
Chapter 16: The enemy arrives

Zenn's face was riddled with sweat. His eyes stood focused on what was written on the ground. Occasion or once in a few minutes, he jotted down whatever passed through his find. At this point, his clothes were all dirty. The sand on the bottom of his feet made sure of that. But he did not seem to care. After all he was so close. So close to reaching 10%. That certain mark he for some reason has a feeling about. This very feeling was what fueled him to learn further, hoping that this very feeling is what will take him home.

With his attention fully focused on the writings on the ground, he did not mind little things like how clean he was. Nor did he care to look at his surroundings. But if he were to, he would notice the two little green dots in the distance. Speeding as fast as they could down a mountain and getting closer every minute to him.

But, he did not noticed this. He mind was fully captured by the storm brewing in his head.

"Nine percent," he said.

He took a few second to calm his mind. With this 9% fully integrated into his head, he now truly understood how this power works.

From what he learned from the knowledge it seemed that the universe is actually a giant brain. Well, it's technically not a literal brain, but something similar. The concept of reality in this brain is whatever the brain believes it to be. He size altering power the world granted to him is simply the result of the 'brain' being controlled to believe that the objects so is as said. The rune like writings can be understood as hypnotic words memorized in the 'brain'. Like how a hypnotized person will react to a certain word once it is said.

This was of course the more simplified explanation. The true process and reason a lot more complicated that.

"So is it the same for time and space?" Zenn asked himself.

But as he was about to jump further into his thoughts, he heard a small and almost unnoticeable sound from below.

"My lord!"

Zenn turned and was greeted by sight of the goblin queen panting with sweat all over her. Although the goblin queen was so small that it was hard for him to see her sweat, her glistening face was a good enough indication of her exhaustion.

"What's wrong?"


As the queen was still having trouble catching her breath, she could only utter this single word before she was forced to stabilize her breathing once more. But that single world was all that Zenn need to know to understand what was happening. With that world he immediately became alert.

Although Zenn does not consider this 'komoru' as a threat to him, he still chose to be cautious. From what the queen told him, komoru has some sort of divine power. The queen herself does not know exactly how strong komoru is, so he was thus still a. Blank page to Zenn.


"He was... coming here. Behind the nearby mountains."

"Take me there."

With that said, Zenn decided to go see this komoru. He went over to the two goblins and put his hand on the floor.

"Climb over."

Zenn of course had thought about how small the goblins were. With their teeny little legs, he sun would have set by the time they get there. So he thought to just pick them up and jeep them in his palm.

With a step of his, a distance that could have taken the goblins hundred of steps was cleared. With a another, he journey felt shorter.

On top of Zenn's palms, the two goblins awed at at he sight in front of them. Although the queen had been at a greater height when she was on top of Zenn's head, she was not focused at that time. She was too busy caring about her life to care about the view ahead. Ena though seemed to have discovered a new fear of his.

"I-I think we should sit down my queen... what if we fall?"

"Relax Ena, i have been on the lord's palm before. He would not let us fall."

But although the view was a novel experience, it was not necessarily a pleasant one. After all, unlike the past, the ground was now only filled with earth. The greenery that once profililated the whole earth was no more. Only earth and sand made up the majority.

At such a sight, the queen felt her anger towards the one who caused all of this fuled. Fueled like a fire that wished to incinerate its creator. But an was a mere mortals. All she could do was clench her teeth and fists. So she coupd only hope, hppenthe her god will grant her wish.

In his but a few minutes, the three had reached top of the mountain. Atop it Zenn could finally see what the queen and Ena had seen.

Two days ago, Zenn had climbed this very mountain. On top of the mountain, he only saw two things, the barren earth and deserted sky. But today, what he had seen yesterday seemed like an illusion.

The ground was covered in millions of green skinned men. From his view, they all looked like bunch of ants. But there was so many of them that a whole area almost like like it had returned to its lush greenery form. Atop the sky, he could see many birds and all kinds of flying creatures flying about. Some of which, he could not even recognised. They seemed like entirely different species compared to what he knew from earth.

With all that seen, Zenn could not help.but course in his head, 'what the f*ck.'


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