
Immortal Skye's Hidden Power

Once Brad's foot connected with Aaron's ribs, he understood his own power for the first time.

His Soul Qi-protected shoes flew straight through the man's ribs and kicked his lung directly.

It was a gruesome feeling that left him rattled as he watched the man fly a fifty across the arena.

Luckily, the emperor waved his hand and rebuilt Aaron's lung so he could breathe without the threat of dying. However, he stopped there, allowing the soldier to feel excruciating pain.

Before anyone could ask why he stopped at that point, he flew from the hilltop to the arena, bewildering soldiers and elites alike.

Kaze landed next to Brad and touched the troubled teen on the forehead, sending a wave of profound information crashing into his mind.

With his mind unstable, his mind became chaotic, and he hit the ground.

"Someone use Tranquil Sky on Brad!" He ordered aggressively, "He'll need the technique to heal Aaron Levingston!"

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