
Lightning strikes

Saqoa balancing himself in the strong wind threw a beam with force towards sky .Suddenly the intensity of the storm became a little low.

Jis : I realized this.This is a fake storm .There is something behind it .

Tuk : Your therory was correct .

Jis : Sometimes you have to.believe your intellect no matter how stupid you think you are .

Marine said smiling at Jis "Nice catch jis."

Bret took out his sword and striked jard in the air .The whole area was filled with fiery light for a moment .

After the light cleared the intensity of the wind became very low.

Suddenly the wind stopped and a bright moon light appeared over them.

Mith : This isn't feeling really good .

Suddenly they all started feeling cild as a very cold wind blew.It felt like it will freeze them.

Jis : What's happening ?

Marine : The atmosphere changed.Seems like whoever was causing that illusion can cause some atmospheric changes too .

Marine started focussing as he closed his eyes .

He suddenly pointed his index finger towards sky and released a sparkling golden sunstance from his fingers.It was his own magic.He gained many extra abilities during the time .

The food that they ate also gave them some new abilities .The sparkling like substance was a result of one such reaction .

With the sparkling substance in yhe air tye cold feelings changed.The atmosphere suddenly turned peaceful .

Jis : This is so peaceful .

Suddenly a black ball came sppedily towards him .Marine sidestepped and the ball passed near him with high velocity .

"Careful " screamed Marine .

Another ball came from vertical direction towards Jis but he was mangee to escape .

Suddenly a large number of such balls started coming towards them from all directions.They now turned offensive .

They focussed their powers towards their hands and started attacking at the balls with their hands at a high speed .

The balls got blasted .

They moved their hands at a really high speed .

After continuing this for a few more time the balls stopped coming . They did it without much problem

Marine : Jis Mith and Tuk you guys have really improved in two years .I have to say you guys are really fast learners .Afterall you were all chosen with the fruit . This is our first battle after almost a year .

Tuk : Marine , Saqoa and Bret You too are exceptional.You have learned so awesome new techniques .

Jis : But what were these things ?

Mith : Whatever they were, we defeated them all.

Mith tells in a confident voice .

Jis : You were the one opposing that.

Mith : Well that was a logical decision.

I guess Your excited auras felt the presence of other strong auras and made with exciyed for a fight .

Well my aura is of excited type too but i guess maybe because of the stone I became a little different to you .

Tuk : I guess.

Marine : Just what is this stone ?

Saqoa : Forget about that, let's enjoy.Its been a year guys and on the top of it it was a victory for us.

Tuk : Do you know how much more time we have to stay ?

Marine : As far i heard Its almost abiut five years .

Saqoa : Marine told that many times .

Tuk : Sorry.

Saying this Tuk smiles .

They were all laughing except Bret

Marine tells Bret who was standing indifferent from them watching serioisly at the ground ," Hey comeon Bret let's celebrate . Bret ! Bret."

Bret's concentration suddenly broke.

He became surprised and said ," Guys i feel like something is coming ."

Jis : We will manage it .Don't worry .

Bret : Just remember Many never return from this island. We should not underestimate the dangers of this island .

Mith : Did my serious aura get transferred to you ?

Bret : I don't know. I am feeling strange.

I have been focussing on the ground for a little time and something is not right .

Marine : Let' s not take too much pressures.You know many strange things have happened to us. YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED TO US IN THE TREES against the dramons.

Saqoa : Are we some kind of awkard teams who met together ?

Marine : May be yes .

Bret : They were ALL TIRED DRAMONS. I don't wish to see Healthy ones .

Marine : We were all safe .

Bret : We may not be in the future. Look guys i know something special have been happening to us. I got those tree dreams many times after that day .But we should not be ignorant about the dangers .

Marine : I believe you Bret .If you are saying something bad is coming there must be but now let's have fun.

Marine held Bret's hand and started moving round with him as the others cheered .

Master Zoh : Akhand. Is it the time ?

Akhand : Yes sir the Training time is over.The shield will be removed any time now .

Master Zoh : You go and prepare the new knights to be very tough and ask Lutan to visit me .

Master Lutan visits Master Zoh .

Lutan : Master Zoh have you called me ?

Master Zoh : Lutan , the matter is really serious.

The island's protective shield will be off soon.

Someone has opened a portal near Brigade town.

The portal is really strong and while it doesn't affect the Town it is connects straight to the island.

We must make sure no infiltration occurs .

The portal is really strong . A member of ten strong knight soldiers under the leadership of a curse destroyer tried to destroy it but they were killed.The Curses there are really strong .To destroy them huge energy is required.We the higher uos should take charge now .

Lutan : Don't worry sir . Iam leaving now .I understand what i have to do ?

Master Zoh : Don't you have to ask more about it ? Why are you always so cold and angry and awkward ? You should be happy sometimes you know .

Lutan : Master i just can't fix in these .

May i leave now Master .

Master Zoh : As you wish .

Lutan leaves .

Lutan thinks : This thing may be really strong . In that case i must prepare myself for a hectic battle .

- to be continued

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