
Glowgo glowing worm salad

This was the part he hated about trying to create a stats meal. Nothing was guaranteed to work, even if he thought the possibility was high of achieving a result. His gaze wandered out the window watching Crackers drift in and out of the storage facility.

He was disheartened that his creation didn't even look like becoming a stats item. As he watched Crackers figure disappear again, he thought about his other creations. They had all been successful because he collected the ingredients from the same low level area. Was he now venturing into higher level creations?

Did this mean creating new items was going to be near impossible for him to achieve. A frown pinched his brows together. He didn't think that would be the case yet, he wasn't venturing into areas that were over level 100, so technically he should still be able to combine the ingredients from the twisted tunnels if Snickers information was correct.

When he saw the Glowgo and the glow worms emitting the same green glow and had the same stats, he felt positive he could combine them.

Was something in the recipe stopping the combination from happening? All the ingredients came from the same area, so he didn't think that was the case. He was positive he wasn't yet venturing into higher level dishes. He had always felt that higher creations would go hand in hand with higher level areas.

He scratched his chin then let out a long sigh. He should move on to trying to create another of the recipes he came up with instead of dwelling on this particular recipe.

As he was about to put away the ingredients his eyes landed on a chicken. Then his eyes went wide, the chicken was no longer in the Twisted tunnels it was right outside his restaurant. Kit felt like he was on to something with this train of thought.

If the chicken was here, then had it always been in the twisted tunnels or had it moved there? Was the cavern the Piabbits had creative even native to the twisted tunnels? If the Piabbits had moved their whole domain to Kit door step, had they done the same with the space inside the twisted tunnels?

Kit's eyes dropped down to the salad in the bowl. Blue pieces of onion were scattered throughout the salad. Kit felt his heart rate pick up. If he removed the onion, would it make a difference? Kit scraped the bowl of salad and started to prepare the salad once again. It was worth a try using a regular onion instead of the glowing blue one.

He set to work preparing the ingredients once again. This time as he was placing the combined ingredients into the bowl a familiar blue hue was starting to form inside the bowl. A thumping started inside Kit's chest and spread through his body as he drizzled the salad dressing over the tropical salad.

When the last drop fell a notification rang in Kit's ears.


[Glowgo glowing worm salad created]

Quality level: Poor

Quality bonus: Poor quality of creator increases the chance of consumer glowing to 70%

A tropical salad that has a refreshing taste perfect for summer.

Recovers 1000 magica, 200 health.

[Restricted: chef Level 60 to unlock for sale]

Reward: 15,000 EXP, 1,000 culinary EXP, 500 silver crowns, 750 culinary points.

[Congratulations, you are now Level 46 Chef]

Kit heart stuttered at the notification, not only had he created a new item for his menu, he went up a chef level! A feeling of satisfaction swept over him that his guess had been right about the ingredients from the Piabbits domain.

Then a tingling spread over his body at the thought of the glowing blue vegetables. He quickly stuffed his growing excitement over the blue ingredients to the back of his mind. He had a feeling that the ingredients from the Piabbits domain would take a lot of fiddling to achieve a stats creation.

Kit decided to work with the ingredients from the Twisted tunnels first before delving into new ingredients from the Piabbits domain. He went back to looking over his new menu item.

He looked at the level needed to sell the item and didn't become discouraged. If he was successful in creating new recipes from all his new ingredients his chef level should sky rocket in the next few days!

When he looked at the stats the Glowgo glowing worm salad would give after consumption a wave of happiness spread like wild fire through his body. Not only was he going to have new items for his menu, he was also able to offer a wide variety of stats to his customers!

The inspiration to keep creating filled his mind. He quickly packed away the ingredients then watched as a clean sprite appeared out of nowhere and cleaned his kitchen in the blink of an eye. He thanked the small creature then started to look through the book of plants once again.

Next, he was going to try creating sushi! When he thought about the fish panic filled him, he had accidentally packed the small fish tank inside his pouch! He quickly withdrew the tank expecting to see a bunch of dead fish.

Kit blinked stupidly at the sight in front of him, the fish were not dead! They were a bit sluggish swimming in the tank, the longer Kit watched the more active the fish became until they were swimming around like normal.

Hot flaming peppers! His pouch could hold live animals! He glanced down at the ordinary looking pouch with stars in his eyes. The day he found this pouch he never would have guessed how special it really was. He became even more wrapped at the ability of his pouch, he couldn't wait to share the news with Mars.

A happy hum left his mouth and he returned his focus to the fish. Three different coloured fish swam inside the tank glittering with golden swirls. He moved his gaze to the open book on the counter and flipped to the information on the plants he found at the bottom of the lake.

He found a plant that was similar to seaweed was called Little light damp weed written in the pages of the book. When he looked at the information, there were no stats related to it if eaten raw, this didn't deter Kit from using it. He quickly pulled out one of the plants and tasted a small piece, it tasted a bit like sea salt.

He hands scooped up his mortar and pestle then he began to puree the Little light damp weed. He combined eggs yolks, some nutmeg and garlic into the puree. He then folded some egg whites into the mixture.

Once everything was evenly blended, he then poured the mixture onto some baking trays lined with waxy paper. He glanced at the fire pit and clicked his tongue, he needed an oven for this part. He walked outside his back door and took out his camping kitchen.

He could just use the oven in the camping kitchen! He loaded the trays inside, when he shut the door Crackers emerged from the storage facility. "What ya doing Kit?"

Kit was startled, he had completely forgotten that Crackers was here. "I needed an oven to dry the seaweed sheets."

"Oh, what are ya makin with them?" Crackers bent down to look inside the oven.

"Sushi!" Kit looked at the curious Crackers then at the remaining vegetables left on the ground. "Do you want to help?" It wouldn't matter if the vegetables weren't put away until later.

Crackers head snapped up at Kit's words and her eyes twinkled. "Yes!" Kit remembered that he had promised Crackers and Cupcake that they could help when he was going to attempt to make a stats item. A memory flashed of Crackers disappointment when she missed out on watching him create the rum.

He was glad Snickers sent Crackers back with him, he had a feeling that he would be bombarded with sad expressions from Crackers if she had missed out once again. He glanced at her eager expression and smiled. "This shouldn't take long to dry out, then you can help me with the rest of the preparation."

As he was talking to Crackers, he was watching the seaweed through the glass door. He knew this oven expedited the time compared to earth ovens, so he wanted to watch the progress so he didn't burn the sheets.

When the sheets looked done Kit put on an oven glove and pulled out the trays and carried them into the kitchen. Next, he sent Crackers to purchase some rice. When she joined him in the kitchen, he explained to her how to make the rice, then left this task to her.

A beautiful knife appeared in Kit's hand and he placed it next to the chopping board. Even though he had used his new knife multiple times already he still took a moment to marvel at the knife he received from Kate as a reward from the cookoff.

When he was done admiring the knife, Kit dipped his hands into the water of the tank, then captured one of the fish. Purple scales glittered in the light in the kitchen as he laid the fish on top of the wooden board. He picked up his knife and with the handle knocked the fish out.

He then got to work on cleaning the fish, once he was done, he started to slice the fish into fillets. He became so engrossed in his work that when a notification rang, he almost sliced his finger!


[Skill learnt: Advanced beginner Filleter]

Player is proficient at cleaning, cutting filets, scaling and trimming fish.

+ 50 Agility

+ 50 Intelligence

A grin spread across his face as he read the notification. It had been so long since he had unlocked a new cooking skill that he almost forgotten about them. Kit felt like his luck was on fire today, he paused at that thought, then rummaged in his pouch for a candy apple.

If it was just himself in the kitchen, he would have consumed some apple cider to add more luck. He would need to speak to Crackers so he couldn't afford the side effect from the cider. He comforted himself that he at least could add a touch of luck for his next creation.

Kit pushed the purple flesh to the side and retrieved the next fish from the tank. Once he had cleaned and filleted the remaining fish, he had three piles of different coloured fish fillets on top of his chopping board.

The beautiful flesh was the same colour as the scales on the outside of the fish. The meat even had gold swirls embedded in the meat. Crackers came over to him with the rice as he was admiring the fillets. "I be finished with the rice Kit."

He dipped a spoon into the rice and tasted the flavour. A happy hum left his lips, Crackers had done a wonderful job with the rice. "Well done Crackers! Now let's get to work on putting everything together." Kit removed a sheet of the Little light damp weed and started to make a sushi roll with the purple fish and rice.

When the roll was complete a blue hue was swirling around the ingredients. "Did we be doing something wrong Kit?" Crackers was staring anxiously at the seaweed covered fish and rice. Kit could not help letting out a small laugh.

"It's ok Crackers this just means we are on the right track. It's a good sign to see the blue hue, besides it's rare to get things right on the first try. Remember how long it took me to get the rum perfect." Crackers tilted her head in thought, then nodded at Kit in understanding.

Kit decided to use a piece of the blue fish this time in his experiment. This time he placed the blue fish on top of some hand pressed rice and finished it off with piece of the seaweed sheet tying it together with a bow.

The blue hue once again swirled around the ingredients but didn't intensify enough to cover the whole thing. Kit wrinkled his nose, then put the blue fish attempt to the side. He gathered the last colour of fish, then made a boat shape out of Little light damp weed and filled it with rice. He then placed the green coloured fish on top.

Frustration started to fester when the blue hue swirled but didn't complete. Although he had just told Crackers this was a normal process, he was still itching to complete another stats meal. He decided to place the three creations next to each other to see if he could spot something with his eye or at least come up with an idea to improve the sushi.

He placed all three of the attempts on a plate, when the last creation connected with the base of the porcelain plate, the blue hue started to intensify. Next to him Crackers sucked in a breath, Kit's eyes were riveted to the plate.

The blue hue peaked then started to fizzle, Kit felt his heart drop with the sight. He momentarily thought he had been successful when he saw the blue covering the items on the plate. A long sigh left his lips, then he scratched his head in thought.

Crackers let out a loud exhale of air from her lungs. "Kit this be a rush working on makin a stats meal. My heart be keepin rising, then it be droppin. I don't know if I can be handlin the disappointment."

Crackers looked at him with a complicated gaze. Kit patted her on the shoulder in comfort, "Don't worry about the failures, we will get it right eventually." She was right creating dishes was a roller coaster ride sometimes.

"What do you think is missing Crackers?" He wanted to see if Crackers had a good idea, Kit had too many ideas crowding in his head right now he did not know which one to pick.

Crackers twisted her lips, Kit watch as they formed a pout. Then a loud smack was heard as she opened her mouth. "What about a sauce to go with it?" Kit wanted to smack his head, how on earth had he forgotten about a sauce!

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