
Chapter 418: Life Achievements of Dumbledore and Hacker (Edited)

Humphrey: !!!

What had he just witnessed? Did the fireplace flames turn green, and did someone emerge from them? Wasn't this some strange trick?

So, was the magical world Arnold mentioned actually real?

Humphrey scrutinized the "fireplace visitor" carefully. He had light blond hair down to his shoulders, pale skin, sharp, thin cheeks, and cold, grayish-blue eyes. He held a silver staff with a serpent's head, its open mouth seeming ready to devour someone.

"Lucius Malfoy," he quickly approached Humphrey and shook his hand while wearing leather gloves.

This arrogant and disrespectful behavior instantly worsened Sir Humphrey's first impression of this man. However, his many years of experience in politics had strengthened his ability to conceal his emotions. Humphrey suppressed his inner feelings and greeted the stranger with indifference.

The man standing before the Muggle civil leader was Lucius Malfoy. Although Lucius was a noble wizard, head of the Malfoy family, and a supporter of pureblood lineage, he actually maintained a close relationship with Muggle high society, thanks to the dark favors the Malfoy family did for the conqueror William.

Amand Malfoy had used the lands granted by King William I to establish Malfoy Manor and begin land consolidation. By the time the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was enacted, the Malfoy family had fully integrated into Muggle high society.

When the International Statute was officially implemented, the Malfoy family claimed to have severed all ties with Muggles, but there is ample evidence to show that even up to Queen Elizabeth I's era, they maintained a very close relationship with royalty. Lucius Malfoy I even courted the queen.

This complicity was passed down through generations alongside the civil system, eventually creating a network of relations where the Malfoy family and civil leaders collaborated and maintained a cooperative relationship.

However, in recent years, this connection has gradually faded. While old Malfoy (Lucius's father, Abraxas Malfoy) was alive, he had worked closely with Arnold on several occasions with great camaraderie. But since old Malfoy's death, the relationship between the Malfoy family and Arnold was not as close.

Communication between both parties had become more inertial, more like a tradition, like eating turkey at Christmas. Is the turkey tasty? No, but it's a tradition.

Although Lucius had a cold attitude, Arnold valued him highly and the influence of the pureblood families he represented. Now, Arnold was retiring and needed to pass on that legacy to his successor as cabinet secretary.

"Is he the new cabinet secretary?" After Lucius shook Humphrey's hand and exchanged brief greetings, he looked at Arnold and asked, "Can I trust him?"

"Of course, Sir Humphrey is our most reliable colleague. I believe he will be able to handle all relevant matters perfectly," Arnold replied kindly.

"That's great. I hope we can collaborate as pleasantly as our previous generations did," said Lucius Malfoy before turning and walking directly toward the fireplace. As the green flames rose once again, he disappeared.

He didn't even bother with a proper farewell; his attitude was extremely superficial.

While Humphrey was still puzzled by the fireplace returning to normal, Arnold's face turned completely cold.

"It seems Mr. Malfoy is not as reliable as his father," Arnold said as he toyed with the wine glass in his hand. Humphrey approached with a wine decanter and poured him a glass.

"Reliability is a very important quality."


For civil servants, that was a consensus. If someone was considered "unreliable," it was equivalent to being unanimously rejected.

"Pero I guess we don't have another candidate, that's a pity," Humphrey sighed.

Arnold swirled the wine glass and watched as the liquid flowed slowly along the edge of the glass. "Not necessarily, Humphrey. I think I should tell you a little secret of the prime ministers."


"Mr. Dumbledore, it was truly pleasant talking to you," Hacker said as he exited Dumbledore's office.

During his time in the office, Hacker and Dumbledore had engaged in a lengthy conversation. Hacker began by sharing his experiences on the road, revealing a bit about his life and experiences to Dumbledore, who also shared his own stories from his youth.

It was wonderful because Hacker realized this elderly man had lived through Churchill's era fully. So, they delved into a deep discussion about that remarkable time filled with change.

This discussion lasted for more than two hours.

Overall, the conversation between the two parties had been harmonious during these two hours and more. Except when Dumbledore inquired about Hacker's accomplishments.

"You ask me what I've done? Let me see..." Professor Dumbledore pulled out a small card from somewhere and read the words written on it: "Defeat the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, discover twelve uses of dragon's blood, collaborate effectively in the field of alchemy with my partner Nicolas Flamel. My hobby... cough! Yes, those are my achievements."

"But personally, I believe being included on a chocolate frog card is the most noteworthy accomplishment. So, Mr. Hacker, what have you done?" Dumbledore put away the chocolate frog card back into his drawer.

While Hacker wondered what exactly a chocolate frog card was, he heard a question that left him perplexed.

What have you done?

This was truly a thought-provoking question.

"I... have been an editor-in-chief of a newspaper, a member of the local Parliament, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Administrative Affairs..."

Clearly, he was responding to a different question. But Dumbledore didn't delve further because if he continued asking, the conversation could become quite uncomfortable.

Dumbledore: I've defeated the first dark wizard, discovered twelve uses of dragon's blood, helped create the Philosopher's Stone, led my followers in the fight against the second dark wizard, and "sealed" him.

Hacker: I've managed to keep the name of British sausages! (Note: humorous reference)

The day was over!

During the conversation, Dumbledore also observed Hacker. After speaking, he felt that Hacker was an acceptable person and that there were no fundamental conflicts of interest between them. In case the fight against Voldemort affected the non-magical world, Hacker also had the capability to handle it properly.

"Lunchtime is approaching, why don't we have lunch together?" Since they were already here, they could have lunch together; after all, Hogwarts wouldn't run out of a place for Hacker.

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