
Chapter 34: Mum's The Word

The Quinn Residence, Backwoods, Temperance, South Dakota....

Upon their arrival at Layla's home, she had been a bit saddened by the fact that she had to part with him so suddenly. Brick got the feeling she didn't exactly want to be alone, but he knew she didn't want to chance her father catching them together. He knew next to nothing about Jarrett Quinn and even less about his role as father in Layla's life, but he wasn't of the mind to cause her any undue stress, especially when she'd already been so exhausted from her shift at the diner.

She seemed a bit relieved when the tell tale signs of her father's arrival had not been present as she turned her attention to Brick whom had stopped his bike just outside her bedroom window as a precaution against having to tangle with her dear ol dad.

Layla continued to hold on to Brick's waist taking in the scent of him as she rested her head against his back. He smiled some secretly enjoying the fact that she was touching him at all. There was once more a warmness that passed through him as he slowly cut the engine on his bike and she reluctantly climbed off. He climbed off as well standing with her as she attempted to make her way inside the house only to rush back to him as he caught her in his arms and their lips crushed together like the few times before they'd been in front of her home. Brick wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close to him loving the feel of her pleasant warm body against his own.

"Go." he said pulling back as he nearly whimpered in reaction to them no longer kissing.

"No." replied Layla meeting his heated gaze with her own intense look as she clung to him despite his best efforts to remain a gentleman in that moment.

"Layla..." began Brick only to be silenced via yet another heated kiss as his eyes began to flicker with need and a low growl erupted from his throat. "Go...inside, you're exhausted and you need the rest."

"Not without you." replied Layla feeling her increased heart rate and the sudden desperation to keep him with her. "Come with me inside...he's not home...I know you can sense it."

Brick smirked as he did follow her inside the yellow house amid the trees as she escorted him inside after taking him by the hand. He entered the house and almost immediately the stench of cornchips, and dog fur caught him by surprise. It was such an overpowering scent that he nearly choked on the air inside. Layla chuckled some at his reaction as it had been similar to her own when they finally reached the entrance. Brutus began to growl and drool all over the floor after hearing them enter the house and the subsequent laughter of Layla at Brick's reaction to the stench of the living room due to how her father kept it.

"How the fuck can you breathe in this stench?" asked Brick shocked as Brutus began barking up a storm.

Brick stepped in front of Layla whom had forgotten about the dog she detested still keeping guard over the house despite her father not being home. The handsome biker sense her fear and immediately stepped in front of her raising his hands in front of the growling dog before letting out a fearsome growl himself.

Brutus sniffed and whined before whimpering and heading back to his bed with his tail tucked between his legs as he watched Brick and Layla enter her bedroom, which smelled a good deal better by comparison.


Layla's Bedroom, The Quinn Residence, Backwoods, Temperance, South Dakota....

Brick was pleased to note the better air in Layla's room, which undoubtedly smelled like her. Everything inside it carried her scent, which was sweet to his senses. She kept most of the things from her childhood and collection in general over the years of random purchases and gift that still held fond memories for her. Brick was fond of the way she kept her stuff neat and organized despite some of it being ancient in terms of appearance. Layla smiled as Brick took off his cut and leaned it on the back of a nearby arm chair. He had not wanted to get any dirt on her bedding as she motioned for him to join her as he lied on the end of her bed while she took point amid the pillows and various stuffed animals her father brought home for her during his travels and random shopping trips.

Layla couldn't help but notice how tall he'd been as his legs seemed to touch the floor perfectly as his back was pressed against the mattress. She noted his dark colored jeans and his heavy boots as he looked up at her. Layla smiled at him unsure why she felt so comfortable in his presence when she had not even had anyone over that she'd been remotely attracted to that sat in her bedroom. Her wayward fingers trailed along the older man's ruggedly handsome face and along his beard. She thought it funny how much it tickled her skin when they kissed, typical of a teenage girl in any case.

Brick simply looked up at her while lying on his back on the edge of her bed meeting her eyes as he gave in to her soft warm touch and the pleasant scent that seemed to remind him of good things in terms of his memories. He wondered if this was what his father had experienced when meeting his mother for the first time as Rooster and Gunner's words came back to him about how his old man was bound via imprint when it came to his mother.

The familiar heat passed between them and Layla found herself kissing the older man again as she ran her fingers through his short brown hair. He smiled against her skin as he returned her kiss and pulled her close to him. Layla felt so at ease in his presence and he appeared to feel the same as they continued to kiss a few more times before Brick sat up.

"You need rest." he said matter of factly. "And I ain't no spring chicken myself."

Layla smirked as she curled up into the older man's arms whom had rested his back against the numerous plush pillows that lined her bed, half hanging off due to having his boots on still as he held Layla close taking in the scent of her hair and kissing her on top of the head as she drifted off into a contented slumber while listening to their collective heart beats.

Once he was sure Layla had fallen asleep, Brick kissed her on the forehead and lied her down on the bed, putting the covers over her as he collected his Leather cut and headed out the door. The dog sat up briefly before lying back down when he took note of Brick being the one to leave and lock the door behind him.

Brick hopped back onto his bike and took off down the road hoping that the sound of his motorcycle had not been enough to disturb the slumbering Layla as she had truly needed her rest following the week she had leading up to this point. There had been no sign of her father, not that he wished to tangle with the old man at this early stage in the game, but it was odd that he'd up and disappear for days at a time leaving his only daughter alone in the wilderness with merely a dog for company.

Finally alone again, Brick continued down the highway and back toward he diner where he knew his gang would be waiting before they hit the local bar and found a place to turn in for the night. There was no telling when the full moon would roll around and neither of them wanted to taken any chances with the shifting of the phases in this new town.

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