
Chapter 50: Slimy Fish And Sharp Teeth

The Outskirts Of Temperance, South Dakota...

Roaring engines and the rapid sound of furious winds had been all Howler M.C. President Brick Kenneally could hear as he sped down the winding road with his gang behind him riding in formation. They were of the mind to keep riding given the short distance between Temperance, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Rooster had spoken of being in the area a while back and knowing a few places to lie low and take in the atmosphere before venturing into random towns and asking questions. He narrowed their travel down to minor exploration given that the moon would still be full and none of them wanted to risk shifting in the middle of the town and terrifying the people. He was quite anxious to get the job done as he was more interested in seeing what this cold case had been about and the added bonus of getting done and venturing back to Temperance to be with Layla.

The Howler M.C. pulled up a-ways just before turning into what appeared to have been a local bar, Brick had been none too keen about venturing into another jurisdiction when he didn't know the people around there, but Temperance had been the exception. He had heard talk that some of The Alpha Dog M.C. had been sniffing about in the area and wondered if they were just passing through.

Gunner had recalled running into them a while back, he had not liked the look of the group who had apparently taken on another chapter during their expansion runs. The Howler M.C. and The Alpha Dog M.C. had been more or less even in terms of their true nature. Jake Gladstone was the club president and like Brick, he had wanted to break away from the more traditional wolfpack way of living.

He gathered his own band of rabble-rousers and took off for longer sunsets and an endless trail much as Brick did but he was of a different sort given to high terrorism for sport despite those he had in his company not knowing that he'd been moonborn.

Brick and his crew pulled up to the bar but took note of the other bikes parked outside as they maneuvered to put theirs away in the cut to keep from having an incident. Rooster had not been too keen on being anywhere near Alpha Dogs, given a prior history but he showed up nonetheless.

"Alright everybody keep it cool, keep it calm and check in when it's time," Brick instructed everyone when they parked their respective bikes.

Everyone had been in agreement as the last thing they needed was to get into it with the Alpha Dogs M.C. while in contested territory when they had a client to impress. Brick was a model of good behavior, mostly because the money he was after had been good.


Hastings Bar, French Road, Wyoming...

Brick and his crew walked causally into the bar and the moment they entered all eyes had been on them and the music had come to a screeching halt as Brick looked around the room. He must have been the biggest one in there as the patrons all seemed shocked upon taking note of him. He smirked in his usual arrogant fashion and strolled up to the bar. The rest of the crew simply watched his back and awaited any sign of trouble. Brick looked around at the patrons and he could hear the heavy beating of one of the men's hearts as he sipped his beer and tried his hardest not to make eye contact.

A quick glance in Rooster and Gunner's direction indicated they heard the same thing and moved slowly toward blocking off the exits. The other patrons seemed to be aware of the man drinking in the back as well and proceeded to act like they had not known what was about to go down. The bartender knew it was a matter of time before someone came looking for the man in the back as he'd seen the wanted posters and the local bulletin speaking about a bail jumper in the area.

He didn't figure that the handful of dangerous-looking men and the beautiful blonde that walked in with purple and black biker cuts were of the type to take on bounties, but he supposed stranger things had happened in Wyoming.

"What can I get you?" the bartender with the tag named Dave as he wiped down the countertop relieved to see the new arrivals were working at least in some fashion with the law and not there to cause trouble.

"Well, Dave I seem to be in the market for catching fish," replied Brick his words signaling the rest of his crew that he'd seen whom they were after. "Mind If I take a look in your pond awhile, I promise not to break it if I can help it."

The bartender nodded slightly and everyone got into place.

"Clive Taylor," said Brick moving right to the small chubby man, wearing a dirty brown shirt and faded blue jeans with a prominent bald spot in the middle of his head, who had been the most nervous about their being in the bar. "I know some folks been lookin' for ya."

The bail jumper froze for a moment as he caught a good look at the towering man standing beside him, then he got an idea and threw the remainder of his drink in Brick's face. The annoyed werewolf growled as he wiped the beer from his eyes. He took one look at his crew and waved them off.

Brick's eyes were blazing with rage when he turned to Clive who had been trembling as he inched his way toward the door only to find himself surrounded by other members of The Howler M.C.

Despite his deer caught in headlights look, Brick wasn't at all amused about having beer thrown into his face and his fury was getting the better of him.

"Let him go," he said with a growl. "You got a five-minute head start Clive."

Clive couldn't believe it as he didn't need to be told twice before rushing out the door.

"You're letting him go?" asked Dave with a raised brow.

"I gave him a five-minute headstart," replied Brick through clenched teeth. "I told you I wasn't gonna break your pond if I can help it remember."

The rest of the group sat down and began to order food and drinks as if they had not a care in the world. The patrons had slowly gone back to their chatting and drinking as well with the excitement seeming to have died down.

"Remember we need him alive," said Rooster as Brick went toward the door.

Once he was out of it he was gone in a flash chasing down the fat bald bastard on foot for having the audacity to throw a drink in his face.

Dave was puzzled as to why no one from his apparent crew went with him as they drank and chatted as if they were on vacation.

Outside the bar screams of agony could be heard in addition to snarling and begging as Brick laid into the bail jumper away from curious eyes.

It had gone on for several minutes before Brick came back ragged in breath and with a mean expression on his face.

"Whiskey," he demanded with a flicker of malice behind his eyes.

Dave attempted to pour him a glass, but the enraged Brick snatched up the bottle and downed it in front of him. He took a moment to quell his temper and slammed the bottle on the counter while he dug into his pockets and tossed a few hundred dollar bills onto the counter and walked out the front door with the remainder of the bottle of whiskey.

"Well..." said Dave watching the other Howler M.C. members mount up and head out the door behind him. "Shit."

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