch and glide, every grunt and moan, every soft sigh and whimper, words of love, encouragement and guttural expletive. The soft, sensual, liquid slapping of bodies coming together, growing louder and more frenzied as she chased her from one orgasm to the next.

Hand wrapping around the thickness of Waverly’s hair, Nicole held herself still, buried deep within the tight grasp of her loves body. Breathing hard, Nicole guided her upright, making Waverly gasp as the cock settled deeper within her. Arms wrapping around her, Nicole thrust upwards as she set her teeth gently into the mark on her throat again and held Waverly up as she went limp in her arms as she came again.

The dominant, Alpha side of Nicole wanted to keep going but the side of her that feared and fought against it had Nicole trying to easing out of Waverly so she could help her on to the bed.

“No!” Digging her nails into Nicole’s hip, Waverly pushed back, keeping them locked together. “Please, not yet. Need you in me.”

“Well, you’ve got my legs shaking so how about just long enough so we can actually get on the bed?”

“Hmm,” Waverly pondered the suggestion, probably for far longer than was necessary but that, she figured, was entirely Nicole’s fault for scrambling her brain with all the intense orgasms. “Okay,” she nodded, “but just long enough for that though, promise?”

“I promise, Baby,” Nicole chuckled. Gently, she eased out and held Waverly as she turned around in her arms and linked her hands together at the back of her neck. Sliding her hands down, Nicole lifted her up and smiled as Waverly wrapped her legs around her waist with a far too smug look on her face that shifted to pure pleasure as Nicole adjusted the strap-on and slid back inside right there and then. “That better, Baby?”

Crawling on to the bed with Waverly’s legs still locked around her, Nicole lay her back against the pillows and settled herself against her love. “Not too heavy for you?”

“Perfect… you’re perfect. Well okay, maybe if you move just a little?”

“Oh, okay, sorry,” Nicole apologised.

“No, not like that, silly.” Waverly tightened her legs around Nicole’s trim waist and threaded her fingers through her hair as she tried to scramble off her. “I mean… move,” she purred seductively.

“Oh, like this?”

Waverly whimpered as Nicole moved her hips in a slow rolling motion that had sparks shooting through Waverly’s body as she moved the cock in and out. Nicole’s mouth found hers in a soul-searching kiss that had the sparks spreading like wildfire and had her sobbing her need and pleasure into Nicole’s mouth.

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