
16. Souvenir

Nadine looks absent minded while choosing a scarf for Marie.

"I don't think aunty would like that color."

Nadine looked at the scarf she had been holding. And then a little surprised by the scarf she has chosen. Maroon color with green polka dot as a pattern.

Then she returned to focus on another scarf but she was lost again. When Adrian saw a scarf that Nadine chose now, he spoke up again.

"Eeehmm.... That's too flashy for aunty too."

Nadine was so shocked by the red striped yellow scarf in her hand and she immediately took it off.

"I know your fashion sense is much better than mine but aunty prefers soft and neutral colors."

Nadine was a little embarrassed by Adrian's statement.

"Hmm.... I was just thinking about something."

Then Nadine saw a beige plaid wool neck scarf and touched it to test the fabric.

"Oh good choice."

Nadine did not respond to Adrian again and looked so serious in thought.

"Nadine, you're not thinking of opening a souvenir shop in one of your hotels, aren't you?"

Nadine immediately turned around and looked surprised by Adrian's words.

"Ha ha ha... Maybe."

Nadine looks very awkward and confused to answer Adrian's question.

"Haaah.... You really love thinking about your work all the time."

Nadine just snickered as she took the scarf she was holding.

"You choose that? I'll have the shopkeeper wrap it up and pay for my groceries."

Adrian left her and Nadine could only stare at the back of the simple man in front of her.

"If I don't think about my job all the time I'll waver again."

They finished their shopping and exited the gift shop.

"Ah... Did you know there's a bookstore nearby?"

Adrian was confused by Nadine's question.

"I think it is... If we go a little further."

Nadine with a lot of shopping bags in her hand seems to have a little trouble taking it in one go.

"Will you take me there? I want to find Benjamin's order."

Adrian smiled and took some of Nadine's shopping bags.

"Actually you don't have to buy him that. Just bring him food, he would be happy."

Nadine looks like she's about to answer his word but he talks back.

"But it wouldn't hurt us to go there."

Nadine smiled at Adrian's answer and would immediately thank Adrian. But she stopped her intention and returned to a serious face.

"I just wanted to survey how many kinds of shops in this area for reference."

Adrian just smirked as he got into the car and Nadine mumbled again.

"Nadine.... You almost waver again."

They finally found a bookstore in the area and Nadine also found Benjamin's order. She tried not to interact with Adrian much so that she wouldn't waver again.

Until finally they finished their activities and returned to the villa. That night Nadine also didn't talk much, even after dinner she went straight to her room to pack her things, because it was the last day of their 'honeymoon'.


"Master Adrian, is Miss Nadine ready?"

Adrian was a little surprised by Jim's arrival at their villa.

"Did Nadine tell you to come here?"

Jim just nodded in response to Adrian's question.

"Marie will change her hospital today right?"

Nadine, who was already behind Adrian, made Adrian jolted a little by her question.

Jim then approached Nadine and helped her carry her suitcase out.

"Yeah... Maybe around ten o'clock, they'll transfer her to a new hospital."

Nadine then looked at the clock on her cellphone and thought for a moment.

"Ah, that's enough time. You'd better go to the hospital. I'm going home with Jim."

Adrian was about to ask Nadine again, but Jim came back in again to bring bags containing souvenirs beside Nadine.

"Oh wait Jim..."

Nadine was looking for something in the souvenir bags that were neatly lined up beside her.

"Here's a souvenir for you..."

Jim looked shocked and immediately blanked out without wanting to accept Nadine's gift.

"Tsk... Come on, accept that you can share it with your family at home."

Hearing Nadine chuckled, Jim immediately received his souvenir and peered a little at the bag.

"Thank you miss.... My child loves chocolate."

Jim smiled happily as he picked up the remaining souvenir bags to take it out.

Adrian just smiled at Jim and got ready to ask Nadine again.

"Ah wait... Don't take that one with you."

Nadine took a bag from Jim's hand.

"Adrian, can you give this to Marie and Benjamin...."

Adrian sighed because it seemed that Nadine didn't let him speak from earlier.

"Give it by yourself. Auntie will be glad to meet you."

Nadine is still looking at the bag that she bought yesterday.

"Of course, if you wanna see her."

The last sentence from Adrian was immediately denied by Nadine.

"Of course I wanna see her..."

Nadine's excited reply made Adrian chuckled.

"And of course, if you will allow me to meet her..."

Adrian chuckled again.

"Tsk.... If you don't come, auntie will constantly terrorize me to take you there."

Nadine smiled at Adrian's answer. From outside Jim went back in and met Nadine.

"Miss, is there anything else I need to take out?"

Nadine just shook her head and walked toward the door. But then Adrian approached her and handed the car key to Nadine.

"Why did you give it to me?"

Adrian who just took out his suitcase then turned to Nadine.

"Huh? You will use that car, right?"

Nadine looks confused by Adrian's answer.

"I asked Jim to bring another car, Adrian."

Nadine is pointing outside the door. Curious about what Nadine was pointing at, Adrian looked out and was surprised that Jim brought another car for Nadine.

"Nadine... You can use this car again."

Nadine chuckled and shook her head.

"I've told you... You are using that car now."

Adrian was about to argue again but Nadine immediately cut him off.

"If you don't want to use it you can leave the car here."

Adrian couldn't answer anything and could only accept Nadine's car key back.

Finally they both left the villa.


"Jim... Did your father ever ask you about us?"

Jim glanced slightly at the rear view mirror and then answered Nadine's question.

"Ehm.... Looks like the master already knows about it. The night before you called me. Master Henry called me."

Nadine smirked at Jim's answer.

"He must be interrogating you right? Sorry to bother you Jim."

Jim looked a little confused about how to respond to Nadine.

"Ehm... Actually, Master Henry just made sure that I wasn't late to pick you up, miss. And made sure this car was in good condition."

Nadine was a little confused by Jim's answer and took a deep breath.

"Haaaah.... Do you think father mad at me, Jim?"

This time it was Jim's turn to sigh.

"Haaah.... Master seems to be only worried about you, miss."

Nadine tilted her head and smirked.

"I'd be happy if that was true."

Then she raised her head again.

"Jim, wait a minute for me to get ready and take me to the office."

Jim sighed again.

"Miss.... You should rest and start work tomorrow."

Nadine smiled at Jim's advice and her eyes fell on Marie's scarf.

"After work, please take me to the hospital."

Jim sighed again and nodded. Nadine just laughed seeing Jim who could only surrender.


"Mr. Benjamin, I have completed all the transfer procedures. Miss Nadine has also paid all the transaction fees."

Benjamin smiled continuously at the tiny girl in front of him.

"Thank you, Anna."

Anna immediately glared because her name was called casually by Benjamin, who was much younger than her.

"I'm just doing Miss Nadine's order, you better thank her."

Benjamin ignored Anna's words and continued to smile.

"As a thank you, how about we have dinner..."

Anna once again glared at Benjamin.

"Mr. Benjamin, I'm only here to fulfill Miss Nadine's orders. Other than that I don't-..."

Anna's words stopped when she saw someone behind Benjamin.


That man hit Benjamin's head.


Benjamin turned and was surprised that Adrian was behind him.

"Sorry for my cousin's impoliteness. Thank you Miss Anna. From here on, I'll carry on."

Anna smiled and immediately handed the file she brought to Adrian.

"Huh... It's not fair, you are smiling at Adrian."

Anna completely ignored Benjamin and then said goodbye to Adrian. As Anna walked away, Benjamin confidently shouted in the hospital lobby.

"I'll ask Nadine to let you have dinner with me."


Once again Adrian hit Benjamin's head.


Benjamin couldn't help but stare at Anna who didn't look back at all, instead she fastened her pace.

"Benji.... Can you not cause trouble for Miss Anna?"

Benjamin just kept quiet while rubbing his head.

"Let's go to aunt's room."

Benjamin seemed to remember something.

"Oh yeah. Olivia just called and said she wanted to see mom."

Adrian paused for a moment and looked at Benjamin.

"I said we're going to change her hospital. So maybe this evening she'll come to the new hospital."

Adrian looked at the souvenir bag that he had used to hit Benjamin's head earlier. Seeing Adrian who was silent and seemed to be thinking about something Benjamin asked.

"Ehmm.... I'm not causing any trouble, ain't I?"

Adrian just sighed and ruffled Benjamin's hair.

"Nadine asked me to bring your souvenir but I told her to hand it by herself to you."

Benjamin was still confused by Adrian's explanation.

"Haaaah.... I hope she's not here today."

Benjamin looked even more confused.

"So what if she came here?"

This time Adrian chuckled and annoyed with Benjamin's confused face.

"I don't want her to do anything to Olivia..."

Benjamin immediately gaped and looked panicked.

"Oh... Don't know what would happen if your sugar mom met the sweet Olivia."

Benjamin, who was only pretending to be worried, immediately burst out laughing. Adrian was ready to hit him but Benjamin managed to dodge.

"Adrian.... Your wife isn't as scary as you think. What are you worried about..."

Adrian glanced back at Benjamin.

"We don't know what she's thinking."

Benjamin just shook his head.

"The more you can't accept her kindness. The more you can't see her as a good girl and she will remain as a villain."

Adrian couldn't believe Benjamin's words and couldn't say anything.

"If anything happens, I'll throw her out immediately. Besides, I can't wait for my souvenir anyway."

Adrian just shook his head.


Adrian turned to hear Benjamin speak again. And seemed to regret seeing Benjamin's mischievous smile ready to tease him.

"You really don't want Nadine to be sad because you met Olivia here. And you don't want your sugar mom to feel insecure..."

Benjamin was still smiling mischievously.


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