
6 - My Adoption

We arrived Mr Philip's Mansion. Looking at it, brought back memories of my Parents house; where we lived at Lagos. The gate keeper opened the gate, and Mr Philip drove in.

"This, is my house Florence. You are very much welcome." He said, as we came down from the car.

"Thank you sir." I said. Just then, an elegant woman in her forties, came out to welcome us.

"You two are here already!" She said and beamed some smiles.

"Yes honey. Florence, meet my wife. Mrs Dorcas,the treasure of my heart." She blushed and they kissed. She then led us into the house.

"Welcome to our humble abode. I'm sure you're the Florence my husband has been talking about?"

"Yes ma'am".

" Feel free dear. Have your seat, lunch will soon be served." She said in smiles and dashed to the kitchen.

"Excuse me dear. I will be right back." Mr Philip joined his wife in the kitchen.

"Hey sweet. How is that going?" He asked, referring to her cooking.

"Well, good. Came to help me?"

"Probably. Honey. I... thought of something just now." She covered the pot of food, to cook some minutes more. She then turned to face her husband.

"What could that be, dear?"

"Well... It's concerning Florence. She seems a good girl to me. Respectful and well brought up. I see a great destiny in her. She's an orphan and probably have no home. I suggests if it's fine by you, let's abduct her."He said.

" Hmm.. Not bad. I think I like that idea. After all, I haven't been able to conceive all these years. I hope she wouldn't mind?" She asked, suddenly looking worried.

"Don't worry dear. I'm sure if we talk to her, she would love it."

"OK then" She turned off the gas cooker and served the meal. She put some extra into a dinning bowl.

I was invited over to the dinning. We all sat and prayed, then began eating.

"Hmm... this is good dear." Mr Philip commented.

"Thanks hon. Florence dear, hope you enjoy the meal?" Mrs Dorcas asked.

"Oh yes ma. You sure are a good cook."

She smiled.

"Thanks dear. She patted my back. There was a brief silence.

- - - - -

" So Florence, what level of education are you?" Mr Philip asked, breaking the silence.

"Sir, I am a secondary school graduate. I was supposed to enter college years ago. Unfortunate, my Parents were not there to continue that for me." I said, sadly.

"Sorry to hear that dear. What did you intend to study at the university?"

"Engineering sir." I answered.

"Wow! That's good." The couple exchanged glances.

"Um Florence... I will obtain the admission forms for you. All I need is your Waec results. Don't bother about re writing jamb. I got connections." He said and the couple beamed smiles. I felt at once, heavy burdens lifted off me. I was shocked beyond words. I knelt down and kissed their feet.

"My God! Sir, ma I am truly great full. I don't know how to express my gratitude. Thank you so much. Honestly, you both remind me of my parents." I said and tried to fight back tears. Mrs Dorcas hugged me.

"It's okay dear. God loves you and that's why he favoured you this way. Please sit, we have one more thing to tell you." Mrs Dorcas said. We both sat.

"Florence dear, we want to suggest something. And we hope, it would be okay by you." I became anxious, itching to hear more.

"You see dear, My husband and I have lived for years without a child. Medically, am not able to conceive. We would like to abduct you as our child."

"Yes Florence, would you like to live with us?"Mr Philip asked softly. I just couldn't believe my years. Of course I couldn't give no for an answer, to a couple this nice to me. Of whom I knew not from Adam.

Then I was scared, that someone would wake me up and tell me it's all dreams.

#Oh God , does this mean you are still there for me?#

" Really? Ma, Sir honestly I wouldn't. mind. What my Parents couldn't continue doing, here you are. Doing all for me. May my bless you abundantly. " I said as tears streamed from my eyes.

"Amen" The couple said in chorus.

"My dear, you can move in next week. At when it's convenient for you." Mrs Dorcas said.

"My driver will come pick up the Waec results, so that I can start working on your admission." Mr Philip said. I appreciated them and left, feeling delighted.

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