


Many of the students became excited when Miss Amara announced to them that they would only play a game of tag. They knew it would not be an ordinary game of tag since the headmistress herself had made the announcement; after all, she was an avid fan of games and thrills, which is why the academy had so many events. This is a fantastic chance for A-class and B-class students to showcase their talents in front of class zero, which was the academy's King and Queen.

meanwhile, crystalle just went to the lockers to take her P.E uniform. In accordance with their sectional rank, each of the academy's P.E uniforms has a different color: White for D-class, Yellow for C-class, Blue for B-class, Red for A-class, and then Black for class-zero. Each of these P.E uniforms also has a gold badge on the right side, signifying that the wearer is a student of P.N. academy.

As she was about to lock her lockers, she noticed two letters inside. Instead of being surprised, she simply looked around before taking the letters and her P.E. uniforms. She then began to open the black envelope with a wax seal on the front, where you can see the gold 'ER' stamp, and read what was inside.

Dear Ms. Crystalle Cullen,

pardon me from taking your time, I know you've been preoccupied with tracking down your adversary's trail even up to this point, and I learned from your uncle that you attended a school where your cousins were enrolled, however.. Please think what sort of decision you will made since I have a very important task that I want you to complete for me, and your choice will have an impact on the nation in which we were living.'

Crystalle just frowned when she read the first page and couldn't help but to snort, "are they threatening me?" but in the end, she just keep reading it.

'apparently, A few months ago, my butler, Grey Visconti, found a spy from an unknown nation sneaking across the england's border. He attempted to steal information from the British Empire but was apprehended by the royal guards. and then, one month ago, someone attempted to assassinate the king but was unsuccessful because Grey caught him.

the only problem is that.. He promptly used poison to kill himself as we were ready to question him. subsequently, we learned a few weeks ago that King Haakon Magnus of Norway was the one who plotted the king's death. however.. Because of this, we still don't have any proof that it was actually him. which is why I want you to instruct your organization to collect sufficient proof that will allow us to identify him.

another one, Grey Visconti will make this for you if you require more details regarding his family. These are the details about the Norwegian royal family and the precise numbers of its household staff members who reside in the Royal Palace in Oslo.

The king made the decision to remove the threat as soon as possible, despite the fact that he feels compelled to do so. If we were to let the Norwegian royal family roam free, they might eventually declare war on us. We need to keep the peace throughout London and value our people, so I sincerely hope you will accept this task, Ms. Crystalle. In the end, they are our treasures that cannot be exchanged for anything.


Queen consort, Catherine Windsor'

As soon as elyze finished reading the letters, she simply closed them before pulling out the other papers that contained information about the Norwegian royal family. As she read the papers, her eyes widened in shock and she even rubbed them four times. However, once elyze realized that the information was accurate and not made up, she slowly smirked before placing the letters back inside of her lockers.

"and here I thought the mission would be a difficult one to handle.. how lucky I am." she whispers then Chuckles inwardly, lock her lockers and started to walk towards the fitting room.

a few minutes later, She was about to open the door when she heard laughter coming from the dressing room. She quickly glanced through the door's glass panel and saw four girls there. aria is one of them; she is sitting on the ground pitifully with her uniform and even her long brown hair dripping wet. The other was none other than Caitlyn, who was idly perched on the sink and was observing aria being harassed by her subordinate.

so elyze just hold her chin, weather if she would go in and help her or not. 'even bullies are still existing till now, huh? talking about immature.' she thought before sighing. in the end, She nonchalantly opened the doors as everyone else was focused on her, including aria, who was startled to see her. She then ignored them and pressed something against the window, turning the glass panel into black-stained glass so that no one could see the students getting dressed outside.

elyze just casually open one of the fitting room's curtain and then close it, meanwhile, girls just give each other's a confusing look and shrugged their shoulder before they went back to aria and give her a grin.

"you probably thinking right now that she will going to help you, too bad! haha!"

"I really don't understand why did you even become damion's sister! oh, right, must be a connection huh?!" the girls started to stamp her on the ground, while aria, on other hand, just keep covering her face and body and was about to cry in pain. she wanted to have a revenge against them, she wanted to kill every last of them and prove that she's part of del luna family however.. she doesn't want to do it, or rather.. she just couldn't do it because of one reason.

she can't kill anyone.

which is why, for almost years, she always the main target of bullies around the academy, because she is weak.

on the other hand, elyze, who's inside of the fitting room secretly taking them a video while there's a smirk on her face without them knowing, until.. caitlyn give them a sign to stop, as she hop down the sink and look at aria coldly.

"don't bully her so much, guys, there will be no toy if that happens." she then grinned, aria tried to stand up even though his body is aching because of their kicks and look pitifully at caitlyn, when she saw her face, she couldn't help but to click her tongue as she stamp her face as hard as she could, causes her to cough some blood.

"Don't look at me with your disgusting face! you, a commoner, who done nothing but to clutch at your father and brother's tail, looking to someone, who's high as almighty as me?! Inconceivable!" she just keeps kicking and pounding aria's body while gritting her teeth and clenching her fist. then aria, who have no choice but mouthed help while crying, couldn't endured it anymore. meanwhile, elyze started to calm down herself, and when caitlyn finished kicking aria, that's when elyze went out to the fitting room while wearing her P.E uniform, she had also stop filming them before walk towards the sink and wash her hand casually, as Caitlyn started to look at her, not until elyze spoke.

"No wonder why A-class couldn't surpassed class-zero for almost a decades, they are full of immature and childish people." she whispers calmly but caitlyn heard it so she give her a glare.

"since when did you mind someone else's business?"

"I'm really not the type of person who mind someone else's business, but what you are doing right now did realllyyy~ caught my attention." crystalle then look at caitlyn directly to her eyes and smirk to her.

"It really makes me laugh witnessing a useless dog bullying another useless dog without their master in sight." she giggled to caitlyn that makes them felt annoyed, especially caitlyn, who almost turns into tomato because of her red face.

"You daughter of a bitch! I've been really hated you since then! Just who the hell do you think you are?!" caitlyn burst into anger as she tries to slap elyze but she just look at her using her expressionless face before she took her wrist and then slapped her that makes caitlyn and the others gasp.

"and now it really makes me want to burst into laughter seeing an untamed useless dog challenging a tiger without the help of her kin."

with that, caitlyn literally snap out already as she give elyze fierce look before took out her knife on her pocket, but then, elyze giggled once again.

"heh..? are you really serious? you're quite a persistent dog, aren't you? didn't your master teaches you to behave without him?"

"Shut up! You arrogant daughter of a bitch! it doesn't matter weather if you're from the class-zero, I'll just kill you here!" she then attack elyze using her sharp knife, but elyze just frowned when she saw how weak does her combat skills is.

"I am one of the top climber of P.N academy, the rank 23! and yet you dare to humiliate me?! I'll make you pay!" caitlyn just keep attacking her but elyze just let out a sigh and stop avoiding, when caitlyn was about stab her, she smirk but her smirk faded a little while when elyze took her wrist once more and hold it tightly before removing the knife and put her hands at her back and lean her on the sink, causes caitlyn to shout in pain.

"a rank 23 you say..? is this what the top climber who's above top 50 can do? you're just like a random assailant in the streets that I can easily kill if I wanted to."

"shut up! you presumptuous — AAGGHH! IT HURTS!"

"ah, I'm getting bored hearing those words from you. listen here, caitlyn chambers.." elyze approach her ears closely and whispers something.

"You are the presumptuous person here, not me. how about I'll tell you something secret? In a monarch country, there is always one queen ruling alongside with her king to make a better kingdom for their own people, if one of them is filled with mistrust and corruption, then the kingdom wouldn't grew, what's the point of having a king, if his queen is something that cannot be trusted? What good is having a queen if her husband is always lavishing her with money, showering her with expensive delicacies and jewelry? What I'm trying to express is.."

elyze give caitlyn a pitiful look and added, "you're not fitted to be the queen of this academy." She smiles at Caitlyn before moving away from her, then turns around to face Aria, who was still perplexedly staring at Elyze, before exiting through the door.

"ah and by the way, if you really hate me that much, then try to surpassed me. bullying a student who's weaker than you makes me think that you're a coward. pfft."

"Y-you—!!" After elyze quickly opened the door and walked outside, he shut it before Caitlyn could continue his sentence. She then watches the earlier video she had taken on her phone while grinning.

"This is a perfect weapon to make caitlyn chambers meet her downfall.. this is truly a lucky day for me.."


There are 20 students in the middle of jaded woods where you can see Elyze looking around. The forest is covered in cedar trees, and there is a moon that illuminates the entire area. The forest has an eerie atmosphere brought on by the sound of wolves howling, owls chirping, and even crickets chirping, as well as the chilling cold wind that hits their faces.

".. they told us to go outside of the jaded woods but.. where is miss amara..?" then chauncey spoke with his hands was put on the back of his head while glancing above the sky.

meanwhile, Elyze simply ignored him as she continued to gaze around. When she came upon a tall cedar tree, she just gave it a blank stare before hopping up each of its stems. When Chauncey noticed how easily she reached the top of the cedar tree, he simply clapped his hands and whistled.

"Woah, I didn't know you have a talent to become a monkey elyze!" Once more, she simply ignored him and continued to look about, revealing a big forest full of enormous and towering cedar trees. meanwhile, devian just let out a sigh while massaging his temple.

"a lady shouldn't climb in trees, sigh." he whispered, then elyze give him a glare before went down in the middle of cedar trees, and sat on it's stem while crossing her arms and legs.

"since when did you become a racist, devian?" she asked sarcastically while closing her left eyes.

"I'm not, it's just that.. you really look like a monkey in that posture, a beautiful monkey." Devian teases her, but rather than making her blush, Elyze simply keeps glaring at him as if she were prepared to kill him at any moment.

"Tsh. I really can't tame you."

"Do you want a fight, huh?!"

"Let's just fight later, my lady.. just like we often do every night.. that's the kind of fight that I want—!" Elyze could no longer contain herself as she stood up on the trees and attempted to kick Devian in the face, but he managed to back away without breaking a sweat. Her eyes widened when she lost her balance, but Devian immediately took action and caught Elyze as quickly as possible, and she then held Devian's neck with his wrapped around Elyze waist. Devian chuckles as soon as he realizes their position.

"Heh.. isn't this interesting?" But when Devian watched Elyze grin before kicking his private area, Devian's smirk gradually faded, almost making him fall to the ground. Devian's lips began to quiver in response.

"you lose this time."

"You wicked Witch—!" crystalle cover his lips using her index finger and smirk once more as devian hears a familiar word, "sssshhh, someone might hear you here."

'Ah, can I just took her soul?!' He pondered while feeling resentful of elyze. Elyze was able to see Devian's irritated face for the first time in her entire life, and this alone was enough to satisfy her.

a few more minutes, Devian simply used the trees as his support to stand up as they noticed Miss Amara approaching them while being followed by five men in black who had chiseled muscles and dark sunglasses. They were all sporting serious expressions and were standing behind Miss Amara.

Miss Amara simply looked around to make sure that everyone was present before starting to walk and explaining the game to them.

"As I said earlier, we will going to 'play' a game of tag, however, with a twist of course. you could also think of this as a 'practice' for the upcoming bloodbath warfare, after the newcomer's welcoming party and the students council election, the next events would be a bloodbath warfare that will held in May 3 2027, today is april 1 2027, so you still have a month to practice, ah and by the way.. since we have a newcomers here, I will explain to you what is the bloodbath warfare!"

"The bloodbath warfare is an event that takes place every first week of may, with a random theme every year; for example, two years ago, the theme of the event was a team death match, then last year, it was a hide and seek. those who manage to win in the bloodbath warfare will be given a 100 million point bonus if they are the grand champion, 50 million points for the first placer, 10 million points for the second placer, and 5 million points for the third placer."

You can think of this activity as 'practice' for the upcoming bloodbath warfare. "To make the game fair, we sent your roles in your smartwatch whether you're an It or a Tag. There are 10 IT's and then 10 TAG's, so even if you tried to change your role by hacking it just like the person I know who did hack the academy's security room in the middle of bloodbath warfare last year, we will immediately disqualify you," said the instructor.

on the other hand, crystalle couldn't help but to feel curious; who is the grand champion of last year's bloodbath warfare? so she asked chauncey who was beside him.

"do you know who is the winner last year in bloodbath warfare?" chauncey glance at her and smile.

"It's Rohan."


"What about two year's ago?"



there's only one expression on elyze face right now.. shocked.

She didn't anticipate that Rohan would actually be the bloodbath warfare grand champion! Knowing him for almost 18 years, Rohan is the type of person who dislikes bloodshed and is the most lazy person she has ever met. Rohan spends all day and night playing games on his PSP, and occasionally, when he isn't lazy enough, he goes out with his twin to date girls in clubs, or having a one night stands with them, and when he gets bored with them, he dates other girls, and even boys! Due to his twin's influence, Rohan does have a trashy personality; yet, he is a genuine genius. Elyze and Rohan's contributions were the main reason why London has so many cutting-edge gadgets and technologies nowadays.

"How did he manage to get two consecutive wins..?" she asked once more.

"ah, right.. because the bloodbath warfare was actually.. a Virtual game battle!"

and that is now making sense to Elyze! Since Rohan has always been a pro at playing games, whether they are virtual or not, he can win the bloodiest war with ease as much as he wanted to.

However, there was one more thing that eluded her: how could they get the pupils to fight in a way that was as realistic as possible by using virtual reality games?

elyze wants to ask that question to chauncey but she chooses not to—to avoid suspicion from him.

"now then, for the students who got the IT roles, step forward!" Elyze simply opened her wristwatch and sighed heavily when she saw the word "TAG." She then turned to face the front and saw devian crossing his hands and grinning, so she simply clicked her tongue.

'darn.. looks like my luck has run out now, surely he wouldn't let me slip and keep chasing me, I shouldn't kick his balls earlier!' She thought. not only devian but also fynn, rufus, and jotaro—people she should have been wary of—had congregated together in one group. In addition, there are two students students from A-class as well that she isn't familiar of, however, their presence is already enough for crystalle to be wary of them, the other two was caitlyn's servants who bullies aria earlier and then chauncey was also in their side even zepphyr.

meanwhile, their group consist Alexandra, keir, damion, aria, rheyne, rohan and caitlyn as well as the remaining two of caitlyn's servants.

"Remember, students, The ITs are the only ones who can attack, not the TAGs. The only thing you can do is defend, run, and survive until the time runs out. TAGs can only use smoke bombs. and since we don't want to lose promising students in this mock battle, you will be provided with a rubber weapon only, as well as paint balls; once the tag got stained by paint balls, it means they were failed.

"The time management is 3 hours only, IT's, you can choose your weapons here while the TAG's—!" When Elyze noticed that the timer on his wristwatch had started to move, she immediately ran silently to the woods to find some hiding spots which made Miss Amara sneer once more.

"very sensitive, I see." she whispers, then added, "Now then what are you waiting for Tags?! the timer had—!" However, she abruptly stops speaking when she notices that there are no tags visible from the front. Naturally, as soon as Crystalle crept into the woods, Damion also noticed her and ran after her, followed by Rohan and Rheyne, until all the tags had already fled into the woods.

due to this, miss amara just chuckled once more.

"they are really sensitive. pfft."

"well then, IT's, begin the hunting!"


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