
Unspoken Rivalries | 12 Days Remain

Driven by Sage's incentives and Evalyn's compulsory orders, soldiers and Immortals constructed ten combat arenas using military T-walls, later reinforced by the emperor. Then they used their supernatural to create makeshift bleachers with T-walls, vehicles, wood, and other materials. The resulting structure was as impressive as it was precarious.

The stage was now set for thousands to engage in combat and showcase their prowess.

"Welcome to the sparring matches, where we will test our strength against one another," Kaze proclaimed with a smile, soaring above the crowd alongside Evalyn.

"General Skye and I have devised match-ups that pit your skills against evenly matched opponents," he continued. "Due to the training disparities, Lainwright soldiers will fight in pairs or groups against Immortals. Likewise, some Immortals will engage in group combat against cultivators."

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