
Mad scientist Dr Virus

After listening that Dr Virus has made his formula, Lutin starts loudly and says that Dr Virus what would have happened to me if you were not there? Dr Virus starts explaining about that formula. This formula is basically a virus which can mutate those tyrants. He bring out a strip and give it to Lutin and says that after mutation those tyrants will be like zombies and anybody will control those mutated tyrants by wearing this strip into his head. Lutin takes that strip from Dr Virus's hand and starts laughing and says that Kylie go and tell all of our members to get ready for our next war because we will teleport to that unknown place very soon.

Michael on other side with some of his trusted guys gathered in an old building in an ruined area near a machine. One of the other guys told Michael that what will we do with this ruined Machine. Michael smiles and fired some lasers from his laser Gun and suddenly the cap of that machine falls down. In that machine many different types of weapons are kept. Michael says that these are the latest blasters which was not launched because it was for our worst situation which was kept secret. But the time has come to reveal this secret and capture the Tyrant planet again. One of them says that what type of weapons they are. Michael says that these are heavy blasters. It can destroyed many kilometres in a single shot. Michael told his guys to collect all these blasters and distribute between our members tomorrow in a meeting. We can counter Lutin very soon by these weapons. After that all the guys collect those weapons and gone to the place where meeting has to be held tomorrow.

On the other side, Lutin and Kylie reaches on the castle and add this formula into his mortars and blasters. And give all of his trusted armies a mask which protect them from becoming mutants.

Next day Michael meets with his group members at decided place and distribute the latest blasters to them. Michael announced that this night we will attack on the warship of Lutin and capture the throne of Tyrant planet to protect our planet from destruction. Everyone starts shouting Our king will be like Michael!

In the warship of Lutin, that man again come and says Lutin about the plan of Michael that he will attack on his warship first and after the will capture throne. Lutin tell that guy to go and starts murmuring that I will do everything according to your plan but at last you will definitely be killed. Lutin shouted and told Kylie to bring him here. After some time Kylie bring a thin and weak man who was tied with iron belts. Lutin goes near him and says you are the one who works for me but obey orders of Michael. Now I will show you my power and punishment for disloyal servants. After that he bring out some mutated formula of Dr Virus and put it on that thin guy. After coming with contact of that formula that thin guy starts yearning and after a while he became a body builder with six-pack abs and his two teeth becomes large. His eyes colour converted into red and his nails starts growing and after some time it becomes as sharp as knife. After that he broke the iron belts and starts running towards Lutin with a lightning speed. Lutin quickly wear that strip and order that mutant to sat on the ground. Suddenly that mutant sat on ground and starts seeing towards Lutin as his master.

Lutin calls Dr Virus and shows them results about his formula. Dr Virus is now in high shock after seeing the effect of that guy and says that when I use this formula on a prisoner then he had converted into zombie but this guy is not looking like zombie. This guy is looking like an animal. Lutin says that what do you mean exactly about it? Dr Virus says that please do this experiment on some other people. Lutin calls some other prisoners who were caught because they were spies of Michael and his supporting groups. Lutin used that formula on all the prisoners and the result shocked both Dr Virus and Lutin. They sees that some of them transforms into zombie while otherwise transforms into animal. Dr Virus says that my formula is too good. It gives you two benefits. Lutin excitedly asked Dr Virus about those benefits. Dr Virus says that first you got two variations of mutants one is zombie and other is animal. You are able to control both of them. Lutin says that I know everything about it. That's why please tell me about second benefit. Dr Virus says in vibrating sound that if these mutants will bite or scratch anyone then they will also convert into mutants and become the part of your army. Lutin says that you are brilliant Dr Virus. You are brilliant.

After thinking some time, Dr Virus says that we have to disadvantages also with this formula. Lutin stops his excitement and asks Dr Virus about those disadvantages. Dr Virus says in vibrating sound that this formula's effect will gone after five hours and after that time lapse the mutant again change into his original form and after that you will not able to control them. Lutin control his angriness and asks Dr Virus about second disadvantages. Dr Virus calmly says that if our mutated guys will killed then he will directly decompose and disappear from battle ground. This time Lutin angriness burst and he asked shoutedly about some ways to solve these two problems which will destroy my whole plan. Dr Virus says calmly that when the effect of out formula will gone then they will be too much tired so that they can't even move, then we will mutate them again and they will be part of our army again. Now Lutin's anger has gone and he asked about the solution of second problem. Dr Virus says that after mutation our mutants body will be very tough so that none of their weapons will destroy their skins. Then our mutants will never be killed. After that Lutin hugs Dr Virus and again shouts that you are brilliant Dr Virus. You are brilliant. After that Kylie comes and told Lutin that Dr March is looking for him. Lutin asks Kylie what has happened but Kylie says that Dr March didn't tell anything to me and told me to bring you there. After that Lutin, Dr Virus and Kylie goes towards Laboratory.

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