
Chapter 373: Letter

Many people haven't reacted yet, and some people just stood there and fired beam cannons in all directions, and the entire meteorite was shot by beams for a while.

There are not a few people who are defeated before they can react. They will be ejected from this virtual world as long as they die. After the trial is over, those who are qualified will receive an admission letter from the Federal Space Army.

The selection competition continued, and many people were wiped out after a while, but more than half of them survived the initial killing.

Everyone began to look for cover and opportunities to attack others.

Every kill is a record, so get as many kills as possible to get into the eyes of those above.

Daniel is very proficient in operating the Gundam. While others are still a little stiff, he can already operate it freely.

He didn't choose to use the beam cannon because it was too easy to attract the attention of others. As long as the beam cannon was fired here, there would definitely be countless beams attacking.

In the end, he chose to use guerrilla tactics. He flashed towards the back of the asteroids one by one and instantly called up the beam saber to attack.

After locking on the target, the rail gun was fired directly at multiple targets, and he quickly moved.

Five kills!


683 Kills!

The Gundam operated by Daniel is very flexible and even feels like a swimming fish in the asteroid belt. Many people want to attack him but can't capture his figure, and even the target lock on the Gundam prototype cannot be effectively used.

Those who survived now do not exclude those who have been hiding, but such people will not be ranked high even if they survive to the end without a kill.

Although Daniel dodged back and forth, he had a clear goal, and anyone who made a move would definitely be caught.

The accumulation has also reached a considerable level, and Daniel is confident that his result will not be bad at the final ranking.

But this ordinary ranking is not his goal. What he wants to get is the first place on this battlefield. Only the first place can give him a sense of pride that he does not have in reality.

Pew! Pew! Pew!...

The few people left on the battlefield know that there is a tough person they must guard against at all times.

The 10,000 people will soon run out, and everyone is careful to prevent others from ambushing them but also takes the opportunity to kill others.

By the end, the asteroids in the belt have become fragmented, and not even a single piece is complete.

The last two of the ten thousand Gundams were left, looking at each other from a distance in the void.

Daniel was staring at the Gundam on the opposite side. They were definitely not an easy opponent. He tried to attack the opponent before, but the other side avoided him.

The pilot of the opposite Gundam is definitely an expert. However, if Daniel's style is decisive and neat, the opposite Gundam is like a poisonous snake.

Without waiting, Daniel knew his strengths and weaknesses. If he remained in such a stalemate for a long time, he would likely reveal flaws, so it would be better to strike first.

Daniel fired two beam cannons to open the way and then controlled his Gundam to jump forward.

The opposite Gundam was about to dodge directly to hide behind the meteorite to resist, but Daniel pursued him and blocked the road of the opposite Gundam with the beam cannon.

Daniel intends to force them to face him and then use melee combat to solve the opponent.

Otherwise, the opponent's snake-like play will kill him sooner or later.

The opposite Gundam was still taking countermeasures despite blocking the evasion route.

It's just that Daniel's movement skills are not weak at all, and now there are only two of them left on the entire asteroid belt, and there is no one to use.

At this time, Daniel's Gundam received a communication request from the opposite Gundam.

Although he was puzzled, Daniel connected the call without hesitation.

Daniel's approach did not stop. So even if the other party wanted to say something to influence him, it was useless.

"Hello, my name is Wyatt, how about you?"


Daniel has already approached the opposite Gundam. Without hesitation, his arms extended out the beam saber and directly made an X-slash on the opposite Gundam.

To his surprise, this man named Wyatt completely gave up his counterattack and just let his beam saber slash him, then both of them left the virtual world.

After exiting the game, Daniel is still in a dazed state, and he has no idea why the opponent gave up resistance.

Is it because the other party is sure that he will get first place in the number of kills? On the other hand, the opponent does make frequent shots, and the speed of his head-on attack is likely to outpace the opponent.

This made Daniel's heart twitch again. The first place will definitely have special treatment. He has always only competed for first place in the game. If he doesn't get first place, he will definitely not be taken seriously in this selection.

Daniel, out of the virtual world, walked home in despair. Now he can only wait quietly for the notice of selection. Other than that, he has already done everything he needs to do.

However, things have to look in the right direction. No matter how bad his achievements are, he will definitely get the notice in the end, but he will only be a soldier among those million people.

"Yo, isn't this our Daniel? Why are you wearing a dead face? Did someone slap you in the selection? I want to say, my choice is really right, abandoning you is the best thing in my life!"

The person who spoke and mocked was Daniel's ex-girlfriend. Looking at his ex-girlfriend in front of him, he realized that people can be so vicious.

She felt he couldn't make much money and was incompetent.

Daniel ignored the woman in front of him, and suddenly, the communication device on his wrist rang.

"Mr. Daniel Laroko, please go to the nearest warp drive to collect the selection results of the Starship Trooper Trials."

The result came so soon? That was fast. Now he doesn't have to worry about his ranking. He can just look at the results.

Right next to him is a warp drive. After swiping his ID card, a letter appeared in front of Daniel.

But before Daniel could pick it up, a hand passed him and got the letter first.

"Let me see what good results you useless bastard can get."

"Comrade Daniel Laroko, you won the No. 27,954 Battlefield Survival No. 2 in the Starship Trials..."

The ex-girlfriend holding the letter suddenly stopped here, which made Daniel extremely upset. Is it because his grades were so poor that his ex-girlfriend didn't bother to read it?

He had lost all patience with this woman, so he grabbed the envelope without waiting any longer.

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