
Nah Just Me and My Puppets

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The battlefield is completely torn apart blood leaks down my face as the world is soon engulfed into the Infinite Tsukiyomi leaving Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi-sensei, and I behind. Gritting my teeth together I stood back up on both of my legs panting from exhaustion Madara looks down at me from above. "Still even when your outmatched you stand against me Takumi Fushiguro! you possess no bloodline of great renown, no ocular technique, nor any ninjutsu you're just a civilian boy playing pretend with his toy dolls!" I say nothing at first until my lips pull back and I find myself laughing "ahahahaha yeah well you know what fuck bloodlines! fuck dojutsu! fuck ninjutsu! AND FUCK YOU! I don't need any of that to keep up with my teammates or the likes of you." I shouted with fury. My hand swipes the seal on my heart "I may be a civilian shinobi but even someone normal can easily topple down the might of a Kami! With this forbidden seal unlocked I summon...the great divine puppet general MAHORAGA!!" Authors Note: -creative puppeteer-fuinjutsu-genjutsu MC -not instant op or constant fucking like in these other fics that I've been seeing lately - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Naruto Movies, and Boruto - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional -only one single love interest. - I am not consistent always because of college and my attentions always switches between fanfics

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Chapter 1Chapter One: Life is Just to Cruel

Takumi Fushiguro POV

At the young age of five I learned that life in this world of ours was just to cruel "I am sorry Takumi, but your parents have passed in the line of shinobi duty," a dog masked shinobi informed. 

I remember freezing in shock vividly recalling when I had last saw them. It was during the night before they went out to do their mission I was tucked into my bed after a long day of training with my father. 

Now they were gone...just like that "as you are the son of two highly skilled jonin and have your chakra unlocked you will be allowed to keep living in the apartment by yourself. Your parents have left you a small fortune that should last you until the day you become a genin.

Any shinobi related items or scrolls have long since been confiscated and will be returned to you upon entering your first year at the ninja academy," the masked shinobi then turned to leave after explaining everything, but I wasn't satisfied just yet. 

What was previously an empty hollow feeling in my chest was now replaced with anger "wait! How did they die please tell me!" I desperately shouted after the masked shinobi causing him to stop. 

He sighs "they were unfortunate enough to have encountered a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist a group comprised of A to S ranked shinobi that originate in Kiri you'll probably learn more about them when you enter the academy," and with that he disappeared with a poof. 

When the man finally left, I collapsed to the ground my painful cries of sorrow cannot be heard by anyone for my heart conceals it from the rest of this cruel shinobi world. 

For the next two years it was just a lonely existence there was no one to care for me but myself. Most of the time I had was spent training over what little my parents taught me before their eventual demise.

My mother was puppeteer mistress from Suna, she taught me how to perform chakra strings, how to identify various plant life, and a little bit of chakra control. Now my father on the other was a shinobi from Konoha his specialty was more focused on weapons and taijutsu he taught me how to physically condition my body and how to wield both traditional and untraditional shinobi weapons. 

I tried befriending other people my age like how my mother wanted me to, but they never wanted to hang out with me I was for I was for lack of a better word mature and serious like an adult. So, I just gave up and continued on with my life which was just breakfast, train, lunch, train, dinner, train, sleep, then rinse and repeat. 

My training was for one purpose and only one...the complete elimination of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. I am not aware which one of these so-called swordsmen killed my parents but one way or another they would die. 

This style of life continued until the year where I entered the academy for the first time arrived. A knock on my door causes me to place the tactics book I was reading on the table as I headed over to see who it was.

Peeping through the eye hole I see the familiar face of the third Hokage looking at me with a smile slowly I open the door "ah hello there young one you must be Takumi Fushiguro the son of Toji Fushiguro and Yuki Inoue, correct?" he asked as I just dumbly nodded wondering why the Hokage of all people was here at my apartment. 

I step to the side inviting the old man in he gave the apartment a once over before nodding in approval "I see you've kept your household in good condition that's quite impressive most kids your age wouldn't even bother to keep their place clean at all," he remarked causing my lips to curl into a slight smile. 

"No offense to you sir but if I may ask...why are you here?" I asked getting straight to the point causing the old man to chuckle "don't tell me you've forgotten about tomorrow Takumi you'll be entering the academy.

As such I've personally come to give you the scrolls your parents left behind for you along with proof of your acceptance," he said taking out a small box and a scroll with the Hokage's stamp on it. 

Shakily my hands grasp onto the box containing the last things that my parents left behind for me their very legacy.

I gratefully bowed to the old man "thank you Lord Hokage this means more to me then you could ever imagine," I said holding the box in one hand while the other held the scroll of acceptance. 

Lord Third merely smiles "you don't need to thank me my boy I am just doing what any leader of their village should be doing...speaking of which you don't mind if I smoke my pipe here?" he asked pulling out his pipe. 

I nodded my head in approval "my thanks Takumi...sigh that's better," he said after igniting the pipe with a minor fire jutsu curiosity gets the better of me as I asked, "why do you smoke Lord Hokage is it really all that good?" 

He shakes his head "when you get to my age stress tends leave a heavy burden on you and for me smoking just so happens to relive that stress and cope with the shinobi life without it, I may just go crazy hahahaha!" he laughs before coughing.

"Anyways that's all I came here for my boy I'll be taking my leave now," the old man said turning to leave but then suddenly stopping halfway through the door "oh right silly me I forgot to mention that you'll be having a new neighbor tomorrow he should be around your age so try to get along with him alright Takumi," he said disappearing in a blur.

 I raise a brow at that but ultimately shrug and instead turn my attention back to the box in my hand. Going over to the couch I place the box down on the table and slowly opened the lid the first scroll within makes contact with my line of sight 'The Art of Creating Puppets by Yuki Inoue'

Not wasting any further time, I take the scroll and started reading by tomorrow I would learn to craft my first two original puppets, 

-end of chapter one-

Takumi Fushiguro looks exactly like Megumi in JJK and his Dad still looks the same as he does in JJK with similar personality but not completely. 

This has been an idea that I had at the back of my mind for a while, and I decided I would start writing the first chapter today.

There will be original puppets and some puppet creations based off the JJK series. 

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