

Getting a bit out of hand.

The bell rang loudly, alarming us that third period has ended. I didn't waste a second in the classroom and gathered my books, standing up from my chair as I made my way out of the classroom.

I was spacing out and remembering what happened before first period and as always, I didn't look where I was going and bumped into someone.

Great, just what I needed. Max bitch and her followers. "Look, I don't have time for this." I tried to walk past her, but her followers blocked my way. "Carolina, Paola. I am in a very good mood today. Don't let that change." I gave them both a warning, the look on their faces changing as they shifted their eyes at Lucy. I stepped back with a shook of a head, rolling my eyes, I am definitely not choosing violence today, even though I could. "Where do you think you're going?"

I see, she is obviously looking for trouble. "Ohm, to my next class?" I stated slowly, a perfectly arched brow in question as I laughed at her stupidity. "You know exactly what I mean."

"Look Lucy, I don't know exactly what your mean is supposed to mean but I am not going to waste my time or day with you, so if you excuse me."

This time, she is the one who blocked my way, "Will you move out of my way? Or am I supposed to move you?" My words clearly filled with annoyance as I threw her a fake smile, my hips cocked to a side as I stared at my nails and stretched out my hand to look at them better, glancing back at her.

"I'd like to see you try." I chuckled, shaking my head at her naivety, "Okay, don't say I didn't warn you." I shoved her to the side and slammed her against the locker, "You bitch!" She growled at me furiously, ready to lung at me but her followers held her back. Yeah, they should. I always wanted to disfigure her face.

I smiled tauntingly at her, my head held high as I pushed my hair back, turning around on my heels as I walked away.

I sighed deeply when I turned around the corner, inhaling and exhaling before making my way to my next class. I opened the door and walked in; thank God the teacher wasn't here yet. I walked in and went to sit in the middle when someone put her foot out for me to trip, but I saw it just in time and shoved it back hard with my foot, making her take her foot away, hissing in pain.

"Next time I will break your foot, you know I can." Another Lucy follower, I shook my head with a scoff as I smiled triumphantly and sat down on my chair. The door opened and the teacher walked in. "Good morning students, nice to see you haven't change Dan, take your ass off the table please." The students laughed at Dan who turned red and sat down on his chair.

He put his briefcase and books on his desk and stood in front of the class. "Hello guy's welcome back. For those who are new in my class, I am your biology teacher Mr. Gray, but you guys can call me Grayson."

The rest of the lesson was quite interesting, Mr. Gray obviously knew what he was talking about, and he kept things alive and not boring.

It was decent.

The bell rang just in time, and I grabbed my things hurriedly, heading to my next class.

I looked down on my schedule to see what I had next, cooking class, this better be good. I opened the door and walked in, taking a seat next to Mara. She was part of our pack; her dad was a warrior and quite known in the pack. "Hey Alexandra. How are you?"

"I'm fine thanks for asking." She smiled at me as I removed a piece of hair that was bothering my eyes from my face, glancing up as someone stood in front of our table. "Mara. How can you hang around this slut?" Can't she just disappear? I mean? For the love of God.

Why can't you see that I am choosing peace instead of violence today?

"I can talk to whoever I want Lucy." Mara growled out lowly. "And why are you talking about yourself?" Mara gave her a smile.

"Ha-ha, very funny. If I, were you, I wouldn't trust her next to my boyfriend. Next thing you know, she's sleeping with them."

Mara turned to look at me confused before she turned to Lucy. "Are you indirectly talking about you and Max, I never knew that you two had a thing."

"Of course, we are a thing." In that crazy mind of hers, "Tell me Lucy, how does it feel like, faking a whole relationship in your head? You must be quite lonely." She curled up her fingers into fists as she stared at me with hatred clearly visible in her eyes.

"You're just jealous because Max and I are together." I laughed, literally laughed in her face. She was so obsessed with him that it was pathetic.

"Lucy, I don't care about you or Max. You're the only one obsessed with the both of us. You're obsessed with Max because he clearly doesn't want you and you're obsessing about me being with Max when I can't even stand being next to him. Get a grip. You'll end up going insane at the end, wondering, assuming. Why can't you just wake up from the delusional state your mind is in? This is not healthy for you."

"You stay away from Max!" She threw food in my face and the next thing I know, we were having a food fight. "Max is mine! You won't have him." My fingers prickled in anger; I could feel a rage surge through me before I lunged at her.

The class circling around us as they chanted 'fight' over and over. I landed a few punches on her before I was pulled away, kicking and screaming for the person to let me go.

"Can't do that princess." Of all the people in this room it had to be him. I'm sure he's smirking at me with that stupid face of his right now. "Let go of me you idiot." I hissed while kicking and screaming at him.

This was all his fault!

"That's it." He threw me over his shoulder and walked us out of the classroom, my small fists pounding on his back as I hit him over and over, but he just laughed at me and kept on walking. "Keep this up and I'm going to hit you back but in another place." I blushed slightly but pinned my lips in a thin line.

"I'd like to see you try asshole." I hissed while hitting him across his head. "You asked for it." He said before slapping me on my ass. "How dare you slap my precious ass like that?" I gasped in horror before slapping him on his ass, firm hmm not bad.

He chuckled slightly but didn't say anything about the slap. "You asked for it." He sang annoyingly and I bored holes on his back.

Ask for it my ass.

I huffed and tried to keep my head up. "Max this position is a bit uncomfortable."

"Well suck it up buttercup." He chuckled darkly.

"Max put me down, I'm okay now." He ignored me and kept on walking, acting as if I wasn't there. That asshole. "Put me down Max." I growled out angrily, kicking my knees on his stomach. He groaned, placing me down as he touched his stomach, "You're so aggressive." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms as I glared at her. "Why did you pull me away from Lucy? She had it coming by the way. She even threw food at me." Max chuckled, stepping forward as he extended his hand, pulling out rice from my hair.

I chuckled too, staring up into his eyes. He gave me a small smile, pulling out more rice from my hair. I cleared my throat, stepping away from him. "This doesn't mean that we're cool."

"Of course." We stepped closer at that, his hands on my face as he kissed me passionately, my hands on his chest as my mouth moved in sync with his. My body curled up against his as his arms wrapped around me, my hand on his chest feeling his heart beating fast.

His arms tightened around my waist as he deepened our kiss, my hands roaming over his broad and muscular shoulders.

I grunted at my unresponsive legs and tried to step away from him even so. "You're fucking stubborn." He growled as he grabbed me by my elbow. Yanking my elbow away from his grip, I shoot daggers at him.

"You know damn well I am, don't look so surprise." I scoffed with a shook of a head and a small laugh, "When it comes to you, my stubbornness reaches another level, a level where I can't even handle myself. You," I pointed at him, "You made me like this, distrusted, angry, confused. I can't deal with you anymore. That's just it. And Lucy? Lucy's been souring my life ever since you took her in your bed, after your so called love for me that last very shortly."

"Sleeping with her was a mistake. Something I could never forgive myself for doing. It was a moment of weakness and anger; it was low of me I must admit. But how many times do I have to tell you that I am sorry. I can't go back even if I wanted to." He pressed his body against mine, "I know I did things that weren't that great, but I can't go back, I can't change the fact that I have failed everyone I cared about in my life."

I groaned as I pushed him away from me, putting space between us as I ran a rough hand through my hair. He is the one who doesn't get it. He makes me feel everything and I hate it. "I don't know what I want okay! This is stupid! No, I am stupid!" I screamed to myself. "I am stupid for being madly in love with you after what you did to me."

"Alexa. You're not stupid." Max said as he took a step toward me, touching my face lovely. "You're not the only one that's still very much in love." I closed my eyes for a moment before taking a deep breath, opening them again to stare at Max. Well, more like shooting daggers at him.

"Max! Every time you are close, every time you are near there is something!" My eyes clouded, "We can't stand a minute close without.... without having a discussion that turns into something more! I can't live like this!"

"Stop freaking out! This can all be solve if you only let me but you are pushing me away every time I try." He putted emphasis on each word as he tried to grab me again. I moved away and turned around to start walking away. "Look who's walking away from her problems now Alexandra!" Max called me out, making me turn around and glare at him hatefully before stalking towards him.

"You won bravo." I clapped my hands. "You got what you wanted congratulations. You managed to piss the hell out of me Max." By now we were face to face.

He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. "You don't like to hear the truth ha! You accused me of walking away but you're the queen of walking away when the problems become too much for you to handle."

My mouth literally dropped, and I looked at him incredulously. "How dare you call me the queen of walking away?" I glared at him. "I may walk away but I don't hide behind it and use it as an excuse for my actions. You walked away right? Now it's my turn to walk away, maybe you'll realize how it feels seeing someone that cares deeply for you walk away." I threw at him before turning around, walking away.

“You’re fighting it. I know you still want me.”

anais_baromeocreators' thoughts
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