
Big Reveal-1

In a few seconds, Mayra, feeling good about herself, was plunged into chaos! She made a huge mistake! Wasn't it too cheesy? What should I do? She began panicking! 

" Mother don't be like that. You are scaring her." Samuel tried to interject.

" You be quiet; you already know the drill. It's best not to interfere when adults are talking!" Patricia said from the back. Samuel knew something was wrong here; why did they start treating him like a child?

Mayra was even more scared; she didn't know who the old woman was, but they must be related to Samuel if they openly talked down to him. She not only offended the lady of the house but these old women, too?

" Young master? About the luggage, there seemed to be some problem-" Arthur came in to inform him about something, but Samuel was not in the mood; he was more concerned about the unusual behavior of his family.

" Not now, just arrange it as usual."

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