
The devil himself.

Warning: There are mentions of underage drinking and drugs.


Currenlty, me and Nova are sat across from the supposed devil. We both checked in at the hotel and reserved a suite for 2 months all included, for a total of $40,000. After than we made out way back to Lux, since I am interested in what this man said before.

The devil.

I wonder if it's real, the biblical stories. Lucifer rebelled and tried to overthrow God and was sentenced to a life ruling hell when he failed. And said devil is supposedly standing in front of me with an amused smile and offering a 13 year old a glass of whiskey. Not that I would reject.

Or I woudn't, if Nova didn't snatch the glass from my hands. "You can't have that, your too young" She said and I just glanced at her from the corner of my eyes with an annoyed face. "Nova, do you remember when I said that I don't want anyone following me since I want freedom? This is what I meant." I said before snatching the glass back faster than her eyes could follow.

Lucifer meanwhile, just watched wit amusement with his right leg crossed over his left and one of his arms behind the sofa, the other currently bringing a glass closer to his lips. "So then, Mr Devil-"

"Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar" He corrected with a smirk, causing me to narrow my eyes. "Right then, Lucifer, what exactly did you mean when you said you were the devil?" My question earned me a chuckle. "Well, I would answer your question but would you rather not have your little maid leave the room since I can tell she knows nothing about you."

After thinking for a few seconds I realised he was right. "Yes, you're right. Nova please wait outside." I said and Nova looked quite shocked. "But miss, I can't leave you alone with a stranger proclaiming himself the devil."

"It's fine Nova, not to mention that if what he says is true, then you woudln't be able to stop him from doing anything anyway. You would just be a sacrifice" At my words she finally agreed, before proceeding to walk out of the room leaving me and the devil himself.

"So, my question still stands."

"Exactly what I said, I am the devil. Surely you know of the biblical story right."

"I do."

"Then there you have it, I was once an Archangel. Gods favourite. However, I didn't like the way things ran in heaven so I tried to overthrow the old man and when I failed... I was thrown into hell. I then ruled over hell for millions of years before I got bored and decided on a vacation, hence the nightclub." His little story also caused me to chuckle before I looked at my glass and slowly took a sip, savouring the taste.

If what he said is true then in front of me is the very devil himself, the supposedly most evil being alive, an immensely powerful one at that. After a few seconds of thinking I asked him a question I am sure he knew I was going to ask. "How do I know you aren't lying."

"Because the devil doesn't lie." He replied causing me to just stare at him and his smirk to grow. "Well I could prove it to you but first, don't you think it's my turn to ask some questions?" I raised an eyebrow at this before nodding my head and leaning back on the leather sofa I am currently seated on.

"Well let's start with something I should have asked before but, Who are you?" At this I laughed.

"Thea queen" I said. "Oh, I believe I have heard of you. You're that little prodigy that showed up in star city right? I believe I bought one of your paintings." At this, I raised an eyebrow before asking "which one?"

"The one with the little green creature holding up what I believe was a carton of chocolate milk. I think it was around 3 million."

As soon as these words left his mouth I burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAH, you bought the painting of baby yoda worshipping chocolate milk HAHAHAHAH. I only drew that as a joke and thought I lost it. I can't believe you bought it for 3 million." At my words he also chuckled with amusement.

"Yes, look it's hung above my bed." He declared proudly and he was right. When he pointed over to his bed, I saw the legend himself baby Yoda, causing me to laugh even harder. It took a few minutes for me to calm down. "Alright I am ready" I said.

"Splendid, first question, What are you?"

"A human"

"You lie, I can sense you have the blood of a demon running through you but different to any I have ever seen."

"WHAT" his statement caused me to spit out my drink and jump up from my seat. "That's a lie, both my parents are fully human, there is no way I could be any sort of demon."

"Well it's the truth. I do not know what type or even how, if what you said is the truth, but you definitely have the blood of a demon running through your veins, I thought you knew otherwise where would your powers come from?"

At his words, I sank back into the sofa before staring at the ceiling. "I was born with them. I have always had them but rarely ever use them since I didn't really want reporters swarming my house wondering how the hell I can transform into a dragon. Not even my family knew."

"Yes pesky little buggers reporters are. And whats this about a dragon?" he asked with curiosity.

"It's one of my abilities. I can transform into a 200M long eastern dragon or a hybrid of a dragon and a human."

"Fascinating, it just makes me more and more curious about what you are."

His words caused me to contemplate before I realised something. The evil God who sent me here told me he would give me the powers of the fruits, not the fruits themselves. That and my advanced mind, plus the eternal youth. The son of a bitch probably made me a demon using the energy from the 'devil' fruits. After all, there is no way for a human to be that strong nor live that long.

After my existential crisis that lasted a few minutes, I decided to continue with our little Q&A game.

"Anyway, don't you think it's time to show proof mr devil." My words caused him to chuckle.

Very well, what proof do you want. I could show you my face, I could show you my powers or I could change my eyes. I would offer to show you my angel wings but I cut them, I could show you the scar though."

"Why did you cut of your wings?"

"To express my hate towards the old man. I hated having something representing him attached to my back so I had mazekin removed them. Mazekin is a demon who followed me from hell."

"I see, well I would rather see your face, since a scar proves nothing and having powers doesn't mean you are the devil. I can also change my eyes but seeing your face would be the easiest way."

"Oh, and what can your eyes change into?" he asked intrigued. "Well I have 4 four different powers that influence the appearance of my eyes.

Dragon eyes

Phoenix eyes

lightning eyes

And light eyes.

Each time I use one of those abilites, my eyes correspond them."

"So I am assuming you can transform into both a dragon and a Phoenix, as well as control both light and lightning." He asked causing me to nod. "Fascinating indeed."

"Oh my, it seems I was distracted again. Have a look." Just as he finished speaking, his face changed. It was no longer a handsome british face but one that would instill terror in most.

His hair and beard disapeared and his skin turned red. His eyes became black with red pupils and his skin looked several times thicker. "Oh? So you really are the very devil himself." I said and he was quite shocked that a thirteen year old was not afraid of him, but then he chuckled remembering I am not exactly normal.

"I told you, the devil doesn't lie." he said and his face went back to 'normal'. "Well I will have to believe you from now on won't I." I said with a chuckle and reached out with my drink causing him to clink glasses with me before we both laughed and began to drink whilst asking questions.

Thus begins the beautiful friendship between the devil and a 'demon'.


3rd person POV


*Lucifer has been upstairs for a while, leaving me to run the bar by myself. Did he take a woman up there? I know he ain't asleep so what the fuck is he doing.*

Thought mazekin (maze) as she was still serving customers behind the bar as usual. She was wearing tight black leather pants that perfectly outline her ass and a sports bra showing her toned stomach. With long brown hair reaching her mid back, brown eyes and a wild aura, both men and woman were paying attention to her yet she seemd more instersted in what her boss was doing.

After getting impatient, she decided to go and check, so she began walking upstairs towards his room. When she arrives out side the room she see's a cute blond woman dressed like a maid, sat on a chair outside the door. As she walked closer the blonde woman heard the clicking of heels and looked in her direction.

"Are you one of his temporary playthings?" Maze asked causing Nova to look at her with confusion. "Huh? what do you mean?"

"I mean Lucifer, have you fucked him already or are you waiting your turn little doll." This caused Nora to look at her with disgust. "OF COURSE NOT! I'm waiting for Thea to come out so we can leave, they have been talking and laughing for over 3 hours." Nova said some what dejectedly. Thea gave her the choice to return back to the hotel but she refused since she is a maid and is supposed to stay with Thea.

"Oh and is this 'Thea' person fucking him then?" Maze asked and Nova was even more offended. "NO! THE YOUNG MISS IS ONLY 13, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" She shouted but Maze was surprised at the fact that Lucifer is laughing and spending time with a 13 year old since he normally hates brats. After a few seconds of shock, she decided to check out herself.

The closer she got to the door, the more she could hear the laughter and when she opened the door, she was hit with the smell of alchol and two people laughing extremely hard. Nova followed behind her wondering what her miss was up to and when the both walked further into the room the were stunned by what they saw.

Both Lucifer and Thea were on their knees, holding there stomachs whilst laughing with tears in their eyes. Around them were dozens of empty bottles of whiskey and wine, as well as an ashtray containing what smells like weed.



Mazekin was stunned seeing lucifer laughing with a child and her curiosity was peaked. As she looked over she saw a beautiful teenager. With long brown hair currently sprawled on the floor due to her kneeling and bright green eyes that were simply stunning. What intrigued her though was the sense of familiarity she had with the girl.

"Oh Mazekin, How you been?" Lucifer asked after he finally stopped laughing. He stood up before pouring another two drinks and handed one to the still laughing Thea, who took it with shaky hands.

"Well, you left me to run the bar for over 3 hours and I was bored so, I came to see what you were up to, only to find you laughing your ass off with a teenager." Maze said, not really knowing how to feel with the situation.

"Ah yes, meet my new friend, Thea Queen. She's the one who drew the painting of the little green creature I bought." These words cause Thea to began laughing even harder and even Nova stuggled to hold back a laugh. She knew about that painting and thought it was just a draft.

"Thea, this is maze, the demon I told you of who followed me here from hell." Thea had finally stopped laughing enough to stand before giving a nod towards Maze and sitting down and taking a sip of her whiskey once more, trying hard not to start laughing again.

Maze raised an eyebrow at the fact that Thea knew what she was, before walking over and pouring herself a drink. "You know what we are?" she asked after taking a seat beside Lucifer. "Yes, I have seen his face and also been told I am something of a demon myself." These words caused maze to choke on her drink and Nova to pale.

"WHAT!" she shouted, causing Thea to sigh after realising she has another explantion to give.

Thus, began a night filled with bottles of whiskey and lengthy conversations that nearly gave the pour maid a headache.

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