

The land of Tamriel is a land of mystery, horror, and magic

But only now did I realize that it held little to the power found within the 8 realms, within a life i now remembered living

While men could walk amongst any race in Skyrim, there was far more blood in every realm within any age. Where Tamriel fought the Deadric princes, Sigmar faced the Chaos gods. And Where Skyrim had Vampires, Shyish had the Soulblight and Flesheater courts.

Awakening within my home, beside my father and mother, I found my mind assailed by thousands if not millions of memories. Some clear as day and others foggy as the morning mist.

A remembered a life of blood and slaughter, Seas filled with blood, and a deal struck for a bloody kiss. A kiss that was earned with blood, promised blood and took blood

Radukar the wolf was a man, beast, and monster. He had begun life much as I had, cold and alone. He had found a life of carnality amongst the waves, living as a pirate warlord, reaping all he could want from any who opposed him. He was unmatched with the blade and stronger than any had the right to be… but he began to age, as all men do

Fearing death Radukar had struck an accord with a race of Vampires known as the Vyrkos, a court of blood drinkers who worshiped the wolf and embraced their animalistic nature like no other. Tasked with collecting an artifact from an ancient crypt in order to join their number Raduakr had fought and killed the guardian beast, a two-headed wolf with nothing but his bear hands. Earning the Bloody kiss and immortality

But for now, that was all i remembered, only the facts and only to a certain point

I remembered every moment that Radukar… no, that I had spent as a man. I remembered my days on the sea, the blood and I remembered my life!

I had been reborn


"Are you ready to go?" My father asked as he fastened the last of our belongings onto a wagon. We were leaving the village, my parents had found themselves unable to stay after my near-death experience, unable to meet the eyes of the people who had condemned their child to death

"Of course" i Grinned, happy to be leaving. There was nothing for me here, aside from the occasional howl of the wolves and my family, nothing about this silly little hovel brought me joy. I had places to be and I could feel the sea beckoning my blood as if my old nature was pulling me forward

Since my near death and awakening, i had felt my old self become clear within my own mind, suddenly i gained new habits and even skills. I all of a sudden found myself enjoying mead and able to analyze those around me, disconcerting truth and lie through just there body language. I found myself fascinated with the art of the blade and with the sea, suddenly the woods and the sea of ghosts went from a background view to something my very blood wanted to conqure and explore

And one day i would, I would sail the lost and discover the forgotten, but for now, i needed to grow and gain strength… and help my father pack the wagon

"I for one, won't miss this damn place" Gori, my mother said as she rubbed her stomach "this was never any place to raise children in the first place" that's right, she was pregnant! I would have a sibling within the year and I was unsure how that made me feel

I was still stuck between my old and new self, my very soul unsure of what type of person i was to be. At times i Felt like an old man and at others like a newborn child. It was all very strange, however, I did know that if someone tried to harm me or mine i would rip them apart with my very hands

But that was nothing new…

And finally, as we climbed onto the wagon, the horses my father had recently acquired, selling his own bow and armor to afford them, we set off. I did not even cast a glance towards the villagers as we rode past, ignoring their farewells and ashamed expressions, they were not truly Nords, they were nothing but weak and pathetic

Instead I looked to the woods, watching as the shadows shifted in the shapes of four-legged predators and beasts, eyes of yellow tracking our movements in the dark, like unseen guardians. The creatures of the woods had decided to give us a farewell.

I closed my eyes and listened as the sounds of dozens if not hundreds of howls and roars emanate from the snowy forest, frightening our horses into a gallop and causing both of my parents to begin swearing as only a true Nord could. But i was not afraid, i knew that we were safe, even going as far as to let out a howl of my own, causing both my parents to look at me in shock

And after that i laughed, seeing a sight that my parents did not as they held on for dear life to our speeding wagon

I watched as hundreds of wolves and dozens of bears descended upon our old village and smiled

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