
78. Two Is Better Than One

Thanks so much for the reviews. I hope that you guys like this chapter.


Kim checked her makeup in the mirror one last time before she shut off the bathroom light and walked into the living room. Adam was due to pick her up for their date in less than five minutes and she had butterflies in her stomach. It had taken them so long to finally get to this night and she was sometimes amazed that they'd gotten here at all.

She tugged lightly on the hem of her red knee length dress and adjusted her pantyhose just as she heard the knock on the door. She walked to the door and opened it, smiling at the man who was standing in front of her.

"You know that you live here, right? I mean you don't have to knock" Kim explained as she looked at her husband.

"I was trying to be romantic" Adam's eyes swept over her and he swallowed before licking his lips unconsciously.

"Kim, you look breathtaking."

Kim felt the blush creep up her neck and into her cheeks as she stepped back to allow him to enter.

"Thanks. You're looking quite handsome yourself tonight."

Kim let her gaze wander over him. His long coat was unbuttoned and she could see the dark pinstriped suit he wore beneath it. She smiled, suddenly feeling more at ease than she ever had with him.

"Why thank you. I do tend to clean up well." His eyes twinkled as he stepped into her apartment.

The phone on the table beside the couch began to ring and Kim looked at it apologetically. "I'm going to let the machine get it. I just have to grab my coat." Kim walked to the closet and took out her coat.

"If you want to get the phone go ahead. We have plenty of time." Adam assured her as he took her coat from her hands and held it up so she could slip her arms into it. The soft scent of her perfume invaded his nostrils and he felt himself harden. He tried to will himself under control, to no avail however, and he silently thanked his lucky stars that his suit jacket covered his groin.

"No, it's okay. I don't want to make us late." Kim turned to face him as she reached up to button her coat. She tilted her face up and smiled at him. Adam lifted his hand to caress her cheek gently and Kim closed her eyes momentarily, reveling in the feeling of his strong fingers.

Neither one noticed when the machine in the background turned on and Kim's outgoing message filled the room.

"You've reached The Ruzek's. We're not here. You know what to do."

The beep on the machine didn't disturb them either as Adam leaned down, his lips a breath away from hers as his arm wrapped around her back and pulled her closer.

The sound of Platt's voice however, did penetrate their world and Kim's head whipped toward the direction of the phone.

"Kim, where are you? Erin's in labor. We're here at the hospital. Call me when you get this"

Kim broke away from Adam's embrace and rushed over to the phone, picking it up. "Platt?"

"Oh there you are, finally. What the hell were you doing? Having sex or something?" Kim felt her cheeks redden and was glad that Adam couldn't hear Platt's words.

"No, don't be ridiculous. Erin's in labor? When?" Kim started unbuttoning her coat as she listened to Platt on the other end of the phone.

"She went into labor at home. Her water broke or something. Olivia called me and wasn't really clear on all the details. All she knew was that Erin was on her way to the hospital, Jay was taking her to the hospital and they met them at there." Platt stepped off the elevator and followed the signs to the maternity ward.

"I can't believe it. I just talked to her last night. She was talking about how she wanted to try to trigger her labor this weekend."

"Ohhhh, I hear that can be lots of fun." Platt got a wistful tone to her voice for a moment. "But anyway, I know Erin would want you to know so that's why I'm calling."

"Oh Platt, I promised her I'd be there." The regret of what she was about to do was evident in Kim's voice.

"Well, if you're going to, you better hurry that ass of yours up." Platt turned a corner and came to the end of the hallway.

"Bloody hell," she murmured softly as she frowned and turned around to retrace her steps.

Kim's eyes closed and she shook her head. She then looked sadly over at Adam who hadn't taken his eyes off her during the entire conversation. The heat she had seen a few minutes ago was replaced by gentleness and affection.

"Platt, are you at the hospital?"

"I just arrived. I'm trying to find my way to the maternity ward. My God, I'm surprised that people don't just drop their babies on the floor." Kim could hear the aggravation in Platt's voice and she chuckled.

"Well tell Erin, I'll be there as soon as I can. And she better not have the twins until I get there."

Platt laughed in her ear. "Oh, I'm sure she'll just be so sure to wait for you to get here, Burgess. I have to go I found the Maternity Ward"

"Okay Platt. Thanks again for calling." The dial tone in her ear told Kim that Platt hadn't heard her thanks. She hung up the phone and turned to face Adam, a apologetic look on her face.

Adam walked over to her, his eyes never leaving her face. "Adam, I'm sor…." Kim began but Adam lifted a finger to her lips silencing her as she shook his head.

"Kim, our friend's in labor."

"She's my best friend. Jay's your best friend. We promised her we'd be there." Kim whispered against his finger.

The gentle brush of her lips against his finger made Adam shiver and his lips curved up into a smile. "You don't have to explain, darlin. But damn her labor has a sense of timing when it comes to us and date night."

"I feel awful about this though. We've waited so long for tonight and now it's ruined." Kim sighed regretfully and Adam dropped his finger from her lips and he grabbed her hand, threading his fingers through hers.

"It doesn't have to be. Go get your stuff and we'll head over to Chicago Med."

Kim's eyes widened at his offer. "But Adam, what about the show? You've already paid for the tickets you should go."

"Darlin, I could care less about the show. I want to spend time with you. That's all I've wanted. I don't care where we do it. Even if it's a hospital waiting room."

Kim's heart melted at the look in his eyes. She could tell he was telling her the truth and it sent a shiver down her spine to know he wanted to be with her that much.

"But I couldn't ask you to do that Adam." Kim insisted but again he shook his head and smiled at her tenacity.

"You aren't asking me. I'm offering. And I won't take no for an answer." He released her hand and winked at her.

"Now hurry up. The twins aren't going to wait for us you know."

Kim laughed as she nodded her head. "Okay, I'm going. Thank you Adam." She said sincerely before she turned to walk to her room. But Adam's hand on her arm stopped her retreat.

Kim looked up at him and saw that the heat from a few minutes earlier had returned and he pulled her closer.

"Adam." His name slipped past her lips as he reached up and cupped her face in his hands. He lowered his mouth to hers and brushed his lips lightly against hers.

Kim's eyes slipped shut and a soft sigh escaped her lips as she opened her mouth beneath his. Adam eagerly accepted her invitation and swept his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss from one that was soft and tender to one that was urgent and demanding.

They hadn't felt like this in so long. Not since before Jackson got sick.

Adam dropped his hands from her face and pulled her flush against his body. He knew she'd be able to feel his erection but he didn't care. The urge to inhale her was overwhelming as his tongue sought the deep recesses of her mouth, exploring every inch of her sweet cavern.

Kim felt her legs go weak and almost buckle beneath her as Adam kissed her. She was grateful that his arms were around her, otherwise she was wholly convinced she would slide helplessly to the floor. Kim slid her arms around his neck and buried her fingers in his golden hair as she deliberately pressed against his erection that poked insistently against her belly.

Kim moaned softly as she kissed him back with all the pent up passion she felt for him. All the passion she had held in for so long. She pulled her lips away from his as the realization hit her that if it were not for Erin being in labor, she'd be dragging him into her bedroom and forgetting all about dinner and the show.

Adam rested his forehead against Kim's as they both fought to catch their breath. After a minute he released her and stepped back. Kim opened her eyes and smiled tremulously up at him and his mouth curved into the sexiest grin Kim had ever seen.

"That's just a preview of next time." Adam whispered and Kim's breath hitched as she silently nodded her head in agreement.

"I'll only be a minute," Kim murmured softly as she stepped past him and walked on very unsteady legs into her bedroom.


Olivia rushed into the maternity ward of Chicago Med with her cell phone attached to her ear.

"Yes, Hank, I'll tell her. And call Teddy." Olivia clicked her phone off as she approached the nurses station.

"Hi I'm Olivia Voight. My friend Erin Halstead was brought in a little while ago in labor?'

"Ah, yes. Mrs. Halstead is in room 355. The doctor just went in to examine her." The elderly woman offered after consulting the room chart.

Thanks," Olivia said over her shoulder as she walked down the hallway. When she reached the room, she knocked softly.

"Come in," called a soft voice from inside. Olivia opened the door and stuck her head around the edge.

"Standby coach reporting for duty." Olivia smiled and Erin's face registered relief.

"Oh, Olivia, thank god you're here." Erin held her hand out and Olivia walked over to her.

Erin's legs were in stirrups and a nurse was placing a IV in her arm as the nurse checked between her legs.

"Well, Erin, you're doing good. You're five centimeters dilated and about fifty percent effaced. Baby A's is head down but you still have a ways to go though. Normally we'd send you home and tell you to come back when your contractions are closer together but since your water broke, we're going to keep you here. We don't want to take a chance of infection."

At that moment Erin felt another contraction hit her and she closed her eyes and squeezed Olivia's hand as Nurse Lockwood removed her gloves and washed her hands.

Once the contraction passed, Nurse Lockwood spoke again. "Now, we can give you an epidural and that will at least make you a bit more comfortable for a while. I'd say you've got several hours at least until you dilate completely. Twins tend to take their time so it's very likely this could be an all night thing."

Erin shook her head vigorously. "No. No drugs."

Nurse Lockwood nodded her head as she wrote some notes on Erin's chart. The nurse finished with the IV and smiled down at Erin. "Well if you change your mind, there's still a little time. You'll reach a point though where it'll be too late to give it to you so just keep that in mind."

Erin released Olivia's hand and Olivia massaged it to stimulate the blood flow.

"Now, I'm hoping we don't have to do a c section, but we'll have to see how things go. We try to not to do them if at all possible. It makes your recovery time less than half if we don't."

Nurse Lockwood grabbed the fetal heart monitor from the table beside the bed and placed it on Erin's stomach. A strong thudding filled the room and Erin felt her eyes well.

She silently wished that Jay was here. What could be taking him so long, he promised he'd be back as soon as he dropped Everly off at Atwater's. She wondered as she looked out the window. The rain had picked up and it looked almost like a blinding outside the small window beside her bed.

"The twins are sounding good. You might want to get up and walk around a bit. I'm glad you decided to take one of these birthing rooms. It will make you more comfortable in the long run."

Olivia looked around the room for the first time since she arrived. Erin was in one of the only three home birthing rooms in the maternity ward. It resembled a bedroom, decorated as such with furniture that would make a woman feel like she was at home in her own bedroom rather than in a hospital.

There was a glider rocker like the one she and Hank had given Erin for her diaper shower a few weeks ago in the corner and a small dresser against the wall with a CD player on top. The room was decorated in bright pastels with pale blue painted walls and a border of stuffed animals such as cats and puppies and teddy bears.

There was also a small cot in the other corner for dad to nap in if he was ever given the opportunity. Not very likely in most instances.

"Is Jay on his way?" Nurse Lockwood asked as she handed Erin's chart to the nurse who walked out of the room.

"Yes, he's just dropping our daughter with our friend. This is Olivia by the way" Erin said.

"Nice to meet you Olivia. Let's hope they make it here soon because that weather out there is really getting bad."

Erin turned to look out the window again wishing her husband would hurry up when another contraction seized her body and she yelped, reaching for Olivia's hand again.


Three hours later, Jay gently wiped Erin's forehead with a cool cloth as she gripped his other hand like a vice as she rode out the last wave of her contraction.

"That's it Er. Just keep breathing. It'll pass in a minute." Jay urged her gently as he tried to keep his voice steady against the searing pain in his hand. His pain was nothing compared to hers.

Erin slumped tiredly against the pillows as Jay leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "There you go, babe. It's over." Jay looked at his watch and cringed. That one had lasted almost a minute.

"Jay, I don't know if I can do this," Erin murmured and Jay gave her a reassuring smile.

"Of course you can Er. You're strong. The strongest woman I've ever known." Jay assured her as she closed her eyes for a minute. The soft sounds of Enya quietly wafted from the CD player speakers as Jay pushed the metal table beside him away from the bed. He stood and held his hand out to Erin.

"Come on Er. Let's dance." Erin looked up at him like he had three heads, surprised that he'd actually think she'd want to dance at a time like this and he chuckled softly at her expression.

"Er, you heard the doctor. Walking helps alleviate the pain and helps speed everything along. We'll stay close to the bed so if you need to sit you can."

Jay gently pulled the sheet off her legs and Erin eyed him skeptically as she allowed him to turn her to she could place her feet on the floor.

"Don't give me that look Erin." Jay pulled her to her feet, maneuvering her IV along with them as they stepped away from the bed.

Erin lifted her arms around his neck and Jay wrapped his arms around her, pressing his hands gently against her lower spine, providing pressure to alleviate some of the tenseness as they swayed gently to the music.

Erin smiled softly up at him, loving him more than she ever had. He was so calm and collected. She had worried for a bit that he'd be frantic when she was in labor, but as always he was the rock she needed. The rock she'd always need.

Jay gazed deep into Erin's eyes, lost in their dark depths as he watched the emotions swirling in them. She was fighting to be strong. She was always strong. So much more than he ever was.

Jay leaned down and kissed her softly, brushing his lips gently across hers. Erin sighed softly as she let herself relax in his arms, at least for a few minutes. His ministrations on her lower back were doing wonders.

The soft music in the background was relaxing her as they swayed gently to it. In addition, they had lavender candles burning on the window sill, filling the room with the relaxing scent.

Erin rested her forehead against Jay's chest for a moment as she began to sense what felt like another contraction.

Jay increased the pressure of his fingers on her lower back and the moment passed. She relaxed her body again as she looked back up at him, her eyes softening.

"I love you" Erin said softly as her hand again rose to gently touch his face.

Jay closed his eyes and reveled in her soft touch. She moved to step out of his arms but Jay just tightened them around her.

"Where do you think you're going Erin? We're not finished dancing yet."

"Oh, yes we are. At least for now. I have to pee." Erin waddled over to the bathroom as Jay followed, pushing the stand for her IV along with her. Jay pulled the door to the bathroom closed behind them in case anyone came into the room and he helped her to sit on the toilet.

"You'd never believe I was actually able to go the bathroom on my own this morning." Erin huffed out a frustrated breath as Jay stepped back and let her do her business as he checked his reflection the small mirror.

"Er, needing help isn't a sign of weakness you know."

"I know it isn't Jay. I'm just cranky. Ignore me." Erin sighed as she struggled to stand without his help.

Jay walked back over to her and helped her to stand. "I'm not going to ignore you Er. You have every right to be crabby right now. I'd do this for you if I could, Er, but I can't." Jay stepped up behind her as she washed her hands at the sink and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. "Only you can go through this pain to bring our children into the world and I can't even tell you what that means to me. How truly blessed I feel that you're willing to do that for me. For us."

Erin slumped back against him and sniffled softly. "I love you," Erin whispered softly as they watched one another in the mirror.

Jay kissed her ear softly, never taking his eyes off her. "I love you too Er."


Dr. Backus walked into Erin's room at a quarter after ten in the evening. She was smiling, having been able to go home and get some real sleep, and she greeted the couple happily. They were dancing again, the activity being the only one that helped to alleviate Erin's back pain.

"Good evening you two. How are we doing tonight?"

Erin was slumped against Jay's chest and she attempted a smile, but just the look on Dr. Backus's face made her want to slap the hell out of the woman. How could she possibly think this was a good evening. The night would only be good once she got these babies out of her.

"I just want this to be over now," Erin admitted as Jay helped her to sit back on the bed, lifting her legs gently so she could lay back.

"I know you do Erin. It shouldn't be much longer now. Maggie tells me that you were eight centimeters at four this afternoon. How far apart are the contractions?"

"About a minute apart." Jay sat down tiredly in the chair next to the bed as Dr. Backus lifted Erin's legs into the stirrups at the end of the bed.

"Well, that's wonderful news. Let's just see where we are here." Dr. Backus continued chatting as she examined Erin. "So have you decided on names yet?"

Erin flinched and a small groan escaped her lips as Dr. Backus's fingers invaded her.

"Yes we have," Jay replied, trying to distract Erin from what Dr. Backus was doing. "Why don't you tell her Er."

Erin glared at him before she answered through clenched teeth. "We like Charlotte for a girl. Caleb and Liam for boys. Ohhhhh…" Another contraction hit Erin and her whole body jerked.

"Those are beautiful names." Dr. Backus smiled, unfazed, as she slid her fingers out of Erin and removed her gloves. She waited for Erin's contraction to pass before she spoke again.

"Well, I've got some good news for you. You're ten centimeters."

Erin sighed in relief. "Thank God." Jay squeezed her hand as Dr. Backus wrote something in her chart.

"Let me go get the nurse and she'll get you prepped. You should be getting the urge to push very quickly but please try to refrain. I'll be back in a few minutes and we'll bring bring you into the OR and bring these twins into the world. How does that sound?"

Dr. Backus walked out of the room and Erin turned to Jay, her eyes wide with a mixture of relief and fear and excitement. Jay leaned down to kiss her softly as he murmured, "I love you," against her lips.

"It's time, Jay." Erin whispered against his lips as she reached up and framed his face with her hands. Jay melted into the kiss and enjoyed the last few minutes alone with his wife.


Jay stood outside of the OR as he waited on the nurse to come and get him after they were finished prepping Erin for delivery. He looked down at his scrubs he was dressed in and smiled as he thought about being in the same style scrubs when Everly was born. He sighed sadly as he thought about his daughter and how she was only a few minutes away from being a big sister.

A hand on Jay's shoulder snapped him out of his thoughts and he came face to face with Will.

"Hey" Jay said as he looked at his brother.

"How is she?" Will asked as he looked into the room towards his sister in law.

"She's great, I'm a nervous wreck" Jay answered honestly.

"It's going to be ok, man" Will assured as he yawned and covered his mouth.

"Long shift?" Jay asked.

Will shook his head "Owen is teething, it's been hell on me and especially on Nat. She's a trooper man, I don't know how she does it. Working 12 hour shifts and taking care of a baby...and let's face it, she takes care of me too"

Jay nodded and smiled and he looked over at his brother. He was proud of the man that Will had become since he'd become a father. He was the man that Jay knew he could be and for once in his life, he could honestly say he was proud to know him.

The nurse opened the OR door and motioned for Jay and he gave one last look at Will who gave him a reassuring pat on the back and wished him good luck.

Jay walked over towards Erin and he smiled when he saw her reclined back against the pillows, a few strands of her dirty blonde hair had fallen out of the ponytail she'd put it in and Jay reached down and brushed them out of her face.

"You ok?" Jay asked as he took her hand.

Erin nodded and exhaled "I just really need to push"

Jay looked around the room as the nurses and Dr. Backus got things set up and ready for the delivery of the twins.

"It won't be long, just breathe" Jay encouraged.

Erin nodded and she closed her eyes as she focused on breathing.

"Okay Erin," Dr. Backus smiled reassuringly. "I guess these little guys aren't going to wait any longer."

Erin opened her eyes and nodded. "You know how to do this I assume. When you feel a contraction I need you to push okay?" She nodded again and looked into Jay's eyes, full of fear and hope. He mouthed an I love you and kissed her hand.

She grimaced as the pressure increased and squeezed Jay's hand harder.

"That's great Erin" Dr. Backus said as Erin laid back against the pillows and caught her breath.

Erin nodded and raised back up to push again. She continued the process for another twenty minutes before Dr. Backus let her relax for a minute.

"You're doing great Erin," Dr. Backus praised her. "I just need a couple more pushes and you'll have one baby here." Erin braced herself and pushed as another contraction came on.

"Okay, here it comes," she warned them, reaching for the suction as the baby's head emerged.

"Does it hurt?" Jay asked, surprised at her silence.

She looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Just a little, it's not bad." She turned her head and closed her eyes and pushed as the doctor guided her second child into the world.

"You've got a son," she declared, cutting the cord quickly. To everyone's surprise, the baby let out a great shriek and began to wail immediately. "His lungs are very much in working order," she grinned placing the baby on her chest. Erin sobbed and looked down at her son as he flailed his arms wildly, searching for comfort. Jay reached out and touched the tiny baby's hand, whispering softly as Erin caressed his downy head.

"Hi Caleb," she whispered, running her fingers along his face. "You're so cute." He hushed suddenly and focussed his eyes on Erin's face.

The nurse moved in and took Caleb away, setting him in the incubator while the specialists assessed his levels. "Stay with him Jay," she whispered, squeezing his hand. "I don't want him to be all alone." Jay nodded and kissed her damp forehead.

"I won't leave him, I'll be right over here." He looked down at his wife and moved quickly to his son's side as he was evaluated.

Erin groaned as she felt another contraction building in her abdomen.

Dr. Backus looked up at Erin and gave her a smile. "Are you ready to do this again?"

Erin nodded and took a breath and leaned up and pushed down hard, she stopped to catch her breath and pushed down hard again as the sound of the fetal monitor started to beep.

"Erin, stop pushing for a minute" Dr. Backus said as she looked up at the nurse keeping an eye on the monitor.

Erin groaned as she laid back against the pillows as she felt her current contraction ending and she breathed the rest of the way through it.

The monitor settled again and Erin felt another contraction hitting her and she felt hot tears rolling down her cheeks as she leaned up and moaned.

"Can I push, I need to. I can't wait" Erin pleaded.

Dr. Backus shook her head as Erin started pushing and the sound of the monitor once again went off.

"Erin...Erin stop" Dr. Backus said.

"I can't" Erin explained as she tried to breathe through the pain.

Jay looked over from the incubator in the corner as a nurse placed Caleb in his arms. "Erin?"

Dr. Backus examined Erin and looked up at her.

"Erin, the baby is breach. It's coming feet first, and I'm afraid the cord is around the baby's neck. We're going to have to prep and do an emergency c-section"

Erin shook her head as she felt Jay walking up to her. "No, I can do it. I can push. Just tell me what to do"

Dr. Backus shook her head. "Erin, there's no time. We need to get the baby out"


Erin laid still on the OR table as she looked up at the ceiling. Thanks to the epidural she'd been given she was currently feeling no pain.

"You're doing great" Jay assured as he sat next to her in the chair beside her head.

"You know, this stuff is really, really good. We need to get some of these epidurals for the house" Erin sighed as she looked over at Jay.

"Whatever you say, Er" Jay smiled as he looked up at Dr. Backus.

"You're going to feel just a little bit of pressure, Erin" Dr. Backus explained.

Erin nodded and she grimaced at the discomfort and felt the pressure release as Dr. Backus pulled the baby from her.

"It's a girl"

Erin smiled and looked at Jay who leaned down and kissed her as the sound of the baby's loud, demanding cry announcing her arrival filled the room.

Jay watched as they carried his daughter over to the table to be looked at.

"I wanna see her" Erin said turning her head to look over where her daughter was.

"You will" Jay assured

"I wanna see her" Erin said again.

"We've got some active bleeding, what's her pressure?" Dr. Backus asked as she looked at a nurse.

"100/50" The nurse said looking at the vital machine.

The door to the OR opened and Jay looked up as Will and Dr. Zanetti walked in with their masks on.

"Where were you?" Dr. Backus asked.

"They just paged me" Dr. Zanetti explained

The sound of a machine going off caused Jay to panic.

"What's happening?" Jay asked as he stood up.

"Jay...come on" Will said taking ahold of his brother's arm, leading him out of the room.

"Pressure is down 70/40" Will said as he looked at Dr. Backus

Jay felt Will take him by the shoulder and pulled him out of the room "What's going on?"

"Jay! Just stay out here. When I find something out I'll let you know" Will said as he walked back into the OR.


Jay sat in the chair outside of the OR and looked down at his hands at the silver ring that was wrapped around his finger. He thought about everything that simple band had meant to him and the things that it had brought him over the last few years and the fact that he didn't know what was going on with his wife was killing him. All he knew was the machines started beeping, Will came in, and now he's out here.

Jay looked up as he heard a door open and saw Hank walk down the hall towards him.

"What's going on?" Hank asked as he watched Jay stand and walk towards the window.

Jay looked out at the city and smiled sadly. "We have a son and a daughter. Erin...she's...they won't tell me anything...she's in there and I'm out here and I...I don't know...anything"

Hank looked over at Jay and he watched as a single tear slid down Jay's cheek.

And it was like a light went off.

Did he know that Jay loved Erin? Of course he did. But it was like something in this moment had changed.

Hank didn't see the man who went against his wishes and chased after the girl who he thought of as his daughter. He didn't see some smart ass detective who tried to put him in his place.

He saw Jay.

The man who loved his daughter.

The father of his grandkids.

The man he respected.

Hell, the man he liked.

Hank raised his arm up and gently grasped Jay by the shoulder.

"She's going to be OK, son"

Jay nodded as he tried to keep from breaking down, but he couldn't fight the hot tears that burned behind his lids and slid down his cheeks and he turned as Hank pulled him into his embrace and he wrapped his arms around Hank and hugged him.


She awoke to the soft sound of grunting and Erin opened her eyes and saw a small baby wrapped in a pink blanket looking back at her. Her head turned towards the window and she saw Jay standing in the moonlight looking down at his son.

"Hey," he whispered. "How do you feel?"

"Are they okay Jay?" she asked instantly. He hushed her gently, running his hands through her hair.

"They're good Er," he smiled genuinely. "He's perfect, small but perfect. She had a little trouble breathing at first but the doctor gave her some oxygen and she's been opinionated about everything since she was born. Dramatic arrival and all."

Erin sobbed with relief. "The doctors thought it would be better if we were all here when you woke up." Erin smiled and wiped her eyes.

"She needs a name. And they both need middle names" Erin said as she looked at her daughter and Jay handed Caleb to her.

Jay nodded and kissed her hand and he moved to pick his newborn daughter up from the isolette she was laying in.

"I thought we could do it together. But I was thinking Caleb Henry. After Hank. Since he's the reason I found you"

She smiled through her tears and looked down at her son. "Caleb Henry Halstead. I love it"

Jay smiled and gently took a seat next to Erin as he held his daughter close to him. "What about this little lady?"

Erin looked from Caleb to her new daughter laying in Jay's arms.

"I changed my mind about Charlotte. I wanna name her after your mother and I was thinking if it's OK, I'd like her middle name to be after Camille"

"My mother?" Jay said

Erin nodded "She made you this amazing man and I want to honor that and Camille's memory"

Jay leaned over and gave Erin a long slow kiss on the lips. "I love you"

Erin smiled and looked at Jay. "I love you, too"

Jay looked down at his daughter and smiled. "Do you like that name? Arden Camille Halstead?"

Arden grunted in Jay's arms causing her parents to both laugh as the door to Erin's room opened and Dr. Backus and Will walked in.

"You're up" Dr. Backus said as she smiled at Erin. "How are you feeling? Any pain?"

Erin shook her head as she looked between Arden and Caleb. "For the first time today, no"

Erin looked over at Will and gave him a small smile.

"What do you say guys? Wanna have another?" Will joked.

"Yeah...I'll get right on that" Erin said as she looked from Will to Caleb.

"I'll see you guys later, my shift is over. I'm heading home" Will said.

"Will" Jay called.

Will turned around and looked at his brother.

"Thank You" Jay said looking at his brother. "For everything"

Will gave Jay and a nod and turned and walked out of the door.

Jay looked over at Erin who was staring down at Caleb.

"You know. Tonight was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me" Jay said.

Erin shook her head. "No, it was perfect. And now we have two perfect babies. And three perfect kids"

Jay smiled as he looked at his wife. "You want to switch?"

Erin nodded and looked at Jay as the two switched babies.

"I can't wait for Everly to meet them. She's going to be the best big sister"

Jay nodded in agreement. "Three under two. Are you ready for this, baby?"

Erin smiled as she looked down at Arden. "I've never been more ready"


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