

"Do you hear yourself when you speak?" 


At a bar located in Downtown Central Desper, Blake Klim and his father, Otal Klim, were seated by the bar table with bruises and hatred marked all over them. The teenage boy, having not seen his father for eight years, was forced to sit and listen to his 'command' concerning what he wanted.


Otal Klim went on and explained what he wished for his son to do…something that involved him uncovering the identity of the holders of the Canine and Feline Beast Systems. While explaining what he wanted, Otal made sure not to mention anything concerning his line of work, his wife/Blake's mother, and the CRAIN. 


To make this believable, he lied to his son that the reason he wanted to unmask the identity of the two holders was because of a bounty hunting job. 


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