
Chapter 15 - Classes.

Shawn was watching the world of Ornio while on his couch.

But beside him sat a figure with four legs, a tail and silver grey skinned wolf, It was Blan.

Blan had been bound to Shawn and could stay with him as Shawn watched the world go by.

Shawn sat on the couch and was thinking about what action to perform on the world.

"It could be a one time thing or a series of events that could affect the world. But either way it has to be something" He said as he placed his palm on his forehead to feign having a headache.

Unbeknownst to him, Blan had been troubled by his earlier shout-out.

"What bothers you master?" Blan asked.

"Nothing, I'm just wondering what I should implement into the world for its development" Shawn said.

Then a figure appeared from nowhere, it was Kaden.

"It seems like I should put an information regulation system here," Shawn said in his mind.

*You wouldn't dare* the system said.

"Oh really, in that case do try me then" Shawn said.

"What is it Kadan?" Shawn said.

"Master" Kadan bowed his head.

"I hope that I didn't interrupt you?" He asked.

"No you didn't" Shawn replied.

"I've come here to seek your advice. This stuff of gathering followers to believe in gaining knowledge and moving on the path towards enlightenment.

I've made a group of people to begin traveling across through the inland north as I plan to spread my thoughts to the other races"

"Well if you think that your way of enlightenment is ideal then you are wrong" Kaden raised his eyebrows out of surprise "Really how?"

"The word enlightenment cannot be based on just traveling alone and making journeys.

It involves trying to know how the world works through the ideas formed from a given medium. For example, a person who uses the staff and is a mage will know that it is true until he sees the different ways that the staffs are used by the other races.

If he observes well enough, he would be able to discover that the effect I'd the same, it is just that the movements are different and made to act in different ways but all of them have an effect and that is to be used to cast and use mana"

"Thank you master," Kaden said.

"You're welcome," Shawn smiled.

Like a poof, Kaden disappeared back to the world.

*Time to log off*

"I was already wondering when that would come as I stood here for an unusually long time," Shawn said.

*3, 2, 1*

And like that, he left the world and woke up. But this time, he didn't hear an alarm and so checked the clock and discovered that he had been asleep for more than 10 minutes past the alarm.

"What the heck" he said as he got up from his bed and ran to the bathroom. His mother didn't wake him up this time. He cleaned his face, brushed his teeth and got into the bathing room before rushing towards the dining where the meals had already been prepared.

His mum had been cooking the meals for the family, Lucas always took him to school. Shawn ran downstairs, and started to eat.

"You are quite behind schedule today," Emily said while looking at the table.

Shawn replied "Mum I've got to get ready for school" he said as he ate and returned to his room to pack some things like his laptop.

Today was the day that the school had a special program called coding classes.

He would have to take his PC since he had one which he did and went to the car to wait for his dad. A few minutes later, Nick came to the car and drove off from the compound to the street and off to school.

When they reached the school, Shawn got down, thanked his father, took his younger sister to school and went to class.

Thankfully, he didn't see that guy named Richard and entered the classroom.

As a student he walked over to his desk which was the third in the second row and dropped his items.

There were students already in class and he greeted them even though they didn't answer and took his note for the assembly which will officially start at 7:45 am.

A few minutes later, the bell rang and he went to the school hall. There he stayed in line at where his classmates stood. Some students would just walk over to the hall if they had nothing to do in their classrooms before the bell was rang.

Others who came late after 7:45 am would have to drop their items in the late students section of the school and drop their bags there before they took their notes and pen heading straight to the hall.

The morning procession began with the singing of hymn songs by the choir. Then the others such as the daily prayer, students sitting down on their chairs to be given a morning talk by the teachers which they must pen down in their notes.

They will then have a daily presentation be it electronic or oral.

Then after that, one of the high ranking teachers would come forth to give information and notices from the school.

And after that, the students went back to their classes for the beginning of classes.

For the first two periods it would be dedicated to coding one of Shawn's favorite programs.

He had always wanted to design a program and use it to make money. That way he could have extra money to spend except from that given to him by his parents.

The instructor for the class came and gave a series of exercises after teaching the students some topics which they had to master. One period for teaching and the other for testing and problem identification.

That was what the school management intended by putting the classes. But the way how it will be done depends entirely on which teacher is teaching.

The teacher today was Mr Edwin Rogers. Mr Edwin Rogers happened to be a very sound programmer and teaching coding and programming language to the students was his job.

After that, the bell rang for the students to leave the classroom and allow another batch of students from a higher class to come for the teaching.

The Students were all returning back to the classrooms, the class was a joint class for the entire grade as they were classroom A and classroom B.

But as they were all returning back to the classes a voice was heard talking to Shawn who looked like he had just eaten a fly.

Richard Dawson had approached the poor boy. "Where is it? Today is the day, Surely you couldn't have forgotten it at home" Richard said mockingly.

Shawn cursed in his mind "Damn it!!"

He wondered how he could perfectly counter Richard. He then spoke.

"You see, a student from the other class came and asked me to teach him how to solve the questions which I did and went to their class while holding my note for reference purposes.

Then the math teacher who happened to have his eyes on me demanded that I submit my assignment on his table. I agreed and replied to him.

So I taught the guy and proceeded to drop my note at the math teacher's office" Shawn explained.

"I really did explain in detail huh" he thought as he looked at Richard.

"So basically what you are saying is that you have submitted your assignment" Richard questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes I have," Shawn responded.

"Then how come you taught the guy before you went to submit?" Richard asked with the eyebrow still raised.

Shawn was smiling in his mind. "Do you think that I didn't consider it?"

He then proceeded to speak"You see, the question was only a single question left before I went to his office" Shawn said.

Richard, seeing that he could not find any constructive argument, decided to leave shawn. "Did he come to bother you again?" Stephanie asked.

"I think he did this time but I won with reasoning" Shawn replied obviously jubiliating in his mind.

"That's good because Richard never attacks unless he has a strong reason or loophole to take advantage of," Stephanie said.

But Shawn was also still scared. His math assignment was with him and he hadn't submitted it anywhere. He had just told the lie to get the fellow away.

If the teacher should come and check everyone's homework and Richard saw his own being given a nod then he was in trouble.

"What am I going to do?" Shawn screamed in his head.

He remembered his mum's words concerning situations like this.

"Always be cool and calm along with being collected or you'll just fall again into internal turmoil and agitation". He had to use those words.

And then everyone sat in front of their desks because the classes had started.

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