
Vin-Vin's Family

  Vincenzo felt so alone as he stared at the toys around him. They had bought him everything that a kid would want but he has no playmate at all. He then headed downstairs to find Marvin in a suite leaving shortly with Raeanne to go off to work. Raeanne noticed him as she smiled. 

"Wanna go with us to the office?" Raeanne asked him. "Are you bored?" 

"Can I?" 

"Yeah, sure," Marvin said. "Go and grab something." 

  He quickly dashed back to his room and grabbed a few of the toys, and coloring book, and tucked them in his bag. Then, he put his shoes on and cap as he started walking downstairs. Raeanne extended her hand to him as Vincenzo took it. They headed outside to the sedan waiting for them. They passed by the ice cream parlor and ordered an ice cream bucket for Vincenzo to eat back at the office. 

  When they arrived, the directors greeted him by the door as Raeanne held Vincenzo's hand as they walked. 

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