

Esmeralda was saying bye to everyone on the set when her assistant came running and said something in her ear making her eyes shine.

"Bye everyone, hope to see you again." With this said, she came out of there and walked towards the parking lot where a car was parked and a man was standing outside the car, only waiting for her.

"What are you doing here?" Esmeralda asked, laughing.

Ethan looked around as if someone had asked the question to someone else. With confusion, he asked, "Are you asking me?"

"Ethan!" She lightly hit his chest and then laugh, "I don't know what you are doing here. But I am glad that you are here."

"If you are so happy to see me here, why didn't you ask me before to pick you up from work?" Ethan asked. If he knew that she would be this happy to see him here, he would have done it a long time ago or she should have told him to do that. It was just this easy.

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