
Interesting Developments

Currently, I was having an intense battle with the two bums one cheek topped with sauce and cheese in front of me aka the delicacy that I have been wanting to taste since a long time, hamburger.

My hands would almost touch it but then I would pull it out and check the surroundings.

Is there any statue near me? Good! No statue. Maybe this time I can try eating it.

My hand almost touched it... almost.

I could see things playing out in slow motion, my hand nearing the beautiful hamburger but then a hand belonging to someone else intercepting in between and stealing it from me.

Wide-eyed, I looked at the hand in front of me. It was fair and petite but with long fingers. Following the hand, I saw a blonde-haired lady staring at the burger in her hand curiously.

She looked at me from the corner of her eye and took a small bite. Her face contorted into a mixture of pleasure and disgust.

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