
Chapter 84 - How to make a new commander 101

(A/N : Completely out of context with this fanfiction. For the past weeks or so, after playing the hell out of fallout new vegas,3 and just a tiny bit of 2,I was thinking of making a ff about a mafia family in New Vegas, so... what do you all think?)

Three days after I slept with Anya and two since I learned that Bellamy was sent back to Mount Weather after Lexa, under Kane's persuasion had agreed to let the survivors from Farm Station live there and help any grounder that had mortal injuries.

The same commander also asked for my help, thanks to my newfound love for the Ice Nation, in a matter that was related to their rather aggressive and not-so-natural movements inside the territory of other tribes. At first, I didn't want to accept Lexa's request, because, let's be honest, when didn't the commander backstab us? However, after Clarke persuaded me, telling me that no one could help the alliance other than me, I reluctantly went along with Anya and Gustus, who was granted a pardon for the duration of this investigation. In the end, I made a promise to Lexa, under my friend's pleading eyes that I would help the coalition find the root of all of this meaningless bloodshed that would eventually lead to a full-out war between the loyalists and the Azgeda.

And because of that promise I made, I was now standing outside of mount weather listening to Jackson how one of the successors of the throne as I call it, was now fighting for his dear life. An assassin managed to sneak inside Polis and killed three kids before the guards realized that something was amiss. In the last attempt, he injured a boy before one of Kane's guards shot him.

"You know that we have many rooms inside, right? Your people can rest there until the boy is saved."

"No, thank you for the offer, Major. Even though our people are at peace, the grounders won't put foot inside Mount Weather ever again, at least not willingly. They would erect tents outside and guard the area around the main entrance."

"Very well then. I'll let Pike know that he and his men are to defend the lower entrance. "

"That's for the best, Byrne. We both would rather avoid bloodshed here."

"That I do, Leon. Oh, and Leon…"


"It's good to have you back."

"It's good to see you too, Major."

What was supposed to be a short patrol on the border between Trikru's territory and Azgeda turned into this madness? After seeing Byrne away, I returned to Anya and Bellamy, who were watching the warriors preparing an area to erect their tents for the night.

"We will not leave until he's saved."

"Loud and clear, Anya, but you guys should be prepared for a second attempt at the boy's life."

Seeing the two of them arguing about nothing was interesting, to say the least. I have no doubt that Bellamy knew how the grounders would react when Abby and Jackson were the only that could save their Nightblood from a certain death back in Polis. Thankfully or better said luckily for the boy, Lexa cares for him more than she cares for the opinion of Titus and the rest of the tribe leaders. The poor commander didn't even hesitate from sending almost a whole army to Mount Weather to keep the boy safe while Abby, after hearing what happened, agreed to do anything in her power to save the boy.

"Secure the area. We may need to stay for several days!"

While there was some confusion, you could see their desire to kill whoever gave the order on some of their faces but none of them dared to start a crusade by themselves. When the two of them saw me, both of them stopped arguing before walking towards me.

"So, what did Byrne say?"

"She will sleep next to the operation room."

"Not that Leon. About Pike. I supposed you know what happened with Farm station no?"

"Bloody Azgeda happened to them. Many if not all of the survivors have a deep grudge against them…and to most grounders to be honest."

"That's what I fear. While we fought Anya in the past, they are now our allies, and I'd rather sleep knowing that they are our allies than fighting against them."

"Don't worry Blake. Worst case scenario, I'll kill you myself."

"You know what? I have better things to do than argue with her. She's more of your type anyway. By the way, Leon, Raven's looking for you. Better not keep her waiting."

I nodded with a grim expression staying silent knowing that no matter what words I'd said they would not change the situation that bastard just put me into. Back on the Ark, Raven was the only one who accepted me for what I was and tried to befriend me, making me develop a crush on her, but down here, after meeting and talking with quite a lot of girls, that crush of mine made me realized that maybe she doesn't see me that way. Yet, she didn't say so, at least not to my knowledge.

Looking back at Anya, she looked ready to collapse from all the things that happened in just one day, and to be fair, anyone who had to run the whole day would have been exhausted. Her expression was drawn with exhaustion and her body was slumped slightly towards me as she took in my heat. While we were definitely not together, she does love doing things like this when we are alone, saying that it calms her, one thing she inherit from her nights together with Lexa.

"You need to rest, Anya. Dr. Griffin would save the boy. Besides, as much as it pains me to say it, you are not doing anyone a favor by being in such a state right now. If by any dumb chance, Azgeda sends another assassin, I guarantee you that he or she would die before they could even reach the door to where the boy is resting."

As predicted, Anya immediately shook her head her expression firm but the woman failed to mask the utter exhaustion from her brown eyes as well as her unwillingness to admit it.

"I'll be fine, Leon ."

"No you are not and you know it. If you were to collapse, other than me and Gustus, no one would be able to keep Lexa's dogs on a leash."

That was the truth anyways. Those grounders were the best of the best, Lexa could spare without weakening her own honor guard, and other than Anya, no one could order them. I and Gustus were an exception of course, but nevertheless, I'd rather not put half of them in the medical bay because they don't use their heads.

"Let Gustus take care of them, he's the one who trained most of them anyway."

Before I could say anything, two voices interrupted me. The familiar voices of two of my friends that I haven't seen since the fall of Mount Weather. Both of us turned as soon we heard my name being called and behold, Finn and Wells walked towards me, armed with their own rifles like most guards.

"Hey guys, it's been a while."

"Three months, leader. You left three months ago with Sergey and Monroe then when you can back someone opened Pandora's Box."

"Not you too, Finn."

Wells smiled while Finn let out a laugh when he saw my reaction.

"That's what you get for leaving without us. Besides, Monroe told us to tease you with this moniker. Not to mention that you are still the official leader of the delinquents. Most, if not all of them would pick a weapon and stand beside you if you ask them. "

"Let him breathe Finn. We don't want to lose him again. So what are you up to?"

Pointing with his eyes at Anya, Wells's intention was quite clear to me. It seems that either no one has told them what happened inside Polis, maybe they didn't want to spread the seed of fear inside their minds of our people or maybe it wasn't important enough for our people to learn that another war was brewing.

"Anya and I alongside Clarke and Lexa think that Azgeda wants to take over Polis by killing all of the successors."

"They would still need to kill the commander, don't they?"

"Trial by combat, most likely, right?"

"You two are right. While Lexa doesn't have any proof that Azgeda was behind that attack, no tribe would want to lead without being recognized."

Suddenly, Pike alongside Bellamy and a few guards rushed out of the main entrance. Their sudden appearance put the grounders on alert, but a quick look at them, made everyone realize that something must have happened for them to rush like that.

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel (at least ten chapter ahead - right now there are 26 more chapters than here - plus R18 chapters) >

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Special thanks to my Tier 4 patrons :


Fallout Armagedon

And to my Tier 5 patrons :

Brandon M

MeatBunKuncreators' thoughts
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