
Chapter 32 - Delay the inevitable

By the time we returned back home, more than a dozen of people got infected with that virus, further diminishing our working and fighting force. Thankfully, Niylah and her father gave us the whole jar which I truly hope will be more than enough to cure the whole camp.

Octavia left to find Lincoln right before we arrived at our camp, but not before she begged me to keep Bellamy away from doing something stupid such as coming after her. I simply nodded at her before I sprinted towards the gate.

Just before I arrived in front of the gate, I saw a small note sticking out of the bottom of the jar. When I took the note, my hopes for a cure were destroyed as there was none, but at least this would reduce the durations and the severity of the virus to a good extent.

As soon as I entered, I went towards Clarke, who was checking on some of the people that got hurt inside the camp.

She, Finn, Harper, Raven, and Bellamy took turns helping the infected kids alongside whoever was either free or still healthy. Bellamy, who was one of the few armed guards still standing turned to Clarke.

"Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't working, princess."

Clarke's eyes rolled back, her legs buckling underneath her. Even a blind man could see that she was desperate at this point, but without Leon here, she didn't know how she could keep everyone from tearing each other apart, especially when Miller and his jackals, who were listening to Leon and only to him, almost got into a fight with a few people that were sick of hearing the same thing for almost a whole day. The same moans of pain and cries of help of the ones that were infected. Thankfully, their rather brutal way of keeping the camp safe from the grounders quickly stopped anyone from making a scene or arguing why some kids aren't working.

"I know, Bellamy…I, I just want for everyone to get well soon. This whole thing isn't doing any good to our morale."

"We will get through this, we always do. Believe in that muscle head and in Octavia."

"Thanks, Raven."

Suddenly, a guy stepped forward, pointing his gun directly at her. "The grounders won't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn drop ship! You have been there almost the whole day! You are already infected."

As soon as the idiot yelled, almost fifteen people aimed their guns at him, kindly asking him to drop his weapon. At the same time, Finn quickly grabbed Clarke and kept her in his arms protecting her from the muzzle of Neil's gun.

"Drop the gun, Neil! "

"So that this princess locks us up in the dropship?! We are going to die anyway, so what's the point of wasting any more time?"

Clarke's eyes widen when she saw how suddenly everything broke apart under her leadership. People are worried, they fear, and above all, she couldn't do anything to help the ones infected. Clarke roused herself, attempting to get out of his arms.

"Hey, let me go, I'm okay, Finn. Neil is just worried for his boyfriend." She weakly tried to convince him.

Finn shook his head, "No, you're not fine."

Clarke groaned in pain, not realizing that she was slowly getting weaker by the minute, "Leon will come back with a cure, he always has a solution."

"There is no cure," I climbed on top of the wood pile, raising my voice for all to hear. "But the Grounders don't use this virus to kill."

Bellamy scoffed, "Really? Tell that to them, Leon. Whatever that friend of yours told you, were all lies!" He gestured to one body bag lying on the ground before stepping closer to me, "Where's O?"

"She's with Lincoln, maybe we learn more from him, after all, he's one of the few grounders that helped us."

"Shit, tell me that you at least found something and that you two didn't go on a pointless trip."

"Niylah gave me something to reduce the symptoms and make everyone recover faster, though there's still a risk of having all of us infected."

Muttering broke out among the crowd as they head the conversation between Bellamy and me.

"The faster we give everyone a taste, the faster they'll recover. Go help Finn, me and Harper will start giving the cure to the infected."

"Thanks, Bellamy, I'll come to help after we take Clarke inside. Why so quiet Tinkerbelle, how are you?"

"Still safe for the moment. I knew that you will find a way to save our people."

"Not exactly a cure, but better than nothing.

"Seeing that the prince on a white horse has returned, I need to get back to making more bombs and mines."

"I'll come to help you as well afterward."

"I know you will come to me in the end, can't resist my charm, am I right?" "Sure, sure, if that's what you want to believe."

After I saw Neil dropping the gun and apologizing for his sudden outburst, Bellamy slapped him telling him that if something may have happened to either of our medics, his boyfriend would have also been affected, before taking him to help them as a punishment, I went to help Finn.

"Come on, princess, don't sleep now. "I quickly lifted Clarke and together with Finn we carried Clarke inside the dropship where the rest of the infected were resting.

Almost one whole hour later, all of the people that were infected got their dose of cure and while some showed some immediate effects, to others the cure didn't seem to work, but then again, opt everyone is the same. Looking around the busy chamber, I hesitated for a second, glancing at Bellamy, "You can handle this, Bellamy?"

"We can take off everything, Leon, don't worry about us, go and help outside, they need someone out there as well even more so when there's no need for all of us to stay locked here, even if we have a cure."

A couple hours later and darkness was upon us. Octavia, Murphy, and Harper hadn't had a moment's rest in the dropship taking care of all of the infected. I'm pretty sure no one had, especially after what Octavia told us when she returned.


Bellamy was resting when he saw his sister running towards the camp and his first instinct was to aim his weapon behind her, but even after she entered no one appeared to follow her. He quickly came down, just in time for Octavia to drink a whole cup of water, before she tried to run once again, only for him to catch her arm.

"What's the hurry, O?"

"The grounders, they are attacking us in the morning! We have to leave, Bellamy, all of us."

"We can't O, more than half of us are infected, and they can barely stand on their feet for more than a few seconds. We aren't in any shape or form travel ready or even battle-ready. Just like they wanted…Fuck it!"

<Flashback end>

I poked my head inside the dropship and looked around for Raven, who got sick no more than a few minutes after Octavia brought us the bad news.

"Hey, Leon, how's the plan going?"

"It's currently underway, we're going to blow up the bridge with a bomb. I'm about to leave and go plant it."

"Don't die now, since I know that more than one person will miss you. And even more so when I made that bomb."

"Wasn't planning on it, Tinkerbelle."

I could only grin at her before looking to Clarke's hammock. "How is she?"

"Better. Octavia, Harper, and believe or not even Murphy has been looking after her."

"Thank you," Finn, who was with me looked at Murphy sincerely.

"Go blow some shit up for me, then we are even."

Finn showed him a thumb up and went to leave but quickly turned back around, "Is Bellamy in here?"

"Uh, no? Should he be?"

"He caught the sickness. I thought he was coming here.".

"That's why you were late with the bomb, I swore that one day we'll find him dead."

"Okay, you go find him, I'll go alone to the bridge."

"Don't die, Leon."

"As I kept saying, I don't plan to."

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Special thanks to my Tier 3 patrons :

Julian R


Fallout Armageddon

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