
Chapter 177 Madness Threshold

After a thunderous boom, the whole world went silent.

Morris felt his consciousness drifting aimlessly, as if it had completely detached from his body. He didn't know where he was, what year it was, and for a moment—or perhaps an extended period of time—he even forgot his own name. He floated mindlessly in a chaotically void space, surrounded by indecipherable streaks of light and a silence that was deathly.

It took Morris a very long time to reassemble his fragmented thoughts and repair his incomplete humanity—

He remembered; his name was Morris, he lived in the Plunder City-State, a historian by profession. Today, he was supposed to visit an antique shop in the Lower City District to find out what nearly took his daughter's life.

He found it.

It was a warm family from Subspace.

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