

An army of fifteen-hundred soldiers, cultivators, and Immortals filled Clevedon Bay's waters, clad in swimming suits and trembling with their cleansing treasures in hand. The cool temperature of the water and air did not bother them; instead, the sight of the monstrous fish made them hesitate. The shimmering barrier above the water illuminated below it, assuring them that no carnivorous fish were present, but it didn't bring much comfort.

The sharp scent of salt in the water constantly reminded them of their location – a place they desperately wanted to escape. They longed for a swift end to the ordeal so they could return to the gray, rocky shore that had seemed so unwelcoming before they entered the water.

Despite the fear, their eyes couldn't help but be drawn to a radiant brunette with wavy hair that they had seen many times before yet felt like they were seeing for the first time. She stood between the water and the fifteen hundred on shore to announce the day's events.

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