
| Secret Werewolf Capital

As the fight raged on, Ava began to notice that the odds were lessening for Evan. She stared in disbelief at the antics of another Average Joe looming at the edge as the battle when on. Each time Evan knocked one of Joe's rivals to the ground, Joe would scuttle in and try to finish them off. But the third time he tried it was the last. He'd picked on the stocky woman, who lunged for him, screaming, hands reaching for his throat.

Stroke turned to Ava. 'Do you think we should let Evan off the hook now, baby?'

Ava stared at him, helplessly. She wanted no part in this, no responsibility for what happened to any of these wretched people.

But Stroke took her silence for tacit approval. 'Alright, warm-up's over. Forget Evan,' he commanded, 'and forget any bonus. Stick with your team, now. Bring down your opponents – if you want what's waiting…'

What the hell was waiting for these people, Ava wondered. What could be worth all this?

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