
Debriefing (Part 2)

The entire auditorium fell silent as the last words said by Brigadier Jones were the real deal. This was what made the whole thing a test in the first place.

The same two guys that carried the table up on stage were now carrying a trunk and placed it on the table. They again bowed their heads before leaving the stage once more.

Brigadier Jones opened the two locks on the trunk and opened the lid. He reached his hand inside and pulled out a small semi-smooth spherical-looking crystal. He raised his arm up in the air so that everyone could see what he was holding.

"For those of you who know, and those that don't, this is a power crystal." The Brigadier announced.

The whole crowd of students instantly became quite interested in the crystal and their eyes became glued to the crystal. Some of them had heard of this special resource which was used to create Power weapons and armor while some had only heard myths.

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