
She is still here ——2

On the other hand, Ji Yu who was done giving advice to Liu Hui Ying returned to Liu Dong Ming's side as she nodded at him before turning her gaze away, it was her signal to let him know that she had done what he asked her to do.

Liu Dong Ming glanced at Ji Yu before turning to look at Liu Hui Ying who was thinking about something, his eyes considerably softened as he looked at Liu Hui Ying and sighed, how he wished he could take her away to the modern world and let her stay there but —— he clenched his fingers as he remembered his eldest daughter and turned his gaze at Ji Yang, for the sake of vengeance, he was going to make sure that the entire Ji family pays of the debts which they owed him and his daughters. 

While his gaze was locked at Ji Yang, he noticed another figure which was moving towards Liu Hui Ying and his eyes flickered slightly before a mocking smile etched on his face. Truly idiotic, and does not even know that he was being used like an idiot. 

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