
The Civil, Script Department

A new day came with a new hope. All the difficulties, all the problems were solved. Nivritti was free from the tag of the leaker. The new girl was now loyal, and no one was there to point a finger at her. Now she was officially friends with ASD.

When she entered the office, the whole building was buzzing with Dae's news as she already suspected. The grape vine did its work. Everyone was talking about how he leaked everything and tried to frame two people from his own department. Jae-Hwa was more famous than her being the daughter of someone from the production department and Nivritti was fairly new, so everyone kept talking about Jae-Hwa more than her.

She sighed with relief when she realised that. Finally, no one was talking about her. No one was paying any attention to her. She could live her whole life being invisible. She just wanted that. She just wanted peace and finally, she had that.

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