
CHAPTER 19- The rules of the school. Part 1.

(Extra- Paradise.)

Yes, just like hell, paradise is real.

What are the requirements to enter? Simple: having done more good actions than bad ones, that's it. It doesn't matter if you were a rapist, pedophile, murderer, etcetera. None of that matters, as long as you have done more good than bad. And why? Because the Gods don't care about what humans do to each other, and the only reason they punish those who have done more bad than good is to maintain the balance between good and evil.

The Gods see humans as mere tools to keep their home alive, and that's it. There have been and still are some Gods who genuinely care about humans, but they are scarce and marginalized by other Gods.

And the humans in paradise who try to change the admission rules to expel criminals are expelled to hell, because the Gods rule, not them.

Setting aside the fact that they accept people with horrible sins, paradise is... Well... A planet Earth 2.

There are cities, green nature, mountains, seas, beaches, snowy places, and so on. It's like still being alive on Earth, but much better. Why? Because not only do you reunite with your deceased family members, but you also have eternal life, everything is free, and you can instantly travel anywhere you want. A place with eternal free vacations, or at least until you decide to reincarnate.

It sounds very nice, but it has its dark side. Humans can do whatever they want, and there are no limits. In a certain area of paradise, simply called "Sin," you can make any of your darkest fantasies come true, and it's not limited to sexual fantasies alone.

Paradise is the paradise of anyone in every sense of the word, both for good and for bad, morally speaking.

CHAPTER 19 - School rules. Part 1.

Today is Friday. For many, it's the perfect day to go out with friends and have fun. And for me? It's just a normal day, like any other. Sylphie considers me her friend, but that doesn't mean I will go out with her to have fun or anything like that. I will leave school, study, have dinner, study again, do my nightly exercises, and go to sleep. I won't shower to save time. I won't go out on the weekend, so it doesn't matter. Personal hygiene is very important, but not showering for one or two days won't affect me. My record is three weeks, until my mother forced me to. Oh, she was an angel, but when she got angry, she was the very King of hell... Well, considering how disappointing the Demon King was, I think that comparison is a bit boring.

But, well, I will have more time to exercise and study if I don't shower.

"W-Well... W-We finished the project... We have a week off... We did it in a short time, so we have plenty of free time... So... D-Do you want to do something?"



"Yes. I want to eat a sweet."

I took out two lollipops from my pocket and offered one to Sylphie.

"Do you want one?"

"Y-Yes, thank you."

She took the lollipop, and we entered our classroom.

That's weird, for a second I felt disappointment in Sylphie. I guess it was my imagination... Or maybe... does she not like strawberry lollipops?

I think I have a pineapple one in my backpack, I'll give her that later.

"You really like sweets a lot."

"It's my favorite flavor."

Yes... My favorite.

Ah... It's nostalgic, but at the same time, torture.

We sat in our respective seats, and Yuki, for some strange reason, stood in front of me, crossing her arms and looking at me quite seriously, or angry? No, I think it is a serious expression because I haven't done anything wrong... Or have I? Women get angry about anything, or that's what I heard my former classmates say when they argued with the girls in class, specifically with Rossy. And taking Rossy as an example, the girl who, unfortunately, I know the most, yes, I confirm it, girls get angry about anything. What did I do to make Yuki angry? Whatever it is, I must apologize, I don't want her to be angry with me.

I moved my lips, saying in a very, very low voice, "What did I do now?"

Yes, I plan to apologize, but not without knowing why I'm doing it.

"I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed. You just received a hint and didn't understand it!"


Mmm... Mmm... Ah, I understand now.

I took out a lollipop from my pocket and stood up from my seat.

I started walking, and Yuki followed me.

"Eh? Where are you going?"

I left the classroom and headed to the men's bathroom.

I entered, and Yuki entered with me.

Mmm... There are two people in the bathroom, but they are about to leave.

I waited a few seconds, and they left. Good.

"What's wrong, Saik?"

I offered her the lollipop.

"I understood the hint. Sorry for not offering you a lollipop, Yuki. Eat the lollipop here, there are no security cameras."

"Ahhhhhhhh! You still don't get it!"

Huh? Why did she get angrier? She wanted a lollipop, right?

"Wasn't that the hint?"

"Of course not!"

"And what was it?"

"You have to learn on your own! Be a man!"

She stuck her tongue out at me and left the bathroom.

... What?

"Ah, I don't understand women."

I felt a chill, and hands started caressing my chest and... my buttocks.


"Fufu. Did you make Yuki angry, bad boy?"

A student entered the bathroom, and I washed my hands to avoid suspicion.

Number 31 is behind me, as always, sexually harassing me.


"She's suffering a lot, darling," she said, biting my earlobe.

Perfect, but not the bite, that disgusted me.

Now, back to the important thing, and taking advantage that the student is urinating.

"Number 31, how can I detect a hint from a girl?"

"Easy. For example, if I tell you 'I want to be your girlfriend,' that would be something direct. But if I do this..."

She kissed me on the cheek, and... she's licking my neck... How disgusting.

"This is a hint."




I still don't understand anything.

(Pov- Ninda.)

T-This is not happening... T-This can't be happening... N-No... No, no, no, no... Why...? Why did this happen?!

In just one day, my family lost everything! My father was arrested, my mother escaped without me, and I no longer have a home!

Why did this happen?! Why did I lose everything in just one day?! This can't be happening!

"Damn it!!"

Now I have to hide in this filthy alley to survive. If someone sees me, they will kill me. I can't go to the police, my friends turned their backs on me... I have no one... Why did this happen...? Why?

"No... I don't want to live like this."

I lost everything... Absolutely everything... I have nothing... No one.

I don't want to live like this... I don't want to.

"I don't want to..."

Crying won't solve anything, but I can't help it.

Everything was going so well. Why did everything fall apart?! Why?

(Pov- Saik.)

I see. It was faster than I thought. Dear sweets, you have been successfully avenged.

"Hey, Sylphie, look."

I showed Sylphie a news article on my phone.

"The girl who used to bother you, her family was involved with a criminal organization. They arrested the father, and the mother escaped with their daughter... Well... I guess it's karma."

With this, Sylphie will surely be happy and feel safer within the school, which will make my job easier.

"Oh, poor thing."

"... Poor thing?"

"I can't help but feel bad for her."

"... Bad?"

"Well... I know she hurt me, but..."


How strange... I can sense sadness in her... Is she feeling sad for her?

... Why? She treated her very badly. Why do you feel sad for her, Sylphie? It makes no logical sense. It's like a girl feeling bad because her rapist was arrested. It's simply illogical.

Are you a masochist?

"She must be going through a tough time. I know what it's like to go through something similar... I've had my own tough moments too."

"But... she treated you badly."

"Yes, I know, but she could really die. She'll have to live in hiding... That's not a life."

... Sylphie, you're a good person... Too good... And that makes me feel sorry for you.

"I see... Yes... It's true, she must be going through a really tough time. According to the news, that criminal group had many enemies. If they find her, well... Ah... Let's not talk about that. It's a shame, but we can't do anything."

If she dies, it will somehow harm Sylphie, and that will ruin my plan for her to become an independent person.

Ah... I have to solve this.

What a hassle.

The teacher entered the classroom, and I took out my notebook, ready to start taking notes and feed my brain with knowledge that I will only use for exams and never for anything else.

"I suppose you've all adapted to the school. Do you have any complaints or questions?"

No complaints, just that I think we need more variety of desserts in the school cafeteria.

Ram raised her hand, like the intelligent and exemplary girl she is.

"I've heard rumors about this school and its teaching method. If you fail an exam, you get expelled. Is that true?"

"What we seek in this school is perfection. We don't tolerate mistakes. Failing and trying again is in our nature, but that doesn't apply here. If you fail a single exam, you will be expelled. If you cheat, you will be expelled."

I heard something about that. In fact, that's why I became interested in this specific school. In a public school, it was very likely that I would have annoying classmates who would ruin my peaceful school life, but here I will have the peaceful school life I want.

With that stupid rule of expelling students for failing a single exam, everyone will be worried about studying and won't have time to be annoying.

"Now I will explain the positive points to you."

She started writing on the whiteboard with her black marker. Everyone is silent, observing the teacher's movements, except me, who is looking at her left ear. She has a cute earring with a red heart. Did her husband give it to her? How adorable.

Hmm... I've seen men wearing earrings. Would I look good with one...? I don't think so.

Something strange I noticed is that the teacher only wears one earring, not two. That's weird. Is it some kind of fashion?

Oh, and she doesn't have an engagement ring, which means she's not married. How old could the teacher be? She looks young... I think she's around 28 or 30 years old.

She's not beautiful, but she's not ugly either, considering how little I know about female appearance and its value in today's society. An 8 out of 10, I think. She's very average. Average body... Although she's a flat woman, with no butt or chest... Well... I got too distracted, she wrote a lot.

"The positive points are as follows. Each correct answer given in an exam will earn you one point. Each correct answer you give when I ask something will earn you one point. And, of course, assignments have a certain number of points. The points you receive for your assignments will depend on the quality of your work."

Ah, what a hassle, a points system. At least it sounds simple.

Mmm. I see... They're trying to make the students compete against each other... A strange educational system, but it can work if applied correctly. The strongest will rule over the weak.

Moreover, it's a private school, so students can choose whether to stay in the school or not. If they disagree with this system, they can study elsewhere. I wonder if they will give us any incentive to stay and fight for our survival.

"Any questions so far?"

Everyone was reading the rules the teacher wrote on the board.

One of them caught my attention, so I raised my hand.

"Any questions, Saik?"

Everyone turned to look at me. Hey, you can hear me without needing to see me. Ah, whatever.

"Rule number 4 says that at the end of each semester, the last-place student will be expelled. Could you tell us more about the expulsions and the loss of points?"

"Excellent question, Saik. At the end of each semester, the student with the fewest positive points will be expelled, without exceptions. Students will lose points in the following ways: not turning in assignments and missing classes."

... Is that all?

Ram raised her hand.

"Any question, Ram?"

"Is that all, teacher? Won't we lose points for our behavior or if we get into trouble?"

"No, we won't deduct points. Students are free to do whatever they want during class, like using their phones or sleeping. As long as they don't speak loudly, they can do as they please."

Everyone started murmuring about how ridiculous those rules were.

I also found it ridiculous, but if a student doesn't pay attention in class, their likelihood of being expelled increases.

"Saik... This school is weird."

Yes, it is, Yuki, and I'm grateful for it. What I just heard not only improved my school life but also made my life much easier. Thank you.

I raised my hand.

"Excuse me, teacher. If I fall asleep, will you scold me?"


"Then good night."

I put my backpack on the table and prepared to sleep.

Ah... I'll catch up on sleep this way. Thank you, senseless rules.

"Eh?! Are you really going to sleep, Saik?!"

Yes, Yuki. I won't waste this opportunity.

Sylphie watched Saik. She was very nervous and worried about him because Saik fell asleep, showing that he doesn't care about listening to the class, making him look irresponsible and rude, which describes Saik perfectly.


"Well, I'll continue."- Said the teacher, not caring about Saik's attitude.

"Wait, teacher!"

Ram stood up from her seat and pointed her finger at Saik, who was already deeply asleep.

He forced himself to stay awake, that's why he fell asleep so easily, after all, he only sleeps two hours a day.

"Are you really going to allow that?! This is a classroom, not his house!"

"It's his decision. His decisions will have consequences in the future."

"... This school is weirder than I heard."

"Now I will explain the individual and group competitions. You can earn extra points through the various school events, either individually or in groups. I will explain in more detail later. Each school event has a certain amount of points available to earn. In individual and group performances, students will compete against each other to earn points. Some students will receive a large amount of points while others will receive very few points, depending on their performance. And they will also earn positive points for their contributions to society, for example, saving a woman who attempts suicide."

She watched Saik for a moment and smiled, but no one paid attention to that detail, not even Sylphie, because she pays more attention to Saik than to the teacher.

Only one student paid attention to that detail, but it did not matter too much to him.

"The contributions to society that you make, depending on the difficulty and time, will earn you points. In the main hallway of the school, you will find a blackboard with activities you can do to earn points, such as cleaning the beach, picking up trash, volunteering to help study students from other schools, feeding the homeless, etc. You can also earn points with school and sports activities, such as winning an official baseball, soccer, chess, swimming match, etc."

The teacher erased what she wrote and connected her computer to the blackboard.

"Now I will show you the total points you currently have."

The computer screen appeared on the blackboard and everyone fell silent while looking for their names on the list, and as the seconds passed, the students' expressions changed, worried.



"I have ... 34?!"

Everyone started to worry because, compared to first place, they were very low.

"I have ... 85 points? And Saik ... This must be a joke." Said Ram, not believing it.

Yuki jumped excitedly when she saw the screen.

"First place again! 198 points, Saik! You're amazing!"

Everyone turned to look at Saik, who was still asleep.

"Teacher, why does he have so many points?! Even Ram, who was the representative for the first-year students, has less than half the points that Saik has!"- said one of the students, indignant, as she refused to believe that someone like Saik could be in such a high position and far above the others.

"He scored 150 points on the entrance exam. And he accumulated another 50 points for a contribution to society that he made. Unfortunately, he missed a class, so he lost two points. It was his first time, but next time he will lose 4 points, the next time 8, and so on."

"What contribution to society did he make to earn so many points?"

"I'm not allowed to say, I'm sorry."

"... Teacher, I'm sure I made almost no mistakes on the entrance exam. Why did he get 150 points and I got 85?"- said Ram.

"You missed two questions. One of them was worth 15 points and the other had the highest value, 50 points. Saik didn't miss any. He was even the only one who answered that question correctly."

"... Really?"

Ram turned to look at him.

"Did that slacker do it?"

Sylphie looked down, quite sad and ashamed of herself.

"29 points... The worst in the class..."

"Teacher, I have another question. Many students have less than 50 points. Why were they accepted?"- said Ram.

"Because of our educational system, not many students want to study here due to the school's demands. Those who scored more than 75 points were immediately admitted to the school. The others, to fill the classrooms, were chosen randomly. Those with less than 75 points were lucky to be accepted."

"I see... This school is more interesting than I thought."- said Danna.

(Pov- Saik.)

"Saik, wake up, let's eat!"

Ah... Has lunchtime already started, Yuki? The first or the second? Considering my sleep, I think it's the second. You know me so well, Yuki.

I opened my eyes and yawned... Ah... Sleeping in class feels so good. It brings back memories. It reminds me of when I used to sleep in class, and the teachers wouldn't say anything because of the social power of my family. Attending public schools benefited me personally, although it's something I'm also ashamed of... Ah, I don't even know how to feel about it.

"Let's go eat."

Sylphie approached me while I took out my lunches. Noel made them as a reward for what I did yesterday, and I don't know what it is. Surprise me with something delicious.

"Saik... Can I ask you something?"


"C-can... Can..."

Sylphie took a breath.

Why is she taking it so seriously? Is she going to ask to borrow money?

"W-would you help me study?"

No, I don't want to, what a bother... Or that's what I would say if I didn't have Yuki by my side, staring at me with that serious and somewhat angry look.

"Ah... I see... You're worried about your future. Alright, but only one hour a day, okay?"

"T-thank you very much!"

"Now I'm going to eat."

I tried to leave, but Ram blocked my path, standing in front of me. How adorable. Ram is like an intellectual version of Yuki, a little bit, but just slightly taller, and more serious. I wonder if they're distant relatives.

"What did you do?"

"Let me see."

I opened my lunch. Mmm... Well, it's breakfast, although I was expecting something more elegant and greasy.

"It's just basic food. Sausages, eggs..."

"I'm not talking about that."- she said, interrupting me, and I feel a certain evil aura coming from her.

Is she angry?

"Is it not? Then what are you talking about?"

"You got 50 points for a contribution to society. What did you do?"

As she finished saying that, I started to feel everyone's eyes on me.

Mmm... A contribution to society?

Well, there are the criminals I took care of, the family of the girl who was bothering Sylphie... That's it. But that's a secret. Did I make a public contribution to society?

"Mmm... No... No... Mmm... I'm sorry, but I don't remember doing anything good for society."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying. Seriously, I don't remember doing anything... I'm sorry, but I'm starving."

I pushed Ram aside and tried to leave, but someone grabbed my arm. How annoying.

"Wait, please."

Now the president is preventing me from leaving. Ah... Can't I eat in peace?

"What do you want, Saoto?"

"We need to collaborate if we want to earn points. Please, tell us what you did. We would appreciate it very much."

"Hey, idiot, are you deaf? Didn't you hear me? I don't remember. You can believe me or not, I don't care. I'm telling the truth."

"Yeah, right."- Said a random girl, in a rather rude tone.

"Keep the secret to keep earning points."- Said a boy.

"He's in first place and doesn't allow others to advance."

"Who does he think he is?"

Ah, I've earned everyone's hatred just for telling the truth... How strange... Well, not that strange. I remember in my previous schools I always told the truth. When a fat girl insulted me, I called her a whale and made sure everyone made fun of her, just like the brainless idiots, the smelly ones, the ones who are pathetic, etcetera. I always told the truth even if it made them angry, and I got back at those who tried to ruin my peaceful life.

But I don't have time for that in this school. I simply won't pay it any attention. I'm a new Saik, so I'll try not to get into trouble.

"Ah... I don't have time for this. I don't know anything about it, I mean the truth, but if I remember, I won't tell you anything. Goodbye."

"That's right, Saik, they don't deserve our help!"- Yuki said, sticking her tongue out at all of them.

I left my classroom, not without receiving their hateful glares, except for Ram and Saoto. Saoto was worried and Ram, I think, excited. I don't understand that girl.

"W-wait, Saik!"

Sylphie caught up to me and started walking by my side.

"Will you keep asking me that too? I'll say it again, I don't know anything. I'm telling the truth."

"I-I know you wouldn't lie to me... Saik, do you know that you have the most points?"

"Most? Why?"


Sylphie told me in detail the rules the teacher said after I fell asleep.

I understand everything now.

What I did for Iris, somehow the school found out and gave me the points.

... Ah... I was wearing the uniform when I saved her. Some witness saw me and reported it... And the security cameras confirmed it.

... I feel harassed.

But I won't tell Sylphie, it's not necessary.

I don't think she'll wait on a bridge for some idiot to try to jump and save them.

"Mmm... I still don't remember anything that would make me deserving of those 50 points. Maybe it was a mistake... By the way, Sylphie, how many points do you have?"

"29... Only 29 points... I'm the worst."

And you feel bad about that. You feel useless, like a loser, blah blah blah. Ah, how troublesome.

"I see... We must study even more... I'll increase the time to two hours a day."

"W-will you really help me?!"- She said, excited, and I even think her eyes are shining a bit.

"Of course. We'll study every day."

"T-thank you...! But I have to work."


Ah, that's right, she works.

"I have a job at a cafe. I work on weekends."

"What time do you finish work?"

"My shift ends at 6 in the evening."

"And what time does the cafe close?"

"At 10, why?"

"We can study at the cafe. If you come to my house, it could be misinterpreted and vice versa. Plus, eating while I study helps me concentrate. Do you think it's a good idea?"

"Y-yes, thank you very much!"

"Fufu. A date?"- Yuki said.

No. Definitely not.

"Well, let's eat."

I don't like eating in the school cafeteria... Ah... So many voices bother me.

After finishing my lunch, I returned to my classroom, put one of my lunches in my backpack, and left it open.

"I hate eating like this!"

But it's necessary, I don't want to be discovered.

Yuki is sitting on the floor, taking food out from behind my seat.

No one will see her, so I'm not worried. My back is protecting her.

"I miss eating on the rooftop!"

Ah... Me too.

I miss my lonely school life, but someone had to pity Sylphie. Actions have consequences, Yuki.

Classes ended, I grabbed my backpack and went to the library to study with Sylphie.

Blah, blah, blah. We only studied, nothing interesting happened.

After that, we each went our separate ways and headed home.

"I'm hungry," I said, caressing my stomach.

When I get home, I'll eat and then look for that girl. If she dies, Sylphie's emotional problems could worsen and...

"No, don't hurt me...! Hmmmh!"

Ah, what were the odds? I know I have the legendary good luck ghost activated, but I only activated it to find her alive, not to stumble upon her without even searching, especially when I'm with Yuki.

"Saik, did you hear that?! It's a girl asking for help! You must save her!"

"Yes... I'll do it just because I hate anything related to rape."


I entered an alley. Fortunately, I arrived in time. Thank goodness.

"D-damn it! They're trying to rape that girl! Saik, do something!"

The girl who harassed Sylphie is about to be raped by... Mmm... I think they are members of her father's rival criminal organization.

I see... They were looking for her, and instead of killing her, they're attempting to rape her first... Something savage and unnecessary. Why don't they kidnap her and rape her in private? What idiots.

"Hey, you're making too much noise. Could you shut up?" I said as I approached.

"Tsk. Kill him."

Five men... Well... I think I can handle them without much effort.

One of them tried to slit my throat with a knife, but I dodged by ducking and grabbed his hand. I squeezed his hand so he wouldn't let go of the knife, I grabbed him by the back of his neck, pushed his hand, and made him stab himself in the neck. Stab or slash the throat? Either way, it's the same.

He's bleeding out, and his blood is staining the ground and my hands. I'm not worried about the evidence; I can eliminate the traces without any problem.

I let go of him, and he fell to the ground, writhing in pain in front of the others, who couldn't believe what just happened in less than a second.

Filled with rage, three men tried the same.

Ah, what idiots.

With agile movements, I dodged their attacks and made them stab themselves. I followed the same pattern.

The four men were on the ground, agonizing.

All in less than 5 seconds, maybe it was 3, I don't know, I didn't count.

"W-what?" said the last man, filled with fear.

"Ah, disgusting. You pulled down your pants and tried to remove her underwear while using your enormous right hand to cover her mouth... You're disgusting."

He pointed a gun at me and pulled the trigger, but it didn't fire. It got stuck or something went wrong with its mechanism, huh? Either way, bullets don't harm me... Ah, I see. Thanks, number 31.

She is in the distance, with the bullets in her hand.


"No bullets, huh?"


I showed him a knife.

"This doesn't need bullets."

I put it on his throat while tears streamed down his face. He cried desperately, but there's no turning back now.

"N-no, please."

"She asked you the same thing, and you ignored her. Do you think you deserve to be heard?"

Without wasting any more time, I covered his mouth and slit his throat.

"You don't deserve mercy."

After a few seconds, he fell to the ground unconscious. He'll die in a couple more minutes, just like his companions.

"Ah... Disgusting."

I crouched down and looked into that girl's eyes.

Her eyes reflected fear... She's very disturbed... Well, she was almost raped, her reaction was obvious, and the fact that she saw a guy kill 5 men mercilessly also plays a part.

Yuki hasn't made any sound, so I think she's even more disturbed. Ah, don't worry, Yuki, you'll be back to normal soon.

"I suppose I arrived just in time."

Her blouse is torn... Her skirt is fine. Her underwear is visible. Cute pink lingerie.

I took off my school coat.

"N-no. H-have mercy."

Her tears... Ah... I feel sorry for her. You're lucky that I hate rape.

I threw her the coat and the school shirt.

"Here, put this on and lift your skirt."

It's a good thing I always have an emergency uniform in my backpack, you never know when you'll need it.

I put on my uniform and she looked at me... She's trembling too much and crying... Ah... It's my weak spot... I really hate rape.

"Hey, I heard what happened to your family... If you come with me, I guarantee your protection. You can see what I'm capable of."

I extended my hand.

"Do you accept my help?"

She started crying more and took my hand.

"T-thank you so much!"

I helped her stand up and she hugged me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"...You're welcome...? Hey, put on the shirt, we have to go."


I turned around while she changed and Yuki kept trembling in fear.

She's just trembling, but her gaze doesn't reflect anything, just emptiness... Emptiness... She's very traumatized... Ah, I'm so sorry, Yuki.

"S-Saik... W-was it necessary to do that?"

"Yes... It was necessary."

There are no security cameras here, Number 31 was here and I knew I walk by here to go home, she deactivated them, she's not stupid. But the police can find me... Ah... Damn it, I'll have to do it... Again.

"Yuki, I'm sorry for doing this... Forget everything."

I put my hand on her face.


I took Ninda to my house and kept her company, as she needs to calm down, and I think talking to her could be helpful.

"You're underage and not involved in your father's business. If you go to the police, nothing serious will happen."

"But... They'll find me."

"They won't, I give you my word. Look."

I showed her a news article on my phone.

"Both criminal organizations are destroyed. Every person involved is dying. If you weren't directly involved, they won't do anything to you."

This will take time.

This is unnecessary, but I need to calm her down to manipulate her mind more easily.

I left Ninda alone to think things through and entered the kitchen.

"It was incredible, Saik knocked out all those men with his own fists! It was the coolest thing I've ever seen!"

"Saik, are you okay?"

... Ah... I'm sorry, Yuki, it was just for this occasion... I had to manipulate your memories... I'm sorry.

It's better if she believes I only hit them, rather than cutting their throats and killing them.

"Yes... I'm fine... I'll be out for an hour. I need to go buy something."

"I'll come with you!"

"No... I'll go alone... Goodbye."

I went up the stairs and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Ninda, I'm leaving, I'll buy something. There's food in the fridge."

"Yes... Thank you."

Her tone of voice... She's already calmer.

I have to do it.

Ah... Such a hassle.

Black smoke surrounded me completely and I activated my Shadow form.

Black bandages to hide my eyes, gray hair, a black suit, a black aura surrounding my body... Yes, I still like the disguise.

Now I'll go visit an old fool.

"What?! Shadow?!"

"Hello, old man."

As always, I had no trouble entering the ghost hunters' base and entering their leader's room. As useless as ever. But well, I didn't come to criticize.

I left Ninda, who is unconscious and with her memories altered, on his bed.

"I entered your house while you sleep. What nostalgia, right? Would it have been better to make a cooler entrance?"

"Finally, after so many years...!"

I covered his mouth, as I didn't come here to fight or argue.

I want to go back already, I'm hungry.

"You will do as I say, understood? If you don't, I will kill all the members of your organization, and you know I have the power to do it. That would bring serious consequences, and honestly, I don't care. Will you do as I say?"

He looked at me furiously and nodded.

"Perfect... By the way..."

The legendary ghost number 31 appeared next to me.

"She will make sure you do your job well."

I let him go, and he fell to his knees.


"In fact, I like being called 'Shadow's wife'."

"No," I immediately said.

"Kya! I love that side of you, my love!"

"Well... Whatever... Make sure Ninda is protected. Understood?"

"Y-yes! By the way, we need to...! Mmmmmph!"

I covered his mouth.

"I don't care to hear more."

Ah... I'm starving.

(The next day.)

I looked at the news on my phone... More than 2,000 people were found dead... I think there were more... Well, it doesn't matter.

I erased Ninda's memory, so she won't know my identity.

That's something I can only do a couple of times, that's why I never use it.

But since I'll die in a couple of years, it doesn't matter anymore.

I think I can only use it one more time... I'll save it wisely.

"I'll take a shower."

I entered the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.




"Ah... I'm a killer."

I only killed bad people, but... Murder is still murder.

I should feel a little guilty, but... I don't feel bad... I feel nothing.

Ah... I'm definitely a phenomenon.

Well... I used Shadow's identity for the last time... I hope I never have to use it again.

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