
So, what’s going to happen now?

Chapter 6: So, what's going to happen now?

Seeing Natas' expression, Kayn lightly chuckled and casually muttered, "I believe that achieving such a great feat had completely overshadowed everything that you have done so far, am I right?"

"You couldn't be more correct," Natas didn't hide the truth as he wore a bright smile on his face.

"That's to be expected," Kayn turned to look at the sky in front of him where he could see a vague image of the 'Tower' covered by numerous clouds at a great distance. The height of the 'Tower' couldn't be seen regardless of how much he tried to look up. Well, as a matter of fact, it was even said that one won't still be able to see the top even by looking from outer space. "After all, it took many millennia for all of you to achieve this,"

"It's not about how long it took us to achieve this, but rather it's about finally seeing hope in achieving our dreams, even though it's nothing more than a wisp in the darkness," Natas explained.

Slowly turning his head to look at Natas, Kayn then asks, "So, what's going to happen now?"

After hearing Natas' explanation, he now completely believes that they have indeed returned to the past. And to further confirm that, during the time they were talking he was also checking the condition of his body, which he quickly found out to have turned extremely weak and fragile.

Anyways, now that they have returned back to the past, he believes that things shouldn't play the same exact way as how it was before. Otherwise, they won't have any chance of defeating the 'Tower'.

However, the big problem is he doesn't know how especially after knowing that the 'Tower' had prepared something in case he became a threat to it. Probably every single move he would make, the 'Tower' will order the President of the World Leader Alliance, Nicholas, to also make a countermeasure against it.

Moreover, it was already proven that all of those people he had once trusted would betray him in the future, so he obviously can't rely on them for help. Even if he tried to, it would be next to impossible to pretend he is friendly with them after all of what they have done, he might not even be able to hold himself back and kill them outright.

The only thing he could rely on at this moment is his experiences, prior knowledge of the events that will take place in the future, and numerous methods that could quickly make him strong. Nevertheless, Nicholas surely also possesses the same advantages as him. Even worse, the latter has the complete assistance of the 'Tower', which had already shown that it won't mind sacrificing everything in its arsenal just to stop him.

"I also don't know," Natas shook his head, but he quickly added, "However, one thing is for certain, you can do whatever you want to do without any limitation or caution since this 'Tower' doesn't possess any prior knowledge of what you would be doing in the future,"

"But didn't you just mention that it's only going to be a matter of time before the 'Tower' in the 2nd life would realize what we have done? By then, the 'Tower' in the 3rd life would also come to know of it and would no doubt do everything in its power to immediately eliminate us,"

"You've misunderstood," Natas interjected. "Even if the 'Tower' in the 2nd life realized what we have done, the only thing it could do is to believe that the countermeasure it had prepared beforehand, which is Nicholas, would be enough to deal with everything. Moreover, even though it has the power to send someone to follow after us, however, due to what you have done, it no longer has enough power to do it or to be more precise, it doesn't have enough sacrifices,"

"Oh," Kayn quickly understood what Natas' meant.

Kayn and his guild nearly emptied out all the floors inside the 2nd life 'Tower', the only thing left there are those that still haven't been discovered and those that won't pose that much of a threat to anyone that comes over later on. There were also others that swore allegiance to them and so they were left alive.

Moreover, the amount of population left on Earth after decades of continuously fighting against the 2nd life 'Tower' has already reached an all-time low. According to the last research conducted at that time, the amount of people left on Earth is less than two billion people.

Lastly, the 2nd life 'Tower' can't sacrifice the Gods since he had basically killed all of them already.

To simply put, even if the 2nd life 'Tower' wanted to retaliate, it's now helpless to do anything as it doesn't have the sufficient number of sacrifices that it could use in order to execute a powerful skill that will send a man that it trust to come and stop them.

"Don't let your guard down though, since now that the future 'Tower' doesn't have any choice left but to watch as its own timeline slowly gets destroyed by us, it will no doubt do everything in its power to tell its other self in the present timeline to eliminate us," Natas warned. "So, everything we will do should all be in preparation for that event in the future,"

"I understand," Kayn nodded his head.

Kayn stood up from the bench before trying to look for his phone in the pockets of his jeans. As he was familiar with his behavior during this time, it didn't take him that long to locate his phone in his left-side pocket.

Normally people would put their phones in the right-side pocket, especially right-handed people, which includes him, but he still preferred his left-side pocket out of caution.

As someone who grew up as an orphan, he learned the hard way how to value everything in his possession, especially the expensive items, and most importantly those things that will provide him convenience, such as a phone. Once he lost them, it would take him more effort just to get them back, which would then hinder him from doing better on other matters.

Take for instance this phone he had actually took him an entire summer break to afford, and that was under the condition of him working three part-time jobs. If ever he lost this or a thief stole it from him out of carelessness, he would have to repeat his efforts to afford it again. That would have been fine during the summer break, but at this time of the year when he has to focus completely on school, doing so would cause him a lot of trouble.

By putting his phone in his left-side pocket, as a right-handed person, he would be able to easily guard anyone who tries to steal it from him. How? He could simply swing his waist to the left side to give his right hand an opening to defend himself. This was something he had learned after three of his phones that he had worked extremely hard to afford were stolen. At that time, he could only cry at his loss.

Contrary to Kayn, Natas viewed his behavior differently. For him, what the former was doing is very inconvenient. Wouldn't he be able to take out his phone easier if it was in the right-side pocket?

Noticing Natas' strange gaze, Kayn defended, "Being practical is much better compared to experiencing small inconvenience,"

"I guess so," As someone who has a lot of experience in life, Natas was quickly able to understand what Kayn meant with his words.

"So, where do you plan on going?" At this point in time, Natas was still not paying that much attention to Kayn, as the latter couldn't get inside the 'Tower' yet. It was only later in time when Kayn started showing his potential that he remembered that he was one of the Gods that granted him life. Because of that, he doesn't have a single clue about what is happening in Kayn's life right this instant.

"Considering the time, I plan on going home to rest," Kayn said before he started walking in a specific direction.

"Are you serious?!" Natas exclaimed while following behind Kayn.

"Yeah, I am dead serious," Kayn nodded his head.

"That…" Natas felt disbelief.

Honestly, there's nothing strange with Kayn's decision. As a matter of fact, a lot of young men of his age would do the same as well. Even worse, they would spend the entire day just staying inside their house in front of a computer while playing video games or watching television, instead of going out socializing or training in preparation for when they could finally get inside the 'Tower'. Although a considerable number of people have been recorded to be doing exactly that after the 'Tower' made its appearance on Earth. Still, the behavior before the 'Tower' came seems to still be deeply carved onto their minds.

The only problem, however, is the fact that the Fate of all the Gods, and even all of mankind included, is resting on Kayn's shoulder right now. So, he doesn't have the leverage to pick any of the two.

In his opinion, Kayn should be doing something important instead of wasting his time.

"I know what you are thinking," Kayn waved his right hand lazily and unbothered before continuing to mutter, "But think about it, I barely had any rest while climbing from the 970th floor to the 1,000th floor of the 'Tower'. If there is anyone in this world right now that deserves to rest, that is none other than me,"

"And besides, you don't even know what exactly we should do in our current situation, right? After all, you only told me what my goal should be, and not how to achieve that goal,"

"You know better than anyone else right now that it will take time to decide about what I should be doing from now on, especially considering just how heavy my responsibilities are plus what I just went through. But rest assured, with my knowledge and experience about the future, and with your help as well, it shouldn't take us a lot of time to come to a conclusion. No one knows, maybe at the end of the day we would already have the solution we are looking for,"

Hearing Kayn's explanation, Natas felt that it indeed sound reasonable. "Now that you've mentioned that, I also think that I deserve a rest,"

"We're finally on the same page. That's an improvement," Kayn said jokingly.

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