
Chapter 52: The Ruff And Rugged Type

Interior, Earl's Diner, Temperance, South Dakota...

Another long shift and a day of waiting tables had been before Layla Quinn as she entered Earl's Diner and set to work getting ready for the upcoming lunch crowd. She had not stopped thinking about Brick Kenneally nor his larger powerful arms when he held her close to him before departing for his newest assignment for Sheriff Tillman. Pheobe seemed to notice her lack of enthusiasm for the moment and shook her head. She'd been feeling a bit of the same when it came to missing her biker beau as well. Layla set to work clearing dishes and taking orders as her day began. She had expected the handsome biker to stroll in and ask for his usual cherry pie with a side pitcher of beer. Her father being home had not been easy on her as she found herself dreading what the new week would hold as she moved about the diner as if on autopilot while getting to her shift.

There was always the usual crowd that entered the place looking for a hot meal and sports on the televisions that lined the far walls. Layla had no problem with these people as she served them like always with a smile on her face and a bit of a spring in her step from all of the pleasant memories of her time with Brick to fuel her ambition.

She had wondered where he'd gotten off to as the town they rode to had been only a short way away. Layla sighed as she turned her attention to scrubbing tables and collecting dishes unsure of what else the day would bring as they moved about the diner eating and chatting among themselves.

Layla sighed as she moved about the diner half expecting Brick and his lot to stroll right in as they usually did before she headed toward the back to wash up the dishes she managed to collect. She had not heard the tale-tell sound of roaring bike engines and the subsequent loudness that accompanied each and every Howler that entered the establishment with Brick Kenneally at the head of the pack so to speak, as he burst through the doors and his keen eyes of grey sifted through the crowd of people in search of Layla.

He had not been searching for long as she came from the back with her head down and her mind on what she had to do for the remainder of her shift before she caught sight of The Howler M.C. and Brick especially when they made their way toward their usual seats. None of them had cared about the guests as they made themselves comfortable and Brick took his usual spot at the front counter where Layla had spent most of her time working.

She made a show of ignoring him and wiping down the counter which caused him to flash something of a wicked grin before he got up from his seat after the mention of "needing some fresh air". Layla made her way toward the back room and the exit after finishing her cleaning of the countertop. She passed Pheobe on her way toward the door informing her that she was taking a break which wasn't unusual due to all she had done since her arrival, in fact, she'd been about to send her on said break before she noticed that The Howler M.C. had come through the doors and Layla's mood seemed to improve.


The Back Alley, Earl's Diner, Temperance, South Dakota...

The moment she exited the diner, Layla breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped out into the open air and found herself face to face with a patiently waiting Brick Kenneally. He had looked like he always did, ruff and rugged wearing his motorcycle club cut draped over his broad muscle-toned shoulders. He walked up to her with his tattoos on full display as well as his impressive set of abs and the bulge in his blue jeans barely concealed as he quickly scooped Layla up into his powerful arms and held her with ease as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She had had a long day and seeing Brick seemed to make it all worthwhile as she found him waiting for her in their usual spot. After gazing into each other's eyes their lips crashed together as their bodies were pressed tightly in the heat of the moment. Brick had been quite aroused as he held Layla's smaller more nimble body close to him and she couldn't help but enjoy his intoxicating scent in the process.

Layla closed her eyes feeling the all-too-familiar heat fill her and him both as their mutual hearts began pounding at the instant their lips connected. She felt the pull and the desperation in him as he held her close. Their lips met again and again in a series of heated exchanges as he held her and she clung to him both marveling at the wave of a sensation rushing through her body and she couldn't seem to help her own arousal when they touched.

"Only a few hours and already it feels like I've been gone too long," said Brick holding her as she leaned her head against his chest.

Layla smiled against him not wishing to convey the incredibly girlish nature he had brought out in her whenever she'd been in his arms.

"You seemed to have missed me as much as I missed you," said Brick observing her as she leaned against him.

"Maybe," replied Layla with her modest attempt at playing coy. "The diner was a little empty with you boys gone until lunch hour that was."

Brick smirked as he held her with ease seeing his way to kissing her lips once more.

"Your old man home?" he asked with something of a low growl in his tone.

"Not to my knowledge but he just might be," replied Layla as if she'd be disappointed if he had been.

Brick smirked and kissed her lips once more. There was always something so easy about spending time with Layla and he couldn't quite figure out why that had been but he was more than willing to adhere to it.

"Need a ride home after your shift?" he asked.

Layla nodded as she kissed him once more looking forward to spending time with him now that he'd returned.

"Well alright then, I'll be seeing you," said Brick as he slowly let her back down onto her feet before stealing one final kiss before she made her way back to work.

Layla took one last look at him and smiled before going back toward the back door.

Brick watched her go with his grey eyes smoldering and the promise of meeting her after her shift.

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