
Chapter 140: Everyone, the Experiment was Successful_2

"Alright, Arbitrator, let's swap these scrolls." Libra made the decision right away, both scrolls were mutually beneficial, no need to take them back.

"Aries the Boss, let's exchange ours too!" Lion immediately suggested, handing back the Weather Curse scroll to Mu You.

"Okay, but this is a high-ranking spell, what do you want for the extra value? I have a few magic cards here; you can select from them." Mu You pointed at a row of cards in front of him.

"Haha, no need to pick, I only want to reserve five Evolution Elixirs from Aries the Boss for my future breakthroughs. Of course, I'll provide the materials."

"Okay, like Sagittarius, prepare two sets of materials for each elixir."

Mu You nodded and agreed.

"Moreover, if others also need Evolution Elixir, the same conditions apply: prepare two sets of materials, plus any treasure."

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