
Dwarf's problem...

Narita hesitated a bit, but then he sighed and followed after Hikaru.

This place is very large, it was divided into three areas including "Stone", "Wood" and "Storage".

These three areas contained three large workshops built into the shape of a U. In the middle is a large courtyard for transporting goods or materials.

Hikaru led Narita to the first "Rock" area. As soon as she entered the room, Narita felt uncomfortable when she heard the extremely shrill noises.

That's right, it's the sound of cutting rocks.

The Dwarves that worked in this place were mostly adult men, they were laying rocks into various shapes.

Although the noise was very loud, the smoke and dust did not seem to affect the Dwarves in this place, they still worked so hard that they did not notice Hikaru and Narita's appearance.

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